Jirachi's Wish RP

Jirachis Wish RP

New Arrival
Mule Account

art of Kira by peechiepeeps

Jirachi's Wish is a pokemon RP shop that we run on our forum, with some events on Discord!
We also have an online social media presence which is mostly just sharing characters! Find us via our

Discord | Forum
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Jirachis Wish RP

New Arrival
Mule Account
Hello and welcome!

If you are transferring from our Gaia shop you can either choose to sign up with your Gaia username, or sign up with a new one. Just let us know who you were so journals can be updated accordingy! We DO have a shop discord! If you're wondering why there's so few journals when you look at the forum (if you're not signed in, or unregistered), only staff journals are visible to lessen the amount of info to process (and potentially overwhelm), and provide examples!

Our Rules:
1.) First and foremost be respectful. We don't appreciate nor tolerate harassment or disrespect towards any of the shop staff or kid owners.
2.) If caught harassing anyone you will be banned.
3.) Do NOT steal any artwork. The artists have worked hard on the images and don't want to see them reproduced/copied/or stolen. Thank you.
4.) No chatspeak/l33t speak.
5.) No refunds
6.) There isn't a limit on how many you can have but please only get as many as you are wanting to stay active with, please. Better to have what you are willing to play with instead of a bunch of characters you've collected that sit around gathering dust. <3
7.) Do not whine or beg for a child there will be plenty of opportunities.
8.) This is a roleplay community. Roleplay is required to get new art and the next stages.
9.) Do not pester artists or staff members unless you feel it is needed. Like if we missed your growth or didn't answer a question you had asked about.
10.) Please post questions in the staff questions channel on our discord. Do NOT pm the artist. Though we don't mind answering questions we feel it would be better if all questions were directed to the shop mule for consistency.
11.) Play dates only count for the stage they are in and do NOT count for future requirements. So if your child is teen all the play dates count for that stage. THEY DO NOT count for stages beyond that.
12.) Only ONE account per user. Please do not sign up multiple times. If you can't remember your password request it be reset. Check your spam folder for account approval email.

Role play Rules:
1.) For a PD (play date) to count each owner must make at least 5 posts, so ten posts total. Also while there's no post limit requirement if users abuse this with short one liners, one may be implemented in the future as needed.
2.) No Chatspeak or l33t speak. Be literate please.
3.) Keep all rp PG 13 and under. Anything above that take it to pm's, as long as both/all parties are okay with this. Otherwise, fade to black.
4.) Please follow proboards's TOS.


Q: So...can I have one?
A: Yes! Newbies can claim a new pokemon either on Discord or on the forum (not both places) after they complete a 500 word solo as their intended pokemon. It will then be picked up by one of our talented artists! You can also get them through customs, or bribes. In the future we will open the ability to pay money for characters.

Q: How much are they?
A: This is pending. For the moment they are free. Once we figure out a proboard "payment" system it will be implemented. For now activity is the main currency. In time we'll allow users to pay real money to buy them from artists, with prices TBD.

Q: Legendaries?
A: Legendaries are meant to be rare, and while some may have multiple types of the same legendary, going forward we will ask that each player only has one 'type' of a legendary until it's an adult. If a legendary is a perma, or has [NRP] then that version of the legendary is available to other players and are no longer considered 'locked' to others.' The rules regarding legendary limits per user can also be found [a href="[URL]https://jirachiswishrp.proboards.com/thread/6/legendary-rules-owners-customs[/URL]"]here[/a].

Q: What about Jirachi, why is it an exception?
A: For the moment another Jirachi will not be allowed since the main shop NPCs are Jirachi.

Q: Where is this set?
A: This is set in a general world setting, the Pokemon still act as normal when in the first stage. They roam around doing Pokemon things until they stumble across either Kira or one of Kira's stars and the change overtakes them. (In the past this was fulfilled by Ialu or one of his stars. Ialu has been retired as he belonged to the old shop owner.)
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Jirachis Wish RP

New Arrival
Mule Account
In the center of the Wishmaker's Woods is located a small cabin, one that can't be found unless the owner opens up the woods to those around him. Here in this cabin is a short blond who looks far younger then he really is, his name is Ialu, and while he might not appear to be so he is actually the Legendary Pokemon called Jirachi. In the past few years the adorable blond has started to share his power in the shape of silver stars, power that allows other Pokemon to do something miraculous, shifting from normal Pokemon into a more humanoid versions of themselves. With this shift they find themselves able to speak with both humans and Pokemon, they are immune to the power of Pokeballs, and are still able to use their various powers as well! It's yet to be seen everything that they are capable of but there are rumors going around about other things these wonderful PokeHumans are capable of.

The very first one to take on this powers, save for the Jirachi himself, was his bodyguard and best friend, an interesting Typlosion with a blue flame ringed around his neck. Once he discovered his power to help others to change and 'become more' he was quick to recreate the changes with others, first a Meganium named Tyra that lived in the forest, an old Torterra Sage, and then a few younger Pokemon like the shiny Magikarp Zenny and a Ghastly called Brigadier General, both of which who were raised in his forest so that he could watch the changes. Soon enough his power got better and better, allowing him to change other Legendary Pokemon, some Pokemon who have trainers, some wild ones, those in the wild, those living in the cities, and so on and so forth. More recently the power has even started to draw out features from the DNA of a Pokemon's father, creating what are now known amongst the group as 'hybrids'. The more time that passes the more and more interesting things that seem to pop up, some of the effects from the Pokemon's own DNA, some from strange potions that Pokemon have been drinking that some talented alchemists has been brewing up, and various other mysterious sources! It makes one wonder what else might happen as more time passes! Only time will tell though!

In exchange for the power given to the various Pokemon who find the enchanted silver stars Ialu creates a sort of bond between himself and them, it's a bond that gives him energy, allowing him to stay awake constantly instead of going into a thousand year sleep like most Jirachi do.

Ialu has been "retired" from the shop since he belonged to the old shop owner, and so lore wise Ialu is on a well deserved vacation with his friends! Kira is a teenage shiny Jirachi who is very excited to be here and do her best to help everyone fulfill their wishes with her shiny gold stars! She doesn't stay in any one place and instead travels the world to enjoy and experience life. Which means if you ever want to do an RP with her she's readily available!
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