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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[GAME CLOSED] What Kind Of Family Is This? Conrats Winners!


Grizzled Veteran

What a strange family we have here! These three kits will be growing up as loners with no mother! All they have in the world is their strange father. Though these kits have extended family, they won't learn about them until they are much older. Their father's name is Recollection, and he is just as eccentric as his name. Being left in charge of naming kits, he found unique names for them all.

These two kits are up for grabs! So tell me, how will these kits handle growing up in the wilds with no mom and a strange dad? Fill out the form below to enter. NatiStorm will be the judge and choose the winners within 48 hrs of the game end time.
Starts: 11/5 @ 11pm EST
Ends: 11/8 @ 11pm EST

[B][size=18]We're not strange, we're unique![/size]
Preference of kitten[/B]: Which one first? Brown & Black or Sunset Moon
[B]Name of kitten: [/B]List a name for each kitten. Theme is unique names loners would know
[B]Personality:[/B] Very brief description of their personality
[B]Family relationship:[/B] How do they feel about their siblings and father?


Stew Aficionado
We're not strange, we're unique!
Preference of kitten
: sunsetty moon baby -> brown and black baby

Name of kitten: Sunrise or Harvest Moon for the sunset moon one, Twilight or Dusk Star for the black and brown one


The orange kit is wise beyond their years, and reflective of many things. They are studious and quiet, and cause very little problems. They love stargazing and moving around at night.

The brown and black kit is a troublemaker. All they do is cause problems for their siblings. They are the first to strike headlong into danger, especially if it means that the others stay back and stay safe.

Family relationship:

The orange kit regards their father with indifference. He is wacky and eccentric, but he is family, so they don't have a strong connection one way or the other. Their siblings get a bit more affection from them, though it's generally through guarded caution that they don't get themselves hurt.

The black and brown kit thinks their father is silly as a dizzy bee. Whatever that means. They don't even know. Their siblings are precious to them, and they'll defend them with their life.

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
We're not strange, we're unique!
Preference of kitten
: Brown and Black
Name of kitten: Contradiction (but please don't call her that. Contra is more than fine.)
Personality: Spite is a very powerful motivator, and this kit is fueled by it. If something is expected of her, well, you best learn to expect the opposite. What starts out as a simple rebellious phase of her youth, Contra's personality grows less sharp and more of a general rejection of social pressures. She just simply cannot be bothered with what you've decided she is or will be.
Family relationship: A strong believer that simply being family doesn't mean you have her respect. Should they earn it, then they will have a sister or daughter who's nonchalant attitude could be quite grounding. Or aggravating. That's up to you.


Stew Aficionado
We're not strange, we're unique!
Preference of kitten
: Sunset Moon, Brown/Black
Name of kitten: Expectation (Sunset Moon) + Foundyou(brown/black)
Personality: Expectation is fueled by the meaning of her name, but mystified by the unpredictability of the future. She often tries to guess what's going to happen next in her life, but between her father's unusual personality and trying to corral her siblings into a group, she finds it very hard to expect any sort of routine from her family. This causes her more stress than anything else and as a result, she's begun to gain some expectations from others, and they aren't exactly good ones. She expects others to be chaotic and as one of the few who seem dedicated to a life with some normalcy... safe to guess that her expectations have been lowered considerably.

Foundyou doesn't mean to be a mischievous kit, he just tends to wander off. He lacks recollection on which way he came from until his father comes to fetch him - when his father comes to fetch him, that is. A kit who walks to the beat of his own step and has a head for distraction, Foundyou heard his father announce his presence as 'Foundyou' enough times that this is the only name he'll answer to now. A slow-talker when he's among others, Foundyou has a big heart, but it takes a lot of concentration for him to actually express his ideas or feelings.
Family relationship: Expectation, or Ex, has a tendency to get overwhelmed easily by her family. She's always trying to gather her siblings into a group or a safety huddle, but no one can stop the wandering paws of her family. She's often found trying to pester her father for guidance and frustrated when she can't make sense of the advice he gives her. With no mother to speak of, she's taken up the role herself.

Foundyou loves his family, even if he tends to wander away from them often. With little sense of danger, he tends to find himself in precarious situations. Usually his father manages to grab him before Foundyou can actually get himself into trouble, but there have been a few close calls. Foundyou has a hard time pronouncing his father and sibling's names and has gotten in the habit of giving his kin nicknames as a result. (This trait will extend to other cats, should he meet them.)


Long-Term Resident
We're not strange, we're unique!
Preference of kitten
: Sunset Moon, Brown/Black
Name of kitten: Memory (moon) or Mayhem (brown black white)
Personality: Memory is a reflective, introverted, introspective cat, keeping to themself more often than not, and when they do speak it is often to answer a question with a question. Many others find the way Memory digs at their feelings and thoughts to be off-putting, but that never bothers them, and in fact makes it that much easier to only keep company with cats at least as eclectic as themself

Mayhem is a cat always trying to keep everyone around them guessing. Unpredictability is the name of the game, and whether they will do things that are expected or requested, do something else entirely, or purposely misinterpret and misuse the things said to them to suit their own wishes is anyone's guess.
Family relationship: Either way, the kit has a bemused attachment to the family, fondness toward dad and siblings, but ultimately will want to wander as a loner nearby to the family's territory but separate enough there isn't much overlap. Something to call their own, somewhere to be extra weird.


Grizzled Veteran
We're not strange, we're unique!
Preference of kitten
: brown & black > sunset
Name of kitten: Mimic (for both)
Personality: Mimic is mute! All the things that she knows in life is by watching and by learning through her actions. She's a ferocious kitten, and loves to play fight! Her strength is that she has a higher pain tolerance, and with that, she does not really yet know how to vocalize/signal when she is hurting. Mimic tries her best to stay near Recollection, so that she can have the attention that she needs when necessary. How else will her father now when she needs something?
Family relationship: Mimic is a family cat. She knows that she needs at least someone with her, so that they can speak up for her when she needs her point laid across. Mimic is not really fond of strange cats, and has no intention of getting to know others. With this, she often wants to patrol and protect her family. She belives that with her family, she will survive. Without them, she will suffer.