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Late to the discussion and generally distracted but here is my thoughts.

So I'm overwhelmed in general trying to remember things, especially when they change/keep changing. As such it takes me more time to adjust and feel confident I'm doing things right. However, I'm generally fine with whatever direction things go. I just may need to be reminded, repeatedly... lol XD

On the topic of mutations, I've never had an issue with the name or felt they were negative, but can see the connotations and for in lore I can see why it may need changed.
For me in lore/rp I've always based reactions based on what the mutation is rather than generally.
Out of lore or more shop based. I do see and tend to agree that non mutant or heavily edited pones do have a harder time finding plots and mates.
Some form of limiting or increasing cool things about not mutated sounds good. I just have not real feedback on a good/best way.

On the name itself I'm not a huge fan of the bless/miracle label either. with similar feelings that have already been stated.
Personally, out of the one's i've seen suggested i really like Curiosity/Curiosities.

For points and tracking, I'm super not great with rembering to track stuff. Historically I've struggled to find the right places and accurately tracking. So whatever you go with having a consistent place to find the current lists I need access to would be much apricated/needed.

For breedings, I'm fine if you want to increase the cap to 4 but I likely will take few of them. I see why and think its cool and could add more interest and fun to a breeding, but I already struggle to feel like i balance inspo when doing 3 parents. So, i understand why some said it could be a burnout.
Though the extra baby would be the main reason to me that I would burn out or otherwise get overwhelmed. It adds a lot more work per breeding. So for a simular reason that i pref no foals I wouldn't take many 4 parent pairs.

And last random note. It may be confusing to use CC acronym. I may get used to it in a staff side context, but I just kept reading colorist choice in my head when i was reading it and had to keep reminding myself. (note the change doesn't bother me, i like the name better the accronym jsut confused my silly brain xP)