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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[ OVER ] To Lead MountainClan - Congrats Tigersnarl & Damsonflower

Cats of the Sun

Mule Account
It had been several weeks since the split of MountainClan, though to some it felt like it was just yesterday. Those who banded together and did all they could to keep the Clan strong and organized amidst the feelings of loss of their kin - including the recent loss of Thistlefur, a beloved elder of their Clan. Not all was dismal, however, for Rainbowfish and Silverstreak brought four new kits into the Clan and hope grew within MountainClan. Surely, MountainClan would continue to grow in size and strength. There was just one thing missing...

The Clan needed a leader.

A cat responsible for all the lives in the clan, to perform the naming ceremonies of kits to apprentices, and apprentices to warriors. A cat who would handle the politics within the Clan and to be the first in line to defend it from any potential threats. A cat on who their clanmates could depend to have MountainClan's best interests in mind, to uphold the Warrior Code and lead them through the hardships they would face.

Does your cat have what it takes to become MountainClan's new leader?

1. Each cat may only cast one vote - they can vote for themselves or another - use it wisely.
2. Only cats with the warrior stage or older can volunteer to be leader (sorry kits!)
3. To review the Warrior Code and MountainClan's values, see the Leader's Den.
4. Kits are considered too young and thus, are unable to vote.
5. Only cats who remained behind on the mountain, can vote for their leader.
6. Fill out the form posted below, entirely.

[size=18][b]Volunteered As Tribute![/b][/size]
Cat Name:[/b] (link official cert here)
[b]Nomination:[/b] (remember, your cat can vote for itself or another, but only once!)
This election will be open for voting until Sept. 8th, 7pm PST/10pm EST.

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actual trash
Staff member
Volunteered As Tribute!
Username: Nym
Cat Name: Rainbowfish
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Cats of the Sun

Mule Account
Nearly the entire Clan stepped forward to speak their opinions on who should lead them. Some, volunteered themselves, others seemed divided on their opinions, but eventually the sun set low in the sky and the time for decision making was over.

The majority vote has decided that Tigersnarl will be the new leader of MountainClan! @Nym Tigersnarl is being called upon to choose the his deputy, a choice that is solely the leader's responsibility. With so many fine warriors in the Clan, who will Tigersnarl choose?


actual trash
Staff member

He accepted the decision with a raised head and a look of understanding. It felt right, as if he had lived his entire life working himself to the bone so that he might one day truly find where he was needed for the clan. Yes, he would gladly lead MountainClan, and he'd sooner die than lead it to ruin. This was a new era for the clan, and Tigersnarl would fight tooth and claw until he restored the clan to its grandeur.
"I accept," he called simply, and then the final decision landed in his paws; who would be deputy? He wasted no time and offered no explanation -- the perfect cat was, without a doubt, them.
"Damsonflower," he announced, locking his gaze on the cat. "I am eager to work alongside you to restore MountainClan to what it once was."
And, hopefully, MountainClan might even become something greater.