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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[ GAME ] Family Drama

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran

Marten has always been a bit of a problem child. The runt of Fox and Milo's first litter, this feisty asshole has been getting himself into trouble since the day he was born. He spent most of his youth running around picking fights over vapid little kittypets. That is, until miss Kitty came into his life! This beautiful show cat stole his heart out from under him and now, they're expecting kits! Let's welcome Moose and Deer to the family!

This little one still needs a name! Want to enter for the Ghost above? Fill out the form for a ticket into a free raffle!
Entrants that have zero spirit cats (this means no Ghosts, Sunclan or Eclipsed cats!) get an additional ticket!

This game will end on 2/14 @10PM EST!
[COLOR=rgb(85, 209, 121)][B][U][SIZE=5]I Hear Hoofbeats![/SIZE][/U][/B][/COLOR]
[B]username[/B] your username here
[B]cat name[/B] we are going for a theme here! Siblings are Moose and Deer, but any animal will do (try and avoid [URL='']names already taken[/URL] tho!
[B]spirit cats[/B] do you own any ghosts, eclipsed or sunclan cats? link to them here! if not, you get a bonus ticket!


Stew Aficionado
I Hear Hoofbeats!
username belloblossom
cat name Elk
spirit cats No Ghosts or Eclipsed, but I've got a small hoard of SunClan cats! (Mostly since I've killed my living ones myself xD)
Finchchirp, Creamnose, Blazekit, Gingerpaw, Floppyear and Aspenswirl who isn't linked because I don't have any death art for him yet, but I promise he's dead.


Grizzled Veteran
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 7
Res: 5
  1. PeterPan_da144
  2. NatiStorm
  3. belloblossom
  4. pyrrh
  5. RockerWolfie
  6. RockerWolfie
  7. DavyJnah