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Once Upon A Spandex [CLOSED]


Grizzled Veteran

Edited Earth by ChexaRain
[ edits: full bodysuit, belt, leg bag ]

"Oh, hello! You may know my face, but it's under this mask, and that should also be familiar to you.
I'm here for a little breather after my last... ahem... little shindig.
What shindig? Oh, did you not get the invite? Well you didn't miss much, only like the coolest party ever, but with adventure and romance even.
Maybe if you guess what happened and tell me a really cool story, I'll follow you home and water the plants.
With ACTUAL water, promise!"

Welp, you heard 'em, tell me a cool story.
Does it have to be a real adventure from a certain merc with a mouth? Not at all.
Make it funny, make it cool, however you make it, keep it fun for you.
You have until August 9th @ 11 PM EST!

[size=24][color=red]So, what happened was...[/color][/size]
[b]Username:[/b] ----
[b]Story:[/b] ----
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Grizzled Veteran
So, what happened was...

Username: Reoakee

Story: Once upon a time there was a merc with a mouth who had a bromance with a angry badger-man… I kid I kid. But there was a mercenary who one time got themselves into a bit of trouble. They were sent on a diplomatic mission with a delegate for peace. How did they get wrangled into this mess? Easy, one, they were paid great. And two they may have owed a favor to this delegate a favor due to some unrelated totally random destruction that was overlooked as long as this mission went well. So back to the present. The lovely pain in the ass merc has to behave themselves in the most boring place ever designed. Talks in the other room had been going on for several hours. Every painting they crossed was tilted about a inch off in one way or the other. The maids stopped coming after the merc after a small champagne tower was formed with rubbing on the rim making a very unique melody which caused them some distress. The merc didn’t really care about that and frisbied the serving tray left into the tower of glass bringing it all down with a loud crash. Interestingly that crash was larger and not from the tower. Peeking their head in the delegates conversation room, Merc was most surprised to see the diplomat they were escorting punching the crap out of the person they were here to see. Well alrighty then. That was something. Tossing their friend a nice sharp and pointy, they closed the door and decided to go down the hall and procure an exit route. This time it wasn’t their fault! Honest they were just being a good friend and helping their friend esc…. exit without issues. So of course, several warm lights had to be lit as well since it kept the staff busy and a few extra singe marks wouldn’t be a bad aesthetic. No one even noticed the merc and their pal left the place. Laughing, they both knew the peace talks had fallen to the side and of course they would be pursued very fast. Hauling ass, they didn’t head back home but to a place neighboring land and then crossed back home through the backdoor. -wink- Why did the brawl start? It was simple their delegate buddy has a wife they love who was insulted quite harshly so of course it had to be answered in kind. The innocent merc who never did anything wrong was in trouble just for being a decent friend, and mild arson and a touch of murder on the way out. Why am I telling you this story, may you ask? Well simple dear reader there is a hefty bounty for that mercenary and things will get fun when some party crashers also known as guards from that kingdom come crashing through the door pretty quick in… 3….2…1…...0.5… and the hell with it. Lock and load kitties Disney won’t let me show you what comes next so just use your imagination. -noises can be heard like clicks and a sigh- Maximum effort. -door crashing noises can be heard. -


Grizzled Veteran
So, what happened was...
Username: kovak
Story: There were two ponies who grew up in the kingdom without their parents. One had powers and the other didn't. One day, there was a party and the regular pony fell in love with a prince from a far. The sister didnt like that and out of anger and fear used her powers, which casted her as a monster. She fled and made her own ice kingdom.
Summer became winter and winter stayed. The sister went looking for the frozen kingdom and met another stallion along the way. The two grew closer and found the ice kingdom. The magical sister got seized by the guards and the sister was almost killed by her lover, until the love of sisterhood broke her free and her lover was cast away. And they lived happily ever after.


Grizzled Veteran
So, what happened was...
Username: Joshuality
Story: stallion & mare go out to drive under moonlight. they stop at on at a side of road. he turn to his girl and say: "baby, i love you very much" "what is it honey?" "our car is broken down. i think the engine is broken, ill walk and get some more fuel." "ok. ill stay here and look after our stereo. there have been news report of steres being stolen." "good idea. keep the doors locked no matter what. i love you sweaty"

so the guy left to get full for the car. after two hours the girl say "where is my baby, he was supposed to be back by now". then the girl here a scratching sound and a voice say "LET ME IN"

the girl doesn't do it and then after a while she goes to sleep. the next morning she wakes up and finds her boyfriend still not there. she gets out to check and man door hoof hook car door.

(pls laugh


Grizzled Veteran
After a long, strenuous, and honestly kind of sweaty process, it seems the story by @Reoakee was just so completely accurate and real to what *actually* happened that our local diva in red just HAD to know what comic that was in originally! there's NO WAY you made that up!
They'll be dropped off momentarily, congrats!