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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[CLOSED] Tell Me A Spooky Story!


*Spooky voice* Enter if you dare!

It's that time of year again. When things go bump in the night!

This is a spooky story contest. Tell us a tale that would fit the lore of Cats of the Sun. It could be a story that the kit you're entering for knows and is telling, or it could be told by one of your other cats. This story can be haunting or fun, so long as the spooky theme is incorporated!

Start: 10/6/24 Soon as I post GO!
Ends: 10/13/24 @noon-ish

~ Rules ~
1. This game is run in conjunction with two other games related to this litter! NEWBIE KITTEN RAFFLE and TWINNING.
2. You may only win one (1) kit from this litter, but you may enter multiple games.
3. Be polite. Don't discourage anyone from entering.
4. This contest will be judged by Bello and magna.
5. There is no minimum/maximum word count for this contest.
6. There is no naming theme for the kit in this contest. They are loners, so only those restrictions.

~ Family ~

Sweet Corn- The mother, loner. Sweet Corn started as a kittypet named Cornflake who lived with her brother Reese. Deciding that she wanted to live a life of adventure, she left her brother's side and sought a fun journey into the wild, finding StoneClan and joining their ranks. She took the name Sweetpaw as an apprentice and became Sweetfang as a warrior. She was known as an excellent fighter and found herself a mate within the Clan, Splitnose, who she loved dearly. Yet neither the power of love nor her grand hunting skills could keep her in StoneClan after StoneClan's battle with TreeClan. Sweet Corn changed her name yet again and after confiding her desire to run away with Splitnose, she left Clan life behind forever. Now, she worries for the safety of her kits, but she'll do all she can to provide for them and find a way to keep them safe from the dangers that the wild has offered her.
Splitnose- The father, loner (soon as I change him. XD). Splitnose is not the kind of tom who can make up his mind. He leaves the choices 100% up to his mate. Splitnose faithfully followed his mate when she chose to leave StoneClan.
Kit 2 (3rd on picture) (bello)- Honey, Male. Just a baby
Kit 6 (magna)- squishy beans

~ Kit you are entering for! ~

[color=orange][size=20]Wrap the moss tight![/size][/color]
Kit Name:
Kit Gender:
Spooky Story:[/b]
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Grizzled Veteran
Wrap the moss tight!
Username: I--LiveWire--I
Kit Name: Shivervine
Kit Gender: Female
Spooky Story:

There are many reasons cats will warn and teach others to only take the prey they truly need. Though I shall tell you the tale of fate of a cocky feline that thought hunting for sport was fun and no prattling bag of bones would stop him.
Nightbelly as he stalked yet another crow from the blasted flock of them that had been roosting near his den and fluttering and screeching as if taunting him. He had become quite skilled at stalking and taking down the cunning bird and rending them to clouds of feathers for their crimes against him. It was a thrilling challenge each time and his parents warnings fell on deaf ears.
He smirked and leapt at the black bird for the kill, eager for the tase of fresh blood. The bird did not make a sound as it whipped his beaked head around like an owl to stare at the large feline baring down on it. There was no stopping his movement mid flight but as if things moved in slow motion his smirk vanished and his eyes widened with an uneasy fear as the glowing white eyes of the unnatural bird pierced him with accusatory hostility.
He collided hard with the bird and tumbled to the ground in a heap, having lost his focus on graceful action. He was quick to jump back to his paws and his eyes flicked wildly around for the bird. Then froze on what could not possibly have been the same creature he had just seen. All that lay before him was the rotting body of a crow crawling with insects. He heaved and nearly lost his last meal as he realized he had landed on and tumbled through the gore and it now horrifyingly clung to his fur.
Spooked and revolted he darted away as fast as his paws would carry him to the nearest stream to wash and forget the experience.
He did his best to forget but he never could and such things began to happen more and more as he hunted. And not just with the cursed crows. He was unable to catch or even eat the food his worried parents tried to give him. He grew more and more paranoid until one night he left his family and their den with a glassy look in his eyes and his skeletal frame a haunting site to the younger sibling of his that was the last to see him as they vanished into the woods never to be seen again.
So if you ever think to take more than you need or kill for the sake of killing, you have been warned of the cursed fate that just may await you when the spirits are wrongs.
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Grizzled Veteran
Wrap the moss tight!
Username: NatiStorm
Kit Name: Sootspot (or Ashspot)
Kit Gender: Female
Spooky Story:

(Story context: Trouble is a traveling medicine cat who loves to tell kits and gullible cats spooky stories. He told the loner she-cat Tremble that in order to keep her loved ones safe from the Cattergrab she needed to spin in a circle twice and yowl at the moon exactly three times. Tremble does this like clockwork. This story plays off of that one.)

Let me tell you the tale of the Kittersnatch! The Kittersnatch was once a lovely queen, full of love and compassion, who dreamed only of nursing and caring for her kits. That was until tragedy struck. Late one night, a creature snuck into her den and killed all of her kittens! There was nothing the queen could do to save them. After that great loss sadness gripped her heart and stripped away the queens love and compassion. Over the next few moons, grief drove the queen to madness! She developed many strange habits, such as talking to herself, only eating strange plants, and she seemed to constantly tremble under the weight of her grief. But then, after a full moon cycle, she began stalking the night in search of what she had lost - kittens.

Any little kitten who was foolish enough to wander too far from their parents den at night or who didn't make it back home before nightfall would go missing, snatched up by the Kittersnatch - the crazed queen! Cats would search for their missing kits, only to find their dead bodies laying in a makeshift den nearby, having been smothered from the Kittersnatch's overbearing insane affection. See, the Kittersnatch forgot how to love, forgot how to care for the kittens she stole. She only knows that she wants them close to her so in her madness, she sits upon the kittens she finds until the warmth leaves their bodies, then she goes to find another!

This is why it's so important to stay in your parents den, especially at night.

Now you may think this tale untrue, you may think it's just a story, but if you listen closely, sometimes, in the dead of night, you can still hear her meowing loudly to the moon before she starts a new hunt for kittens to trap in her den.
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