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[Free Raffle] An Artist's Woe [Over, Congrats Reo!]


Grizzled Veteran

Edited Unicorn by Tea
Edits: painters palette, hat
Drop date: Jan 7, 2023

This pony has always loved the arts and they're always creating something. They're looking for a new space to create in, do you have room to spare?
For a Bonus Ticket: Can you tell me what kind of art they like to make best?

End Date: Jan 14, 2023 11:00 pm CST
How To Play:
Fill out the form and wait for the end date! Winner will be rolled from all entrants.
For a bonus ticket, tell me what sort of art this pony likes to make best. This can be anything from the style of art to a specific art hobby. Examples: Abstract art, thought provoking pieces or sculpture, paintings

Once the timeframe for entrants ends the list will be revealed, left here for customers to check for an hour or two, and then a winner will be rolled!

  • Anyone can enter!
  • One entry per person
  • Don't adjust the form. Fill it out exactly as intended.
  • Forms should be posted directly into this thread. You may edit up until the end of the contest.
  • No bribing, whining, complaining, guilting, or similar poor-sport actions
  • No proxies will be accepted
[CENTER][b][u][font=chocolatebox][size=18][COLOR=rgb(255, 73, 86)]Pai[/color][COLOR=rgb(255, 105, 53)]nt[/color] [COLOR=rgb(253, 212, 24)]Me[/color] [COLOR=rgb(85, 209, 121)]A[/color] [COLOR=rgb(128, 145, 249)]Pic[/color][COLOR=rgb(139, 88, 183)]tu[/color][COLOR=rgb(247, 110, 210)]re[/color][COLOR=rgb(158, 158, 158)]![/color][/size][/font][/b][/u][/CENTER]

[b]Username:[/b] Your Basilisk Stew username here.
[b]Bonus Ticket Entry:[/b] Delete if not filling out! For a bonus ticket, tell me what sort of art this pony likes to make best. This can be anything from the style of art to a specific art hobby. Examples: Abstract art, thought provoking pieces or sculpture, paintings.
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Grizzled Veteran
The List
  1. Zakiax​
  2. Zakiax​
  3. Jackariah Beckett​
  4. Jackariah Beckett​
  5. Melomar​
  6. Melomar​
  7. belloblossom​
  8. belloblossom​
  9. sharkberrypizza
  10. sharkberrypizza​
  11. Luxona
  12. Luxona​
  13. Reoakee​
  14. Reoakee​
  15. FrostyPeaches​
  16. FrostyPeaches​
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Stew Aficionado
Paint Me A Picture!

Username: Zakiax
Bonus Ticket Entry: This pony has always been in to theatre and however he's not very good at acting he puts his artistic skills to another use by creating Theatrical scenery for community plays.

Jackariah Beckett

Grizzled Veteran
Paint Me A Picture!

Username: Jackariah Beckett
Bonus Ticket Entry: I think they enjoy knitting with white yarn then tiedyeing it :).


Grizzled Veteran
Paint Me A Picture!

Username: Melomar
Bonus Ticket Entry: This pony loves to photograph in black and white, then he adds color with watercolors to give the image a subtle POP.


Stew Aficionado
Paint Me A Picture!

Username: belloblossom
Bonus Ticket Entry: Maestro is one of the most distinguished artists in his community. Why for his splatter art paintings of course!


🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member
Paint Me A Picture!

Username: sharkberrypizza
Bonus Ticket Entry: This pony loves not only to create works of art by recycling old, cleaned up scrap metal but also by writing their own short poems or micro-stories that tell more about their crafty-works!


Grizzled Veteran
Paint Me A Picture!

Username: Luxona
Bonus Ticket Entry: He enjoys making impressionistic paintings most! Something about all those little individual dabs becoming a bigger picture gives him joy, like seeing both the forest and the trees!


Grizzled Veteran
Paint Me A Picture!

Username: Reoakee
Bonus Ticket Entry: Chiaroscuro in realist art is his favorite art style to create. while they take days to weeks to create he is proud of his work.


Long-Term Resident
Paint Me A Picture!

Username: FrostyPeaches
Bonus Ticket Entry: He paints windmills, no not the big centerpiece ones tall as buildings, the small ones that you can hold in your hand mouth or place into gardens for brighter yet sophisticated scenic views.


Grizzled Veteran
The List!

  1. FrostyPeaches
  2. belloblossom
  3. FrostyPeaches
  4. Melomar
  5. Zakiax
  6. sharkberrypizza
  7. Luxona
  8. sharkberrypizza
  9. Jackariah Beckett
  10. Melomar
  11. Reoakee
  12. belloblossom
  13. Jackariah Beckett
  14. Luxona
  15. Zakiax
  16. Reoakee
Rolling in about an hour~


Grizzled Veteran
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 16
Res: 16
  1. FrostyPeaches
  2. belloblossom
  3. FrostyPeaches
  4. Melomar
  5. Zakiax
  6. sharkberrypizza
  7. Luxona
  8. sharkberrypizza
  9. Jackariah Beckett
  10. Melomar
  11. Reoakee
  12. belloblossom
  13. Jackariah Beckett
  14. Luxona
  15. Zakiax
  16. Reoakee