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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[GAME] Mew Are You?


Stew Aficionado

Mousewhisker and Deathfang had a litter of kittens - and what a large litter it turned out to be! Four of these kittens have homes, but there are two remaining! One kitten will be given out through a personality contest and the remaining kitten will be raffled out among contest participants!

Before we get into the fun, below are some rules that you ought to keep in mind:
- Anyone, besides pyrrh and belloblossom can enter from staff to newbies and anyone in-between!
- The naming theme for these kittens is anything to do with bones or organs. For example two of the siblings will be Bonepelt and Heartsong.
- You may only win one cat from this game.
- These kits must stay in TreeClan until they're apprentices, in which case it's up to them if they remain in TreeClan or leave it.

Now, without further ado, let's get you that form so you can enter into the contest!

Opens: Feb 19th @ 10am PST / 1pm EST
Closes: Feb 26th @ 8pm EST / 11pm EST​
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Stew Aficionado

1. Brown 2. Tan

[color=brown][size=16][b]That's Mew You Are![/b][/size][/color]
Pref List:[/b] Brown, Tan 
[b]Name:[/b] (warrior name)
[b]Male/Female:[/b] (for certing) 
[b]Personality:[/b] (3 sentence max) 

(Optional, if different per kit) 
Name:[/b] (warrior name)
[b]Male/Female:[/b] (for certing) 


Grizzled Veteran
That's Mew You Are!
Username: NatiStorm
Pref List:
Brown, Tan
Name: Skullstrike
Male/Female: Female
Personality: Patient and quiet, Skullstrike aims to be the best ambush hunter ever! When there isn't any prey around to catch, she (gently) practices her skill on her siblings.


Stew Aficionado
That's Mew You Are!
Preference: Brown -> Tan

Kit: Brown
Name: Spinebreaker
Male/Female: Male
Personality: He's the biggest of the litter, and as such, when he rough houses, he has a tendency to absolutely body his siblings. This is something that carries over into his personality, causing him to be a showoff and think he's real big for his britches. Being quick to anger doesn't help this, and he will easily leave clanmates with more than they bargained for if they mess with him.

Kit: Tan
Name: Skullcrusher
Male/Female: Female
Personality: Don't let her small size convince you otherwise: she might be the smallest, but she certainly has the biggest bite! Not only that, but as she grows older, she perfects dropping from trees to land directly on opponents/prey - using the momentum of the fall to flatten them, even with her demure stature! Whoever tries to woo this pretty lady will have their work cut out for them, as she will accept nothing less than the best.

Lunar Fea

Grizzled Veteran
That's Mew You Are!
Username: lunar fea
Pref List:
Brown, Tan
Name: Brokenjaw for brown, Splinteredspine
Male/Female: Female for both
Personality: Calculating and tactical. Brokenjaw/Splinteredspine is the type to thoroughly asses a situation before rushing in and then striking with precision where and when it matters most. She is loyal to her family and a decent conversationalist but beware when she has gone quiet. That is when you know she is thinking and usually about something or someone's demise.

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
That's Mew You Are!
Username: Blinded By Silence
Pref List:
Brown, Tan
Name: Eyetooth
Male/Female: Male
Personality: Two things are constant with this large tom; Their ever-present toothy grin and the quiet promise that they are always watching. It is unknown if they are mute by birth or by choice, but regardless, they have learned to get their point across in other ways. An avid birdwatcher who leaves offerings for the crows.


Grizzled Veteran
That's Mew You Are!
Pref List:
Tan, brown

Kit: Tan
Name: Antlerfall
Male/Female: Male
Personality: An inquisitive and calm kit, curious about the nature of the world such as life and death and everything in between. Often wondering what other animals both big and small can tell him about predicting the weather and the growth of helpful plants.

Kit: Brown
Name: Clawstep
Male/Female: Male
Personality: A rowdy kit, always ready to rumble. Rambunctiously climbing anything he can sink his little claws into without thinking through how to get back down. Only time will tell if he uses this energy to make trouble or help TreeClan.