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Pokémon Expeditions

[Exploration] Out into the Wilds (Complete)

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Grizzled Veteran
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 20
Res: 15
Adette: 6/6 HP, 6 Energy

Azula :: Fire || 4/4 HP || 4/4 Will
2 Initiative || 1 DEF || 2 SDEF

Growl :: Normal || Support || All Foes || Priority 0​
+ To-Hit || 0 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy​
Effects: This move’s To-Hit is the user’s Perform + Tough or Cute, whichever is higher.​
Lowers the target's Str by 1.​
Scratch :: Normal || Physical || Foe || Priority 0​
3 To-Hit || 4 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy​
Effects: -​

Owaissa :: Psychic || 5/5 HP || 4/4 Will
2 Initiative || 2 DEF || 2 SDEF

Wrap :: Normal || Physical || Foe || Priority 0
3 To-Hit || 2 Damage Pool || -1 Accuracy
Effects: 2 dice of damage to the foe at the end of each round for 4 rounds. The foe cannot swap out or flee.

5x Research Balls (CS: 5)​
Nothing so far!


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 5 2 1 8
Adette: 6/6 HP, 6 Energy

Azula :: Fire || 4/4 HP || 4/4 Will
2 Initiative || 1 DEF || 2 SDEF

Growl :: Normal || Support || All Foes || Priority 0​
+ To-Hit || 0 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy​
Effects: This move’s To-Hit is the user’s Perform + Tough or Cute, whichever is higher.​
Lowers the target's Str by 1.​
Scratch :: Normal || Physical || Foe || Priority 0​
3 To-Hit || 4 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy​
Effects: -​

Owaissa :: Psychic || 5/5 HP || 4/4 Will
2 Initiative || 2 DEF || 2 SDEF

Wrap :: Normal || Physical || Foe || Priority 0
3 To-Hit || 2 Damage Pool || -1 Accuracy
Effects: 2 dice of damage to the foe at the end of each round for 4 rounds. The foe cannot swap out or flee.

5x Research Balls (CS: 5)​
Nothing so far!

15A sour scent leads you to a foul discovery: the remains of some long-dead pokémon, mostly devoured by whatever scavengers have come across it. While its life is long over, the rotting carcass seems to be fostering some other new life, as the nearby area is adorned with fruiting mushrooms. You can take some if you can tolerate the smell.

On success, gain +1 Weird Mushroom?.


Grizzled Veteran
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 20
Res: 1
Adette: 6/6 HP, 5 Energy

Azula :: Fire || 4/4 HP || 4/4 Will
2 Initiative || 1 DEF || 2 SDEF

Growl :: Normal || Support || All Foes || Priority 0​
+ To-Hit || 0 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy​
Effects: This move’s To-Hit is the user’s Perform + Tough or Cute, whichever is higher.​
Lowers the target's Str by 1.​
Scratch :: Normal || Physical || Foe || Priority 0​
3 To-Hit || 4 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy​
Effects: -​

Owaissa :: Psychic || 5/5 HP || 4/4 Will
2 Initiative || 2 DEF || 2 SDEF

Wrap :: Normal || Physical || Foe || Priority 0
3 To-Hit || 2 Damage Pool || -1 Accuracy
Effects: 2 dice of damage to the foe at the end of each round for 4 rounds. The foe cannot swap out or flee.

5x Research Balls (CS: 5)​
Nothing so far!


Grizzled Veteran
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 20
Res: 5
Adette: 6/6 HP, 4 Energy

Azula :: Fire || 4/4 HP || 4/4 Will
2 Initiative || 1 DEF || 2 SDEF

Growl :: Normal || Support || All Foes || Priority 0​
+ To-Hit || 0 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy​
Effects: This move’s To-Hit is the user’s Perform + Tough or Cute, whichever is higher.​
Lowers the target's Str by 1.​
Scratch :: Normal || Physical || Foe || Priority 0​
3 To-Hit || 4 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy​
Effects: -​

Owaissa :: Psychic || 5/5 HP || 4/4 Will
2 Initiative || 2 DEF || 2 SDEF

Wrap :: Normal || Physical || Foe || Priority 0
3 To-Hit || 2 Damage Pool || -1 Accuracy
Effects: 2 dice of damage to the foe at the end of each round for 4 rounds. The foe cannot swap out or flee.

5x Research Balls (CS: 5)​
Nothing so far!


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 3 2 5 6 16
Adette: 6/6 HP, 4 Energy

Azula :: Fire || 4/4 HP || 4/4 Will
2 Initiative || 1 DEF || 2 SDEF

Growl :: Normal || Support || All Foes || Priority 0​
+ To-Hit || 0 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy​
Effects: This move’s To-Hit is the user’s Perform + Tough or Cute, whichever is higher.​
Lowers the target's Str by 1.​
Scratch :: Normal || Physical || Foe || Priority 0​
3 To-Hit || 4 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy​
Effects: -​

Owaissa :: Psychic || 5/5 HP || 4/4 Will
2 Initiative || 2 DEF || 2 SDEF

Wrap :: Normal || Physical || Foe || Priority 0
3 To-Hit || 2 Damage Pool || -1 Accuracy
Effects: 2 dice of damage to the foe at the end of each round for 4 rounds. The foe cannot swap out or flee.

5x Research Balls (CS: 5)​
Nothing so far!

5From your current vantage point, you can see several pokémon foraging at the edge of the beach. The grass affords you quite a bit of camouflage, and you could probably sneak up on one of them if you were very quiet...
Optional. On failure, roll a normal Wild Battle. On success, roll a Wild Battle, but the opposing pokémon automatically has a 0 for their initiative roll and also loses their first turn.


Grizzled Veteran
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 10
Res: 1
Adette: 6/6 HP, 4 Energy

Azula :: Fire || 4/4 HP || 4/4 Will
2 Initiative || 1 DEF || 2 SDEF

Growl :: Normal || Support || All Foes || Priority 0​
+ To-Hit || 0 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy​
Effects: This move’s To-Hit is the user’s Perform + Tough or Cute, whichever is higher.​
Lowers the target's Str by 1.​
Scratch :: Normal || Physical || Foe || Priority 0​
3 To-Hit || 4 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy​
Effects: -​

Owaissa :: Psychic || 5/5 HP || 4/4 Will
2 Initiative || 2 DEF || 2 SDEF

Wrap :: Normal || Physical || Foe || Priority 0
3 To-Hit || 2 Damage Pool || -1 Accuracy
Effects: 2 dice of damage to the foe at the end of each round for 4 rounds. The foe cannot swap out or flee.

5x Research Balls (CS: 5)​
Nothing so far!


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 6 6 1 6 4 23
Snuck up on a Lefmew!

Fighting: Lefmew (Starter)
Sending out: Azula
Rolling Initiative: Azula, Lefmew

Adette: 6/6 HP, 4 Energy

Azula :: Fire || 4/4 HP || 4/4 Will
2 Initiative || 1 DEF || 2 SDEF

Growl :: Normal || Support || All Foes || Priority 0​
+ To-Hit || 0 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy​
Effects: This move’s To-Hit is the user’s Perform + Tough or Cute, whichever is higher.​
Lowers the target's Str by 1.​
Scratch :: Normal || Physical || Foe || Priority 0​
3 To-Hit || 4 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy​
Effects: -​

Owaissa :: Psychic || 5/5 HP || 4/4 Will
2 Initiative || 2 DEF || 2 SDEF

Wrap :: Normal || Physical || Foe || Priority 0
3 To-Hit || 2 Damage Pool || -1 Accuracy
Effects: 2 dice of damage to the foe at the end of each round for 4 rounds. The foe cannot swap out or flee.

5x Research Balls (CS: 5)​
Nothing so far!

Wild Lefmew (Starter) :: Grass/Flying || 4/4 HP || 4/4 Will
3 Initiative || 1 DEF || 2 SDEF

Tackle :: Normal :: PHYSICAL || Foe || Priority 0
2 To-Hit || 3 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 5 2 7

Adette: 6/6 HP, 4 Energy

Azula :: Fire || 4/4 HP || 4/4 Will
2 Initiative || 1 DEF || 2 SDEF

Growl :: Normal || Support || All Foes || Priority 0​
+ To-Hit || 0 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy​
Effects: This move’s To-Hit is the user’s Perform + Tough or Cute, whichever is higher.​
Lowers the target's Str by 1.​
Scratch :: Normal || Physical || Foe || Priority 0​
3 To-Hit || 4 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy​
Effects: -​

Owaissa :: Psychic || 5/5 HP || 4/4 Will
2 Initiative || 2 DEF || 2 SDEF

Wrap :: Normal || Physical || Foe || Priority 0
3 To-Hit || 2 Damage Pool || -1 Accuracy
Effects: 2 dice of damage to the foe at the end of each round for 4 rounds. The foe cannot swap out or flee.

5x Research Balls (CS: 5)​
Nothing so far!

Wild Lefmew (Starter) :: Grass/Flying || 4/4 HP || 4/4 Will
3 Initiative || 1 DEF || 2 SDEF

Tackle :: Normal :: PHYSICAL || Foe || Priority 0
2 To-Hit || 3 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 1 6 1 8
Azula goes first.

Azula uses Scratch!

Adette: 6/6 HP, 4 Energy

Azula :: Fire || 4/4 HP || 4/4 Will
2 Initiative || 1 DEF || 2 SDEF

Growl :: Normal || Support || All Foes || Priority 0​
+ To-Hit || 0 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy​
Effects: This move’s To-Hit is the user’s Perform + Tough or Cute, whichever is higher.​
Lowers the target's Str by 1.​
Scratch :: Normal || Physical || Foe || Priority 0​
3 To-Hit || 4 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy​
Effects: -​

Owaissa :: Psychic || 5/5 HP || 4/4 Will
2 Initiative || 2 DEF || 2 SDEF

Wrap :: Normal || Physical || Foe || Priority 0
3 To-Hit || 2 Damage Pool || -1 Accuracy
Effects: 2 dice of damage to the foe at the end of each round for 4 rounds. The foe cannot swap out or flee.

5x Research Balls (CS: 5)​
Nothing so far!

Wild Lefmew (Starter) :: Grass/Flying || 4/4 HP || 4/4 Will
3 Initiative || 1 DEF || 2 SDEF

Tackle :: Normal :: PHYSICAL || Foe || Priority 0
2 To-Hit || 3 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 6 4 3 2 15
Scratch Hits!

Adette: 6/6 HP, 4 Energy

Azula :: Fire || 4/4 HP || 4/4 Will
2 Initiative || 1 DEF || 2 SDEF

Growl :: Normal || Support || All Foes || Priority 0​
+ To-Hit || 0 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy​
Effects: This move’s To-Hit is the user’s Perform + Tough or Cute, whichever is higher.​
Lowers the target's Str by 1.​
Scratch :: Normal || Physical || Foe || Priority 0​
3 To-Hit || 4 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy​
Effects: -​

Owaissa :: Psychic || 5/5 HP || 4/4 Will
2 Initiative || 2 DEF || 2 SDEF

Wrap :: Normal || Physical || Foe || Priority 0
3 To-Hit || 2 Damage Pool || -1 Accuracy
Effects: 2 dice of damage to the foe at the end of each round for 4 rounds. The foe cannot swap out or flee.

5x Research Balls (CS: 5)​
Nothing so far!

Wild Lefmew (Starter) :: Grass/Flying || 4/4 HP || 4/4 Will
3 Initiative || 1 DEF || 2 SDEF

Tackle :: Normal :: PHYSICAL || Foe || Priority 0
2 To-Hit || 3 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 3 1 2 6
Lefmew takes 1HP damage. Due to having an opportunity attack, Lefmew cannot do anything this turn.

Azula is using Scratch!

Adette: 6/6 HP, 4 Energy

Azula :: Fire || 4/4 HP || 4/4 Will
2 Initiative || 1 DEF || 2 SDEF

Growl :: Normal || Support || All Foes || Priority 0​
+ To-Hit || 0 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy​
Effects: This move’s To-Hit is the user’s Perform + Tough or Cute, whichever is higher.​
Lowers the target's Str by 1.​
Scratch :: Normal || Physical || Foe || Priority 0​
3 To-Hit || 4 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy​
Effects: -​

Owaissa :: Psychic || 5/5 HP || 4/4 Will
2 Initiative || 2 DEF || 2 SDEF

Wrap :: Normal || Physical || Foe || Priority 0
3 To-Hit || 2 Damage Pool || -1 Accuracy
Effects: 2 dice of damage to the foe at the end of each round for 4 rounds. The foe cannot swap out or flee.

5x Research Balls (CS: 5)​
Nothing so far!

Wild Lefmew (Starter) :: Grass/Flying || 3/4 HP || 4/4 Will
3 Initiative || 1 DEF || 2 SDEF

Tackle :: Normal :: PHYSICAL || Foe || Priority 0
2 To-Hit || 3 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 3 4 7
Azula misses!

Lefmew is ready to go and uses Tackle!

Adette: 6/6 HP, 4 Energy

Azula :: Fire || 4/4 HP || 4/4 Will
2 Initiative || 1 DEF || 2 SDEF

Growl :: Normal || Support || All Foes || Priority 0​
+ To-Hit || 0 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy​
Effects: This move’s To-Hit is the user’s Perform + Tough or Cute, whichever is higher.​
Lowers the target's Str by 1.​
Scratch :: Normal || Physical || Foe || Priority 0​
3 To-Hit || 4 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy​
Effects: -​

Owaissa :: Psychic || 5/5 HP || 4/4 Will
2 Initiative || 2 DEF || 2 SDEF

Wrap :: Normal || Physical || Foe || Priority 0
3 To-Hit || 2 Damage Pool || -1 Accuracy
Effects: 2 dice of damage to the foe at the end of each round for 4 rounds. The foe cannot swap out or flee.

5x Research Balls (CS: 5)​
Nothing so far!

Wild Lefmew (Starter) :: Grass/Flying || 3/4 HP || 4/4 Will
3 Initiative || 1 DEF || 2 SDEF

Tackle :: Normal :: PHYSICAL || Foe || Priority 0
2 To-Hit || 3 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 6 1 4 11
Lefmew's Tackle hits!

Adette: 6/6 HP, 4 Energy

Azula :: Fire || 4/4 HP || 4/4 Will
2 Initiative || 1 DEF || 2 SDEF

Growl :: Normal || Support || All Foes || Priority 0​
+ To-Hit || 0 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy​
Effects: This move’s To-Hit is the user’s Perform + Tough or Cute, whichever is higher.​
Lowers the target's Str by 1.​
Scratch :: Normal || Physical || Foe || Priority 0​
3 To-Hit || 4 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy​
Effects: -​

Owaissa :: Psychic || 5/5 HP || 4/4 Will
2 Initiative || 2 DEF || 2 SDEF

Wrap :: Normal || Physical || Foe || Priority 0
3 To-Hit || 2 Damage Pool || -1 Accuracy
Effects: 2 dice of damage to the foe at the end of each round for 4 rounds. The foe cannot swap out or flee.

5x Research Balls (CS: 5)​
Nothing so far!

Wild Lefmew (Starter) :: Grass/Flying || 3/4 HP || 4/4 Will
3 Initiative || 1 DEF || 2 SDEF

Tackle :: Normal :: PHYSICAL || Foe || Priority 0
2 To-Hit || 3 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 2 3 1 6
Azula takes 1HP damage.

Azula uses Scratch!

Adette: 6/6 HP, 4 Energy

Azula :: Fire || 3/4 HP || 4/4 Will
2 Initiative || 1 DEF || 2 SDEF

Growl :: Normal || Support || All Foes || Priority 0​
+ To-Hit || 0 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy​
Effects: This move’s To-Hit is the user’s Perform + Tough or Cute, whichever is higher.​
Lowers the target's Str by 1.​
Scratch :: Normal || Physical || Foe || Priority 0​
3 To-Hit || 4 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy​
Effects: -​

Owaissa :: Psychic || 5/5 HP || 4/4 Will
2 Initiative || 2 DEF || 2 SDEF

Wrap :: Normal || Physical || Foe || Priority 0
3 To-Hit || 2 Damage Pool || -1 Accuracy
Effects: 2 dice of damage to the foe at the end of each round for 4 rounds. The foe cannot swap out or flee.

5x Research Balls (CS: 5)​
Nothing so far!

Wild Lefmew (Starter) :: Grass/Flying || 3/4 HP || 4/4 Will
3 Initiative || 1 DEF || 2 SDEF

Tackle :: Normal :: PHYSICAL || Foe || Priority 0
2 To-Hit || 3 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 3 2 5
Azula misses again!

Lefmew uses Tackle!

Adette: 6/6 HP, 4 Energy

Azula :: Fire || 3/4 HP || 4/4 Will
2 Initiative || 1 DEF || 2 SDEF

Growl :: Normal || Support || All Foes || Priority 0​
+ To-Hit || 0 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy​
Effects: This move’s To-Hit is the user’s Perform + Tough or Cute, whichever is higher.​
Lowers the target's Str by 1.​
Scratch :: Normal || Physical || Foe || Priority 0​
3 To-Hit || 4 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy​
Effects: -​

Owaissa :: Psychic || 5/5 HP || 4/4 Will
2 Initiative || 2 DEF || 2 SDEF

Wrap :: Normal || Physical || Foe || Priority 0
3 To-Hit || 2 Damage Pool || -1 Accuracy
Effects: 2 dice of damage to the foe at the end of each round for 4 rounds. The foe cannot swap out or flee.

5x Research Balls (CS: 5)​
Nothing so far!

Wild Lefmew (Starter) :: Grass/Flying || 3/4 HP || 4/4 Will
3 Initiative || 1 DEF || 2 SDEF

Tackle :: Normal :: PHYSICAL || Foe || Priority 0
2 To-Hit || 3 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 3 6 1 10
Lefmew's Tackle hits!

Adette: 6/6 HP, 4 Energy

Azula :: Fire || 3/4 HP || 4/4 Will
2 Initiative || 1 DEF || 2 SDEF

Growl :: Normal || Support || All Foes || Priority 0​
+ To-Hit || 0 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy​
Effects: This move’s To-Hit is the user’s Perform + Tough or Cute, whichever is higher.​
Lowers the target's Str by 1.​
Scratch :: Normal || Physical || Foe || Priority 0​
3 To-Hit || 4 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy​
Effects: -​

Owaissa :: Psychic || 5/5 HP || 4/4 Will
2 Initiative || 2 DEF || 2 SDEF

Wrap :: Normal || Physical || Foe || Priority 0
3 To-Hit || 2 Damage Pool || -1 Accuracy
Effects: 2 dice of damage to the foe at the end of each round for 4 rounds. The foe cannot swap out or flee.

5x Research Balls (CS: 5)​
Nothing so far!

Wild Lefmew (Starter) :: Grass/Flying || 3/4 HP || 4/4 Will
3 Initiative || 1 DEF || 2 SDEF

Tackle :: Normal :: PHYSICAL || Foe || Priority 0
2 To-Hit || 3 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 5 5 6 16
Azula takes 1HP Damage.

Azula uses Scratch!

Adette: 6/6 HP, 4 Energy

Azula :: Fire || 2/4 HP || 4/4 Will
2 Initiative || 1 DEF || 2 SDEF

Growl :: Normal || Support || All Foes || Priority 0​
+ To-Hit || 0 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy​
Effects: This move’s To-Hit is the user’s Perform + Tough or Cute, whichever is higher.​
Lowers the target's Str by 1.​
Scratch :: Normal || Physical || Foe || Priority 0​
3 To-Hit || 4 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy​
Effects: -​

Owaissa :: Psychic || 5/5 HP || 4/4 Will
2 Initiative || 2 DEF || 2 SDEF

Wrap :: Normal || Physical || Foe || Priority 0
3 To-Hit || 2 Damage Pool || -1 Accuracy
Effects: 2 dice of damage to the foe at the end of each round for 4 rounds. The foe cannot swap out or flee.

5x Research Balls (CS: 5)​
Nothing so far!

Wild Lefmew (Starter) :: Grass/Flying || 3/4 HP || 4/4 Will
3 Initiative || 1 DEF || 2 SDEF

Tackle :: Normal :: PHYSICAL || Foe || Priority 0
2 To-Hit || 3 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 2 6 1 1 10
Azula Hits!

Adette: 6/6 HP, 4 Energy

Azula :: Fire || 2/4 HP || 4/4 Will
2 Initiative || 1 DEF || 2 SDEF

Growl :: Normal || Support || All Foes || Priority 0​
+ To-Hit || 0 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy​
Effects: This move’s To-Hit is the user’s Perform + Tough or Cute, whichever is higher.​
Lowers the target's Str by 1.​
Scratch :: Normal || Physical || Foe || Priority 0​
3 To-Hit || 4 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy​
Effects: -​

Owaissa :: Psychic || 5/5 HP || 4/4 Will
2 Initiative || 2 DEF || 2 SDEF

Wrap :: Normal || Physical || Foe || Priority 0
3 To-Hit || 2 Damage Pool || -1 Accuracy
Effects: 2 dice of damage to the foe at the end of each round for 4 rounds. The foe cannot swap out or flee.

5x Research Balls (CS: 5)​
Nothing so far!

Wild Lefmew (Starter) :: Grass/Flying || 3/4 HP || 4/4 Will
3 Initiative || 1 DEF || 2 SDEF

Tackle :: Normal :: PHYSICAL || Foe || Priority 0
2 To-Hit || 3 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 3 2 5
Lefmew takes 1HP Damage.

Lefmew Uses Tackle!

Adette: 6/6 HP, 4 Energy

Azula :: Fire || 2/4 HP || 4/4 Will
2 Initiative || 1 DEF || 2 SDEF

Growl :: Normal || Support || All Foes || Priority 0​
+ To-Hit || 0 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy​
Effects: This move’s To-Hit is the user’s Perform + Tough or Cute, whichever is higher.​
Lowers the target's Str by 1.​
Scratch :: Normal || Physical || Foe || Priority 0​
3 To-Hit || 4 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy​
Effects: -​

Owaissa :: Psychic || 5/5 HP || 4/4 Will
2 Initiative || 2 DEF || 2 SDEF

Wrap :: Normal || Physical || Foe || Priority 0
3 To-Hit || 2 Damage Pool || -1 Accuracy
Effects: 2 dice of damage to the foe at the end of each round for 4 rounds. The foe cannot swap out or flee.

5x Research Balls (CS: 5)​
Nothing so far!

Wild Lefmew (Starter) :: Grass/Flying || 2/4 HP || 4/4 Will
3 Initiative || 1 DEF || 2 SDEF

Tackle :: Normal :: PHYSICAL || Foe || Priority 0
2 To-Hit || 3 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy
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