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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[PATROL] Family Time (Pigeonflight x Streamheart x Thistledown)


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d10 2 2
Pigeonflight, Streamheart, and Thistledown are going out on patrol!

Our prompt is: Eagle Battle!

MountainClan, Opponent: Eagle
1. Battle
2. Battle
3. Scent Identification (all apprentices roll 1d10, if they land on an even number, they're able to correctly identify the scent as (insert prey type here, ex: a mouse). If they roll an odd number, they cannot identify any specific prey nearby.)
4. Battle
5. Oops! Encounter (While scouring the not-so-dry woods, thanks to the recent rainfall of the warmer months, your patrol stumbles upon a large mud pit! Your cats struggle a while before they manage to escape the heavy murk, but their pelts are too clotted and heavy to do any productive patrolling. Time to find a stream to rinse off in and head back to camp for the day.)
6. Battle
7. Battle
8. Stealth Training (all apprentices roll 1d10, if they land on an odd number, they're able to sneak up on their mentors successfully. If they land on an even number, they make too much noise and alert anything nearby to the patrol's location.
9. Hunting Training (apprentices roll 1d20 to determine if they are able to catch the prey or not, any numbers 13+ indicate a successful catch!)
10. Loner

HP: 10
Damage: 5 per hit
To Hit: 10+

HP: 10
Damage: 5 per hit
To Hit: 10+

HP: 10
Damage: 5 per hit
To Hit: 10+

HP: 60
Damage: ?
To Hit: ?


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 10 10

Streamheart couldn't have been happier as she trotted along with her mother and her son through a now green territory. It still caught her by surprise sometimes when she inhaled deeply and smelled leaves and flowers instead of dust. With the new foliage life came more abundant prey life and more predators. Right, more predators was the reason Streamheart and her family were out patrolling the territory. Bringing her mind back to the task at paw, the pale stripped she-cat sniffed the air once more, searching for any signs of the eagle their leader had warned of.

She caught the scent just before she heard it. Her head snapped towards the sound and her green eyes locked onto the giant bird. It had been ripping into some crow food until it noticed them. Oh, SunClan, that was a big bird with a very nasty looking beak and very sharp talons. Though fear coursed through her, Streamheart stood her ground. Her family was here with her and she would protect them! But more than that, she was a warrior of MountainClan! This is her territory and this big beast of a bird was not going to hunt here.

"Pigeonflight, Thistledown, we do this together!" She didn't want her mother or her son getting anywhere near that bird but she knew in her heart that they were both capable warriors and she'd need their help. With her ears flat against her head, her fur fluffed out, Streamheart darted forward and slashed at the deadly bird.

(Streamheart barely landed a hit for 5 damage!)
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 20 20

Thistledown had always enjoyed going on patrols with his mother. Eclipsesong tended to be loud - a singer, his sister often said, while Sparrowfeather always seemed... he didn't want to say boring, but even as her brother, Thistledown couldn't really come up with much to say about his sister. Quiet? Contemplative, maybe? She didn't seem to take interest in other cats. Glancing at Streamheart who walked confidently ahead, he wondered where Sparrowfeather had gotten her apathetic attitude from. Thistledown wished that he, as his own cat, could be more helpful to his siblings and his family, but he was still trying to figure himself out.

He sighed, thinking of his friend Flickerfly's family, all who seemed so dynamic and confident (sometimes too confident, in Songcall's case.) Or of Tigersun's litter who had recently been made into warriors themselves. Badgerstripe was quiet, but fierce, Snowtiger was a beauty - it was no surprise that she was already being courted. Stagleap was intimidating and Lionheart was as charismatic as his name implied. They'd been named warriors only recently, but Thistledown still felt as though they had so much more going for them than he ever would.

He'd come on this patrol, not expecting much to come of it. He'd been aware that there was an eagle nearby - but what were the chances that he'd actually encounter it? Could he even imagine to take down such an enemy? His mother and her mother, Pigeonflight, were experienced warriors and Thistledown...

This thought process had to stumble in its tracks when he heard his mother's call and his head snapped up. Wait, the eagle was here?! Oh SunClan, help him! Letting out a frightened wail, Thistledown watched as his mother charge forward and felt suddenly like a kit again, following his parents around. Fear gripping him, he chased after his mother and then moved beyond her, leaping at the feathered fiend, doing all he could not to look at the sharp talons or beak the bird possessed.

(Thistledown has pounced on the eagle with his claws out and landed a hit!)


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 17 17

Pigeonflight was feeling much more energetic and enthused once her grandkits arrived. It helped her keep her mind off of Split and Floodkit for so long, and now it was her daughter and grandson patrolling together with her! For circumstances that she did not really wish for -- they were assigned to defend the territory from the eagles, not to mention that it was also the season for predators to also raise their young.

As the eldest of the three, Pigeonflight preferred to have the younger cats lead the patrol. Part of this was bonding time with her family, but considering how Pigeonflight was close to retirement, she also did not want to risk putting herself into much harm, unless it was necessary. She was already aware of how protective Streamheart is of the clan, especially during the days of the famine. It was a proud moment to see how much the clan meant to her daughter, considering all she had been through.

Her train of thought then focused to the eagle. It was large, but it would not win in a fight of one against three. Her kin had the upper paw here. Thistledown was also large enough to not be the size of apprentice anymore, which would make it harder to be picked up as well.

Streamheart initiated with a dash and slash. Pigeonflight curled her mouth and hissed, ready to intervene. She silently heard the slight panic in Thistledown, and ran after the two, aiming herself towards the chest, with teeth and claws ready to sink into the bird. With Thistledown pinning the eagle down, and Streamheart attacking, it only seemed right Pigeonflight to help stop the bird from harming her kits.

(Pigeonflight inflicts 5 damage towards the eagle!)
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Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 13 13
The eagle tore into the old flesh, sour and sweet from the heat of the sun. It too remembered the echoing hollowness that the famine had left in them as it swallowed the meal. Oh, but the mountain does provide, doesn't it? Its large eyes found movement, cats! It shrieked, thankful for another meal so eager to be eaten. But before its wings could lift it from the rock, one, two, three sets of claws raked through its feathers.

Enough! The beast lifted its heavy wings and flapped them dangerously, buffeting the cats and pushing them away. It clipped the one on its back hard as it tried to get into the air once more.

(The eagle hits Thistledown for 3 damage!)

HP: 45
Damage: 3
To Hit: 10+
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 2 2
HP: 7
Thistledown had felt a surge of confidence - confidence that was quickly dashed when the eagle began to thrash, with its wings buffeting the young warrior's legs out from under him. With a yowl of surprise and pain, he fell to the ground, but he turned mid-fall to land on his paws. He still hit the ground hand and his paws stung, but he was turning with claws flailing as he tried to claw the opponent from his dizzied state. @NatiStorm @kovak


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 18 18
It was strange how quickly emotions could change so quickly during a fight. Streamheart's initial fear faded as she felt a surge of pride in her family. Both her mother and her son had attacked their enemy with such ferocity that it made her heart soar. For a moment, she thought they might take down this beast of a bird and come out unscathed.

Then she heard Thistledown cry out as they were all blown back. Streamheart glanced a hint of red in her son's fur and all fear and pride was forgotten. A deep rage Streamheart didn't know she was capable of feeling took over as she dashed back to the eagle about to take flight. With a growl rumbling in her throat, Streamheart pounced on the giant bird, trying to grab hold of it and sink her teeth into the flesh beneath all those thick feathers.
@belloblossom @kovak
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 1 1
HP: 10

Pigeonflight was old, and she was unable to hold on for dear life as the eagle tried to lift itself off the ground. She froze when Thistledown got injured, and watched as Thistledown and Streamheart continued the fight. She just needed a quick breather.

0 damage to the eagle!

@NatiStorm @belloblossom

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 13 13
The large bird let out a sharp cry of annoyance as more claws tore at its glorious plumage. How dare these scraps of fur lash out at him! Stupid prey. With a quick jab of its sharp beak, it lunged at Streamheart!

(The Eagle deals 3 damage to Streamheart!)

HP: 40
Damage: 3
To Hit: 10+

(Please make sure to have your cat's current hp visible in your posts! ty!)
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 4 4
The pain she felt came as no surprise but was sharper than Streamheart expected. As long as Thistledown and Pigeonflight were sparred, she'd take all the furry this beast had to offer. She braced herself for more sharp pain as she wildly swatted at the threat to her family.

(Streamheart missed the eagle!)

HP: 7
Damage: 5 per hit
To Hit: 10+
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 14 14
HP: 10

Pigeonflight regained her composure and confidence and lunged herself back towards the eagle. If anyone was going to lose their life today, it would either be herself or the eagle.

5 damage!
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 3 3
Thistledown wailed as he saw his mother take on damage and he scrambled up, swiping at the eagle, but to no avail. This horrible bird.

"Mo-" He watched as his mother's mother, Pigeonheart, managed to land a hit in. Would that be enough for the eagle to leave off of his mother? Staring at the she-cats around him, he felt useless and set to making as much noise as possible. If he could get the eagle's attention by making a ruckus, maybe his mother and grandmother would be spared? What had he been able to contribute to MountainClan anyway?

(Thistledown misses his attack on the eagle!)

HP: 7


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 19 19
HP: 7

Thistledown may have missed his last attack, but there was no way he was going to miss the next one! He sprang forward with a yowl and slashed his claws against anything he could get a hold of. He had to do some damage, any damage, in order to protect his loved ones!

(Thistledown hits for 5 damage!)
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 2 2
As the fight raged on, Streamheart's anger ebbed and the fear of losing her family crept back in. This couldn't be happening. She and Pigeonflight had survived the loss of the river, the loss of prey, the loss of their clan.... They couldn't lose now. Green eyes darted to the other two grey cats fighting for their lives, their family, their clan. She had to believe they could win.

"Stay strong! We can do this!" She yowled to her family. With her determination renewed, Streamheart darted in close and attempted to bite the horrid bird. Her fangs didn't find flesh however and the stripped she-cat ended up with a mouth full of feathers.

Streamheart roll
HP: 7
Damage: 5 per hit
To Hit: 10+
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 8 8
Streamheart was pushed back by a thrash of the eagle's wing just as she reached out with her claws once more. This wasn't good, she needed to actually hit flesh if she wanted to keep her family safe. Sunclan, Floodkit, watch over us. She sent a silent prayer to her brother before turning her attention back to attacking the eagle.

(Streamheart misses!)

HP: 7
Damage: 5 per hit
To Hit: 10+
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 6 6
HP: 7

Thistledown had landed one attack, but when the eagle came after him, he panicked and sprinted away. The eagle missed him; he wasn't looking to free himself from any more of his pelt, thankyouverymuch, but he didn't have the wherewithal to summon the strength for an attack after he dashed off. Turning around now, he looked between the she-cats and the eagle. Should he prioritize protecting his kin, or attacking the eagle next?
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