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Pokémon Expeditions

[Expedition] Walking the Grasslands [Complete]

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Grizzled Veteran
Let's go! Expedition time!
Players participating: DavyJnah

Trainers participating: Takuto Yoshida
Pokémon participating:
Takuto Yoshida
Trainer Stats2233-13232
#00340 - Beginner - N. Totodile
3 (4)
3 (4)
1 (3)
2 (4)
1 (3)
3 (5)
2 (5)
1 (5)
2 (5)
1 (5)
#00376 - Beginner - Eevee
3 (4)
2 (4)
2 (4)
2 (4)
3 (4)
2 (5)
1 (5)
2 (5)
2 (5)
2 (5)
#00378 - Beginner - Pikachu
2 (4)
1 (3)
2 (5)
2 (4)
2 (4)
1 (5)
3 (5)
1 (5)
3 (5)
1 (5)

Expedition area: Area 01: Newbreeze Grasslands [Starter]


Grizzled Veteran
Another trip out to the Newbreeeze Grasslands. Third time coming out to the area and seeing what he might find. Taking once again his trusty team of Triteia the Nauwillian Totodile, Akamas the Eevee, and Damaris the Pikachu. Today he would let Damaris take the lead. She was quite excited to be out and was already causing a little bit of mischief, but sticking close to him knowing it was safer to do so. He pushed his hair out of his eyes and adjusted his glasses. The backpack he had retrofitted had spots on the straps to allow him to carry six Pokemon with him. Of course he only had the three right now with him. Once he get better he would have the other three Pokemon he could take with him. This time he had also packed some snacks and lots of water. Better to be over prepared than under prepared and he had been the last couple of times. Especially the last expedition out here. Thankfully they hadn't really run into much at all.

Before they knew it, Takuto and Damaris were within the grasslands. He was still in awe of it each time he came to this place. The plains seemed to stretch on forever under the blue sky. He swore this time he saw a few shadows pop up and then disappear between the tall blades of grass. Not that he would be able to take any of them home, but at least he could continue to feel himself out in this area before trying out the other expedition area that opened up.

They moved a little close to the coast, but still some grassland between them and the beach there. Damaris seemed to be enjoying herself as she would disappear from one part where there was taller grass to grass that was barely high enough to cover anything. He had given his Pikachu a couple of berries and she was quite content over that. So far the expedition felt more like a mini vacation than anything else.


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d10 7 7
The screen flashes and exciting music plays...
Current Word Count: 342
Total GEs Earned: 1
GEs Already Used: 0

7Uh oh, one of your pokémon has something gross in its mouth... Roll (DEX or STR) + INS to avoid eating something dangerous.Pokémon Danger2


Grizzled Veteran
Takuto had found a spot to sit after some time of the walking and having eaten a little bit of the snacks they had brought. He was just finishing a water when Damaris returned with something in her mouth. The orange haired male could not tell what exactly it was, but it was not pleasant by any means. Of course Damaris would have found it though, between the three Pokemon he carried with him, Damaris was the most mischievous of the trio. "What did you find?" The words dragged out of the orange haired male's mouth in such a way that Damaris' eyes grew wide and those ear stood straight up. Damaris was attempting to scurry away with her find when Takuto scooped her up and went to pry the thing out of her mouth. It was very wet and kind of sticky. Very gross but at least it was taken care of. "Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" He asked sullenly. "I don't have a potion or a revive if you hurt yourself Damaris."


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d10 4 4
The screen flashes and exciting music plays...
Current Word Count: 520
Total GEs Earned: 2
GEs Already Used: 1

4A surprise patch of loose gravel sends someone hurtling face first towards a prickly berry bush. Roll DEX + STR to avoid danger.Trainer Danger1
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Grizzled Veteran
Deciding to move away from where they were, Takuto and Damaris continued on their trek through the Newbreeze Grasslands. Still shook him tot he core at how beautiful this place was and what an opportunity it was to be here in this place. Damaris seemed to enjoy going a ways from him but still staying close enough to hear if anything befell her trainer or if Takuto needed to get to her. They continued on and on, finding some paths that were no doubt made by Pokemon taking these.

Not paying attention, the male felt his feet give way beneath him and he was falling towards pain. At the last second it was Damaris who saved him. She had basically body slammed him and knocked him out of the way. He rolled away from the thorny bush and gave a relieved sigh. A little banged up but not really worse for wear, he wasn't even bleeding. "Thank you." Scooping Damaris into a hug. That would not have been fun if he had gotten a face full of thorns. Catching his breath he lay there with Damaris still in a hug before releasing her and getting to his feet. Time to move on and maybe be more careful watching where his feet fell. At least no one else had witnessed what had nearly happened. Little victories, he noted to himself. Little victories.


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d10 9 9
The screen flashes and exciting music plays...
Current Word Count: 751
Total GEs Earned: 3
GEs Already Used: 2

9You come across a group of foraging pokémon before they hear you.Startled Pokémon3


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 4 5 3 6 4 4 5 31
DEX 3 + Friendship ball CS 3 + 1 for 100% Research

Sentret caught!


Grizzled Veteran
The pair of them made their way from the coast area of Newbreeze Grasslands to the more grasslands part. This was more of the plains that seemed to stretch on and on. Such beauty and splendor it held. Damaris gave him a little smile before crawling up him and perching on his shoulder. "Enjoying the view there buddy?" He laughed lightly as Damaris held onto him. Her tail every once in a while with his movement smacking him. The orange haired male was sure she was being mischievous.

That's when something caught him eye. He had noticed them and he was surprised that they had not noticed him either. Really, the one who had noticed was Damaris, though not surprising since the wind was blowing towards them and not away from them. He watched the group of Pokemon warily as he got closer to them. Still they had not noticed him. A few Sentret foraging it seemed. Slowly and carefully he reached into his pack and grabbed out a ball. Here was a chance to maybe get himself a new Pokemon instead of turning it in.

Tossing the ball at one of the Sentret he smile as it shook once, then twice, a third time and stayed still. Yes! He didn't cry out but he pumped a fist into the air, nearly knocking Damaris off his shoulder. "Whoops, sorry." He responded when Damaris hit him with her tail. He went over to the ball and pocketed it. Time to head back towards Doveport. He had seen enough and caught a pokemon. Best not to try his luck further.


Grizzled Veteran
Alright! We're done!
Total words: 1019

DavyJnah words: 1019

Pokémon caught: Sentret caught by Takuto with a Friendship Ball.
Bonus research: N/A
Items found: N/A

Goodwill choice: Fairlight Co.
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