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Expedition Sign-ups

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Grizzled Veteran
As the seasons change to spring in HollowOak village, those who volunteered for the expedition across the land get ready to head out on their adventure. This is where you sign your characters up for the next Meta event! This go around, you may participate with two characters, but think about how much roleplay you're actually willing to do before signing up multiple characters! These villagers will be passing by the village of FeatherFall so if you have a character in that village who you'd like to participate, they absolutely can! It will be a few posts in before we'll get to them though so be aware of that. You have a week to sign up as the next Meta will start on March 1st! Only characters who signed up will be able to participate! In short how it works
  • You may sign up two characters
  • Characters from FallingFeather are allowed
  • Only characters who are signed up will be able to participate
  • Only certed characters can participate
  • Only adult characters can participate
Characters who've signed up: Shulbari Raja Amali Lana Alder Nayzee Zakiax Tatyana Jorildyn Siofra Miren Nari Osha Calliope Glisselda Gunnar (edited)

robbedragon02/23/2024 9:00 PM
Shulbari and Raja will go. Mostly to watch each other.
NatiStorm02/23/2024 9:01 PM
Amali is my only character who qualifies so I'll send her xD
Falcona02/23/2024 9:03 PM
I might as well involve myself: I think I only have Lana
Swamp Siren02/23/2024 9:22 PM
Alder. To prove she wants to help the village
Rainyaviel02/23/2024 9:24 PM
Nayzee is obviously going but... who else to send
🐉Zakiax02/23/2024 9:40 PM
Zakiax will go
ᙏᙓᒪOᙏᗩᖇ 🐸02/23/2024 10:04 PM
Tatyana will go!
Rainyaviel02/23/2024 10:05 PM
Jorildyn will also go!
Luna02/23/2024 10:30 PM
Siofra will go please
xpressionless02/24/2024 1:49 AM
Mirin will go.
Revel02/24/2024 3:04 AM
Nari and Osha
belloblossom02/26/2024 1:07 AM
Calliope + Glisselda will go!
DBPyrat02/29/2024 10:15 AM
Gunnar will go
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