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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[PATROL-FIN] (Sporecloud, Bonedust, Buzzardstrike, Woodear)


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 3 3
This is a patrol between Sporecloud, Bonedust, Buzzardstrike and Woodear. Please do not post here if you do not own these cats.

Rolled: Battle Encounter (Rogue Cat)

Cat Stats!
HP: 10
Damage: 5 per hit
To Hit: 10+

HP: 10
Damage: 5 per hit
To Hit: 10+

HP: 10
Damage: 5 per hit
To Hit: 10+

HP: 10
Damage: 5 per hit
To Hit: 10+
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 14 14

Sporecloud had been pleased as could be when he was asked to grab a couple of cats to go on the afternoon patrol and set out. Of course, he found any excuse to spend time with his family that he could, so tracking down Buzzardstrike and then two of his kits to join him was simple enough.

"Why it's practically a family gathering. We'd have just needed Finchpaw to come along." He smiled outwardly, but inwardly, he sighed. His younger son still bore his apprentice name and title - why the tomcat hadn't been made a warrior along with his siblings? Finchpaw was just as keen as the rest of them, wasn't he? Still, the tomcat had managed to find a mate, somehow - Dawnglow, who came from an old family line, as far as he recalled.

"Well, Finchpaw can come along to the next patrol. The work never lessens, after all." He continued conversationally as he stretched his legs out into the dry woods. Though, in his experience, they'd never been particularly dry. The damp woods didn't sound very appealing either, though.

He would've gone on, catching happily, had the arrival of a rogue cat not presented themselves in front of him and his family. Sporecloud froze, one paw held in mid air as he tried to discern what the best course of action could be. He slid his gaze to Buzzardstrike, she always knew what to do in times like these.

Sporecloud was caught unawares by the rogue stranger! (He is not doing damage this turn.)
HP: 10
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 20 20

Bonedust had been hoping to come out to the borders, though not particularly on a partrol. There was a particular loner that would come by this way sometimes and she had wished to see him. Alas, it was not fated to be, because surely he would not appear with the sounds of her father, Sporecloud, blathering on loudly. It was a good thing they'd been assigned to a border patrol, she thought, because surely all the prey around here have fled.

She had moved on ahead of the group, occasionally exchanging a glance of exasperation with her brother, Woodear, over their father's ramblings, when suddenly her father fell silent. She turned her head to see an unfamiliar cat slinking around a tree and her hackles rose. Her father, SunClan bless him, froze and looked to Buzzardstrike for instruction, but Bonedust needed no permission from anyone. With a snarl, she rushed forward to stand in front of her father - he may have gained a warrior name, but he had grown up as a kittypet and it seemed that in times of crisis, he was little better than his origins.

"You're on MountainClan territory, leave now and we won't use force!" She said, slashing what she had intended as a warning jab at the rogue, but blood dotted the ground. Her claws had hit harder than she'd intended them to. Oh well, it still got the message across, didn't it? @kovak

Bonedust attacked the rogue stranger for 5 damage!
HP: 10
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 20 20

Buzzardstrike secretly carried a smile as she watched Sporecloud lead the patrol. She purred, listening to him ramble about Finchpaw and how he sounded a bit serious about the workload that they had. She froze as Sporecloud did too, too focused on his words to have noticed the rogue that presented themselves to the group. Buzzardstrike hissed, pissed that she missed scent marks, since it was so clear now.

Luckily, Bonedust was alert and attacked the tom! She leapt passed her mate and in front of Bonedust. She was the matriarchy here, if the tom was aggressive, he'd have to get to her first. The irony, though, she met Sporecloud in an encounter sort of like this. Ignoring clan borders. But Sporecloud was not aware they were initially on Mountainclan territory. However, this tom was marking the territory with his scent! Now that was not going to fly with her!

"My daughter's warned you once, and I will now warn you twice," she hissed, snapping her teeth in his direction. "This land is not yours."

HP: 10


Stew Aficionado
Congratulations, MountainClan Patrol! That loner didn't stand a chance!

Not one cat's HP hit 0, so there will be no entries into the Death Raffle today! Your cats will be entered into the Scar Raffle list located in the Death Raffle section. If you do not wish for your cat to be entered for a scar, please specify so in this thread and your cat will be removed from the list.

Please tag your patrol with [PATROL-FIN] when you are finished with this patrol. If you choose to RP through your battle posts or after this post, do not change the tag until after all RP replies are filled in. Once the replies are in and the tag is changed, this patrol may be used to gain a DP point.​


Stew Aficionado

(Sporecloud is not going to receive a scar, because he did nothing! This is a choice I'm making for him.)

Sporecloud blinked, watching his mate and daughter leap in front of him, to his defense. He ought to be doing something to help, shouldn't he? Yet before he could even think about what he ought to do to help - to unsheathe his claws or, well, anything, the battle was over. He could hardly even call it a battle. He looked to his son in bewilderment and padded over to rub himself against Buzzardstrike, staring at the place that the loner had been, before he dashed away in terror. He flicked his tail tip against Bonedust's shouler, acknowledging her, as well.

"My, my! He certainly didn't stand a chance against either of you; it's no surprise he took off when he saw both." He purred. "Well done. Let's re-mark the borders while we're here and be on our way. We've got plenty of territory to cover before we're done." He mewed to the patrol. "Buzzardstrike, dear, lead the way."


Stew Aficionado

Bonedust hissed out her frustration when her mother came to her aid, but not directly at Buzzardstrike - she would never hiss at her mother. She knew better than to pick a fight with Buzzardstrike - she could never win any sort of argument with the dark-furred queen. Lashing her tail in frustration, she glanced at her father, acknowledging his touch, before she padded over to Woodear.

As she sidled up next to him, she murmured to him under her breath.
"I could've won that on my own. She didn't have to come up and show me up." She told her brother, her blue eyes bright with emotion. Turning her gaze to look at him entirely, she raised her chin and purred softly. "Thank you, at least, for trusting me to handle it." She nudged him with her shoulder and smiling at him. "Do you think we'll find anymore excitement on this patrol?" She asked him, raising her voice out of a whisper. "Or do you think our parents will spend the whole patrol snuggled up next to one another instead?" She mewed with a chuckle. @kovak


Grizzled Veteran
Woodear, like his father, did not participate in any of the fight. Females in the bloodline were strong and independent, and he carried that characteristic of his father. "Pleaasseeeee, I hope that's not what this patrol is about!" he mewed with a teaseful nudge to Bonedust. This was kind of nice, usually he would be spending his time with his mate, but now he was spending time with his family.


Grizzled Veteran
Buzzardstrike gave her daughter her famous cold glare. "I can hear you, you know," she said with a laugh. She flicked her tail and redirected her attention to Sporecloud. Sometimes it was adorable at how fascinated he was with the simplest things, and sometimes she wished he showed more initiative to be more in charge. She did not mind taking charge of things though. "Sporecloud's right, we have a patrol to finish. Bonedust, you will report our skirmish victory to Tigersun when we return."

And with that, Buzzardstrike lead the party deeper into the territory.