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Animal Country: Big City

Oh boy, a Floran guide!

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🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member

Floran is one busy bee! He's the one in charge of processing immigrants into Big City, helping with City-wide fundraisers, assigning new guides to fresh faces, and so much more! So much so that he barely has time for anything else, in fact ...

... but that might "bee" just how he likes it!

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🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member
In every channel:

Provides useful shortcuts to #rules-and-info and #questions-and-answers.

!rng [min, max, pull]
Generates a random number between min and max, pull amount of times - or once, if pull is omitted.

!dice [dice] - !roll [dice] - !throw [dice]
Throws a specified amount of dice in format xdt, where x is the amount and t is type (e.g. 5d12).
Up to 5 different types of die can be thrown, 20 dice per type.
[Types include 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 24, 30, 50, and 10.]
[There are no commas between types.]

In #role-management:

!alert [news/games/streams/rlc]
Adds you to the specified role(s), or removes you, if you've been previously added.
(e.g. "!alert streams" or "!alert rlc games")
For keeping up with general shop news, use news.
For rlc sales, use rlc.
For discord games, use games.
For stream alerts, use streams.
For community notifications regarding Wishing, use wishes.

In #giveaways-and-games:

!enter [keyword]
When a designer starts a raffle, you may enter it using the keyword they used to start it.
(e.g. A designer starts a raffle with the keyword 'key'. You enter this raffle with "!enter key".)

In Direct Message:

Use this to see how many coins you have.

!rename [cit-id, new name]
Renames a citizen with the specified name. Must be in order given.
The first renaming is free, after it costs 20 coins.

!desc [cit-id, description]
Adds the description specified to the citizen, which can be viewed on their profile.
Descriptions cost 30 coins to add, regardless of length.

!give [cit-id, discord nickname]
Gives a citizen to the guild member specified. Must be in order given, and discord nickname must be the nickname they use in Big City's server, not (username#numbers).
(e.g. !give 26 sharkie pi)
This is always free.

Designer Only:

In every channel:

!award [number, mentions]
Awards number of coins to every mentioned user.
Each designer may only award up to 20 coins per day, and the total across designers may not exceed 100 per day.
Designers may not award themselves coins, but may award coins to other designers.

In #giveaways-and-games:

!raffle start [keyword]
Starts a single-entry raffle with the specified keyword.
Keyword must always be present, and can by anything up to 20 char.
Each designer may only have one active raffle.

!raffle end [number]
Ends the raffle, pulling number amount of winners, all if there are less than number specified, or none, if no one entered the raffle.

In #bot-spam:

!wish [cit-id, cit-id, ... ]
Generates a wish between at least two citizens specified by their ids, up to a maximum of four.
For legacy citizens, please use a combination of "l" (L) and their cit-id. (e.g. "l52").
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