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Hopscotch ☘ A Rabbit Shop

Item Guide

Hopscotch Shop

Long-Term Resident
Mule Account

Hopscotch is full of interesting items your rabbits can collect. Many of these items have various uses, which out outlined here. Items are stored in your burrow.

Four Leafed Clover
An item used as a currency. These should be redeemed here.

Immature Dye Berry
An item that can be used to apply a little bit of dye to the coat.

Mature Dye Berry
An item that can be used to apply some dye to the coat.

Superior Dye Berry
An item that can be used to apply dye to the coat.

An item that when consumed increases the minimum number of kits in a litter by 1.

Tasty Twig
An item that when consumed increases a random hidden trait.

An item that when consumed increases the maximum number of kits in a litter by 1.

An item that when consumed increases the chance that a twin will occur in a litter.

An item that when consumed increases the chance that a mutation will occur in a litter.

Peppy Pepper
An item that when consumed increases the chance that a novel mutation will occur if there is a mutation in a litter.

An item that when consumed increases the number of times a rabbit can breed. Consume 1 pumpkin to increase from 3 -> 4, consume 2 pumpkins to increase from 4 -> 5, consume 4 pumpkins to increase from 5 -> 6, etc.

Offering Stone
A stone that can be used as an offering at Nymph's Pool.

Gorgeous Geode
A stone that when left with an offering stone at Nymph's Pool causes strange things to happen.

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