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Discovering Terithel

Fire Meta Rewards

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Grizzled Veteran
NatiStorm03/30/2024 4:23 AM
Congratulations! You've made it through the second Discovering Terithel Meta! And with that comes the release of Fire Magic! Shulbari, Raja, Lana, Alder, Nayzee, Jorildyn, Siofra, Zakiax, Tatyana, Miren, Nari, Osha, Calliope, Glisselda, Amali & Gunnar can now feel the magic of fire flowing through them. What does this mean? It means these characters can manipulate small bits of fire! Fire manifests differently for everyone. Where Osha can only apply the heat of fire to her water powers, Shulbari can create miniature explosions and Amali can make a tiny flame. If you have a question about what you can do with your characters fire power, ask Nati in ⁠ask-the-staff You can not control bonfires, at least not by yourself. Let's not forget our other rewards as well! For participating in this meta you get:
  • Turn into an Nogia! (Your character can only change race once! So you can choose to stay Homia or Alvia for now and participate in a later meta to turn into a later released race!)
  • One combat dot to add to any skill in the combat section!
Choose one or the other of:
  • A fox familiar!
  • A scorpion familiar!
Last but not least choose one of:
  • A custom accessory, scar, or tattoo
  • An advantage/hinderance pick for any character of your choice (that doesn't already have an advantage/hinderance)!
    A recolor for any character of your choice.

Rainyaviel03/30/2024 4:27 AM
Rewards are per player, or per character?
NatiStorm03/30/2024 4:28 AM
Per Character! That's a good clarification I need to make ^^;
Rainyaviel03/30/2024 4:41 AM
Jorildyn - becoming a Nogia (for plot!), +1 to Health (because he is accident prone, as evidenced by the meta), a fox (if he never sees another scorpion it will be too soon), and he's gonna get some scarring to reflect the events of the meta (your choice!) Nayzee - already changed, +1 to Physical (I think she's earned it), a fox (because she still hasn't got to pet one!), and I'll take a custom advantage/hindrance pick (for a future custom!) Thank you Nati for hosting another lovely adventure and letting me find out more about my characters in the process!
NatiStorm03/30/2024 6:13 AM
Familiar reference (don't judge me, I'm still working on it) (edited)
Swamp Siren03/30/2024 7:52 AM
Alder +1 to mental. Fox familiar. For the last one, surprise me bc I'm torn between the top and bottom choices
robbedragon03/30/2024 11:04 AM
For Shulbari: +1 to physical, Fox Familiar and for the last one, I want him to have a scar on his neck where the scorpion got him.
For Raja: +1 to mental, scorpion familiar and for the last option, I'll leave that up to you since he didn't really take part in the ending meta much to end up with scars or anything.
Revel03/30/2024 12:23 PM
Nari will claim a dot in physical, and a fox familiar. And a custom accessory, scar, or tattoo (if i can use this on another character than Nari?) Osha will also claim a fox familiar, a dot in mental and a custom accessory, scar, or tattoo (again if i can use this on another charcter than Osha) (edited)
ZakiaxAPP03/30/2024 12:47 PM
Turning into a Nogia, +1 Physical, Fox Familiar, Scar for Zak
NatiStorm03/30/2024 2:34 PM
Don't forget to claim your prizes for your characters!
Luna03/30/2024 2:50 PM
oh i didnt think i got anything cause i had to dip
if i can still claim stuff... can i turn Siofra into a nogia because she'd join her bro, a dot to charisma, a fox fam and a scar over her right eye? i want her to stay with her bro
xpressionless03/30/2024 4:07 PM
For Mirin, could I please get +1 physical, a fox familiar, and the custom accessory/tattoo/scar although I don’t know what as I disappeared toward the end of the meta.
NatiStorm03/30/2024 5:31 PM
You made a post before you dipped out, that counts as participating! You can absolutely claim your prizes for Siofra.
For Mirin, could I please get +1 physical, a fox familiar, and the custom accessory/tattoo/scar although I don’t know what as I disappeared toward the end of the meta.
NatiStorm03/30/2024 5:32 PM
The custom accessory, tattoo, or scar doesn't have to be meta related, it can be anything you want.
Nari will claim a dot in physical, and a fox familiar. And a custom accessory, scar, or tattoo (if i can use this on another character than Nari?) Osha will also claim a fox familiar, a dot in mental and a custom accessory, scar, or tattoo (again if i can use this on another charcter than Osha) (edited)
NatiStorm03/30/2024 5:43 PM
Oh, yes. I made the other two options there for a character of your choice but forgot to put it with that option. Let me know over in prize claiming under customs what you'd like for which character.

Luna03/30/2024 7:05 PM
This made me teary, thank you so much for being a precious bean
Falcona03/30/2024 10:13 PM

oh! hey! uh
Lana would like to stay Homia, 1 to Mental, have a scorpion familiar and I will need to give her an advantage/hinderance...(nto sure how to do that)
NatiStorm03/31/2024 2:14 AM
To give an idea of what the Nogia look like:
DBPyrat04/01/2024 11:37 PM
Gunnar will take +1 defense, a scorpion, and a scar from his pinch wound
NatiStorm04/02/2024 12:32 AM
Amali will take another dot in social, a fox familiar, and a tattoo
NatiStorm04/02/2024 3:09 PM
Don't forget to claim your prizes! I will be rolling for Lava lady tomorrow and after that, this channel will be archived so you won't be able to see it anymore!
belloblossom04/02/2024 4:09 PM
Calliope will take a fox familiar, +1 in physical and dangling earrings that look like autumn leaves (or feathers if that’s easier!)
Glisselda will be taking +1 in health, a scorpion familiar and either stud earrings that look like scorpions or a tattoo of the Scorpius constellation somewhere visible on her body
NatiStorm04/03/2024 11:30 PM
Now then, time to roll for Lava Lady~ Lahvean the Fire Elamel, who are you going home with?
NatiStorm04/03/2024 11:32 PM
Swamp Siren Osha's twin sister, our first Fire Elamel is yours! She will have a fox and scorpion familiar once I finish them! Congrats! Thank you so much for participating everyone! It's going to take me a minute to pass out all the prizes so please be patient with me. Thanks again!
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