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Moonie's Questing Place


Plushie Conversions:

Winter '19 Plushie's will not be posted here until Jan. 15 2020

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Other Shop Conversions:

I'll be posting Certs of the Pet's as proof they are mine.
I don't expect them to be 100% like their past selves.
There are a few that I don't have certs for... But If need be I can try and hunt them down.


My first B/C pet EVER. She has a cert... somewhere.
Starting Stage: Adult
Breed: CC, A conversion was made of a similar breed. Ended up being a bat mutant.
Are you willing to have a different Breed:Yes
A or B: CC

Image Reference:


My first attempt at being a colorist ^^"
Starting Stage: Adult
Breed: CC but a Ghoulie whould be interesting
Are you willing to have a different Breed: Yes
A or B: CC

Image Reference:


Starting Stage: Adult
Breed: Peggu
Are you willing to have a different Breed: Yes
A or B: CC
Image Reference:


Starting Stage: Adult
Breed: Peggu
Are you willing to have a different Breed: Yes
A or B: CC


Starting Stage: Adult
Breed: Earth or Uni
Are you willing to have a different Breed: Yes
A or B: CC


Starting Stage: Adult
Breed: Peggu
Are you willing to have a different Breed: Yes but No.
A or B: CC


Starting Stage: Adult
Breed: Ghoulie
Are you willing to have a different Breed: Yes
A or B: CC


Starting Stage: Adult
Breed: Bat or Dragon
Are you willing to have a different Breed: Yes
A or B: CC


I've lost this cert... But he was a good boi
Starting Stage: Adult
Breed: CC but a ghoulie whould be interesting
Are you willing to have a different Breed: Yes
A or B: CC

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