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Nymph's Pool Warren Information

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Grizzled Veteran
Nymph's Pool Warren

Nymph's Pool is a warren that over sees the Nymph's Pool region. They consider Nymph's Pool to be sacred to rabbit kind and believe that all rabbits should have access to it. They spend their time ensuring rabbits are welcome to come and go from the pool as they please. The warren also does it best to be respectful of the offerings left at the pool by others.

While the warren welcomes the coming and goings of others they are quite strict about the requirements of those who live there. Failure to comply with the code of the warren means immediate expulsion.

Thanks to the pool, greenery is typically accessible year round here, and the warren dwellers don't have to go far to forage. The average warren member has a strong connection to the pool and is truly devoted to letting all visit it.


Warren members have one of two ranks - attendant or guardian.


The attendants are a does only rank that oversee the offerings at the pool and carry out secret activities in the burrows under the pool itself. Attendants rarely mix with the outside world, beside the guardians. There is no official head attendant but that doesn't mean there's not the occasional power struggle to get to the top of the pecking order.

Attendants are not permitted to raise kits past weaning. Should an attendant have a litter they are expected to send them elsewhere to be raised as soon as they have been weaned. Most attendants choose to send their kits off with rabbits who have left offerings at the pool, but other choose more selectively


Guardians live in burrows around the outer edge of the region. Most burrows host two to five guardians, but a few are larger. They are never permitted to enter the burrows below the pool itself. Guardians are expected to ensure any rabbit can visit the pool that wishes to. They are expect to enforce this any way they can and at any cost. They also get rabbits moving along that have lingered too long.

Each burrow of guardians has an unofficial captain that organizes them. This is usually the longest serving guardian in the burrow but sometimes exceptionally talented and hard working rabbits reach this status quickly.

Guardians are generally permitted to venture out in the world once in a while, provided they promptly return. Guardians are not permitted to have kits. If a buck sires a litter he is expected to have nothing to do with it. If a does falls pregnant she expected to either become an attendant or permanently leave the warren all together.


Moonbeam - Ellanoire - Attendant
Blossom - Einna Firekeeper - Attendant
Moon Moon - MoonRazor - Guardian
Bark - Einna Firekeeper - Guardian
Reflection - Kyrieko - Guardian
Reed - Absolutiones - Guardian

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