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Pokémon Expeditions

[Exploration] To Newbreeze Grasslands pt.2 [Farren] [Complete]

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 5 5
Farren was excited to get back to his studies, now that the storm had passed. He rose from his bed and stamped his feet twice on the floor before getting ready for the day. Finally, he could return to the grasslands and see what it had to offer! He pondered as he picked up his backpack and clipped Brook and Storm's Pokeballs to his belt if the eerie quietness he had noted in his last expedition had been the local wildlife sensing the oncoming storm. He turned this idea in his head as he followed his mental map to where he had stared last time. Looking around, he decided to go left this time, instead of right and let his feet take him where they may.

From your current vantage point, you can see several pokémon foraging at the edge of the beach. The grass affords you quite a bit of camouflage, and you could probably sneak up on one of them if you were very quiet...

Optional. On failure, roll a normal Wild Battle. On success, roll a Wild Battle, but the opposing pokémon automatically has a 0 for their initiative roll and also loses their first turn.

Trainer: 7/7 HP, 7 Energy
5x Research Balls (CS: 5)​
Nothing so far!​
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Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 4 3 1 1 9
From your current vantage point, you can see several pokémon foraging at the edge of the beach. The grass affords you quite a bit of camouflage, and you could probably sneak up on one of them if you were very quiet...

Optional. On failure, roll a normal Wild Battle. On success, roll a Wild Battle, but the opposing pokémon automatically has a 0 for their initiative roll and also loses their first turn.

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d10 8 8
Not too long into his journey, Farren catches the sound of some Pokemon on the wind. He crouches in the grass and looks around for the source of the noise. Ah! There! He peeks through the grass and sees...

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 5 4 9
...a group of Sentret! How cute! Teeming with excitement about his first wild Pokemon encounter, Farren grabs for Brook's Pokeball. In his attempt to sneak forward, he steps on a stick and the loud crack it makes sends the group running! Unaware that he's hiding in the grass, one of the cute little ringtails runs right at him! In a bit of a panic, he cries out and throws Brook's ball right at it! And so the battle begins!

Roll for Initiative! Brook [5 + 3] - Wild Sentret [4 + 2]

Wild Sentret (Beginner) :: Normal/--- || 4/4 HP || 5/5 Will
2 Initiative || 1 DEF || 3 SDEF

Defense Curl :: Normal :: SUPPORT || User || Priority 0
1 To-Hit || ??? Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy
Effects: Raises the user's Def by 1.

Foresight :: Normal :: SUPPORT || Foe || Priority 0
4 To-Hit || ??? Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy
Note: The user’s moves cannot miss and its normal and fighting type moves can affect ghost type pokemon and its ghost type moves can affect normal type pokemon for this battle.

Quick Attack :: Normal :: PHYSICAL || Foe || Priority 1
1 To-Hit || 5 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy

Scratch :: Normal :: PHYSICAL || Foe || Priority 0
1 To-Hit || 5 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy
Brook the N. Totodile :: Water || 5/5 HP || 4/4 Will
3 Initiative || 2 DEF || 2 SDEF

BITE :: Dark || Physical || Foe || Priority 0
3 To-Hit || 5 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy
Effects: Roll 3 Chance Dice to inflict flinch on the target

LEER :: Normal || Support || All Foes || Priority 0
2 To-Hit || 0 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy
Effects: Lowers the target's Def by 1

MUD SLAP :: Ground || Special || Foe || Priority 0
1 To-Hit || 3 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy
Effects: Lowers the target's Acc by 1

WATER GUN :: Water || Special || Foe || Priority 0
1 To-Hit || 4 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy
Effects: Nothing
Storm the Chingling :: Psychic || 5/5 HP || 4/4 Will
2 Initiative || 2 DEF || 2 SDEF

WRAP :: Normal || Physical || Foe || Priority 0
3 To-Hit || 2 Damage Pool || -1 Accuracy
Effects: 2 dice of damage to the foe at the end of each round for 4 rounds. The foe cannot swap out or flee.

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 2 2 4 8
Brook thinks quickly on her feet and takes in the situation. Sensing a fight, she prepares for battle! Farren thinks of the first attack that comes to mind and shouts it, probably a bit too loudly.

"Brook, use Bite!"

Brook lunges at the furry rodent, her jaws snapping shut loudly!

Initiative order: Brook, Wild Sentret || Turn: Brook
Brook: 5/5 HP, 4/4 Will || 2 DEF, 2 SDEF
Sentret: 4/4 HP, 5/5 Will || 1 DEF, 3 SDEF

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 1 1 1 5 4 12
It connects with a snap!

Damage: [2] - [1 DEF] = 1

Initiative order: Brook, Wild Sentret || Turn: Brook
Brook: 5/5 HP, 4/4 Will || 2 DEF, 2 SDEF
Sentret: 3/4 HP, 5/5 Will || 1 DEF, 3 SDEF

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 3 5 5 13
Rolling for Flinch! Success!

Initiative order: Brook, Wild Sentret || Turn: Brook
Brook: 5/5 HP, 4/4 Will || 2 DEF, 2 SDEF
Sentret: 3/4 HP, 5/5 Will || 1 DEF, 3 SDEF [FLINCHED]

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 5 1 2 8
The Sentret is so surprised at the attack, it fails to act this turn!

"Alright," Farren takes a breath to steady himself, "Hit it again, Brook! Let's try and catch this one!"

Brook uses Bite!

Initiative order: Brook, Wild Sentret || Turn: Brook
Brook: 5/5 HP, 4/4 Will || 2 DEF, 2 SDEF
Sentret: 3/4 HP, 5/5 Will || 1 DEF, 3 SDEF [FLINCHED]

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 1 6 4 6 2 19
The stunned Sentret is an easy target, the attack hits!

Damage: [3] - [1 DEF] = 2

Initiative order: Brook, Wild Sentret || Turn: Brook
Brook: 5/5 HP, 4/4 Will || 2 DEF, 2 SDEF
Sentret: 1/4 HP, 5/5 Will || 1 DEF, 3 SDEF

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 6 5 1 12
Rolling for Flinched! Success!

Initiative order: Brook, Wild Sentret || Turn: Brook
Brook: 5/5 HP, 4/4 Will || 2 DEF, 2 SDEF
Sentret: 1/4 HP, 5/5 Will || 1 DEF, 3 SDEF [FLINCHED]

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 5 6 2 1 3 17
Farren sees that the Sentret is looking weakened. Now's the time! He pulls out a Research Ball and throws it at the Sentret!

Catch: 2 [rolled] +1 [Half HP] +1 [1 HP] +1 [Status Effect: Flinched] = 5!
Needed: 4

As the pokemon is enveloped in bright red light, Farren and Brook watch as the Pokeball shakes once... Twice... Three times... Ding! Sentret is caught! He gives Brook a big grin and some good skritches before putting her back in her ball and continuing on his way, his heart pounding from the excitement.

Trainer: 7/7 HP, 7 Energy
4x Research Balls (CS: 5)​
Captured: Sentret x1​
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Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 3 3
Already this adventure was boding better for him than the previous one. He made a note on his hand-drawn map of the area of the Sentret's location; he'd keep that in mind if he needed to come back and train.

Trainer: 7/7 HP, 6 Energy
4x Research Balls (CS: 5)​
Captured: Sentret x1​

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d10 6 6
Inadvertently, you seem to have quite physically stumbled into a pokémon's nest. They're not exactly happy to see you.

Roll a Wild Battle.

Farren isn't particularly paying attention to where his feet are taking him, his mind is still on the battle before! Unfortunately for him, his foot falls right into...

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 6 6 12
... A Scatterbug nest! He pulls his foot out as the angry little bug bites down on his boot! It leaps out of the hole, surprisingly fast! Farren takes a step back and grasps for a Pokeball, sending out Brook in a flash of red light.

Roll for Initiative! Brook [? + 3] - N. Scatterbug [? + 3]

Wild N. Scatterbug (Beginner) :: Bug/--- || 4/4 HP || 4/4 Will
3 Initiative || 1 DEF || 2 SDEF

Lick :: Ghost :: PHYSICAL || Foe || Priority 0
2 To-Hit || 3 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy
Effects: Roll 3 Chance Dice to inflict Paralyze on the target.

String Shot :: Bug :: SUPPORT || All Foes || Priority 0
3 To-Hit || ??? Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy
Effects: Lowers the target's Dex by 1.

Tackle :: Normal :: PHYSICAL || Foe || Priority 0
2 To-Hit || 4 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy
Brook the N. Totodile :: Water || 5/5 HP || 4/4 Will
3 Initiative || 2 DEF || 2 SDEF

BITE :: Dark || Physical || Foe || Priority 0
3 To-Hit || 5 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy
Effects: Roll 3 Chance Dice to inflict flinch on the target

LEER :: Normal || Support || All Foes || Priority 0
2 To-Hit || 0 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy
Effects: Lowers the target's Def by 1

MUD SLAP :: Ground || Special || Foe || Priority 0
1 To-Hit || 3 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy
Effects: Lowers the target's Acc by 1

WATER GUN :: Water || Special || Foe || Priority 0
1 To-Hit || 4 Damage Pool || 0 Accuracy
Effects: Nothing
Storm the Chingling :: Psychic || 5/5 HP || 4/4 Will
2 Initiative || 2 DEF || 2 SDEF

WRAP :: Normal || Physical || Foe || Priority 0
3 To-Hit || 2 Damage Pool || -1 Accuracy
Effects: 2 dice of damage to the foe at the end of each round for 4 rounds. The foe cannot swap out or flee.

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 3 4 1 8
Brook strikes back first, her blood still hot from the last fight!

"Hit it with a Bite attack, Brook!" Farren says excitedly, "Let's catch this one, too!"

Brook uses Bite!

Initiative order: Brook, Wild N. Scatterbug|| Turn: Brook
Brook: 5/5 HP, 4/4 Will || 2 DEF, 2 SDEF
N. Scatterbug: 4/4 HP, 4/4 Will || 1 DEF, 2 SDEF

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 5 2 1 5 6 19
Her jaws snap shut on the angry little bug type!

Damage: [3] - [1 DEF] = 2

Initiative order: Brook, Wild N. Scatterbug|| Turn: Brook
Brook: 5/5 HP, 4/4 Will || 2 DEF, 2 SDEF
N. Scatterbug: 2/4 HP, 4/4 Will || 1 DEF, 2 SDEF

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 3 5 3 11
Rolling for Flinching! Success!

Initiative order: Brook, Wild N. Scatterbug|| Turn: Brook
Brook: 5/5 HP, 4/4 Will || 2 DEF, 2 SDEF
N. Scatterbug: 2/4 HP, 4/4 Will || 1 DEF, 2 SDEF [Flinched]

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 1 2 3 3 4 13
Farren quickly pulls out another Research Ball and tosses it at the N. Scatterbug!

Catch: 1 +1 [Half HP] +1 [Status Effect: Flinched] = 3
Needed: 4

Catch attempt failed!