(closed relationship)
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Name: Orange Zest
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Gender: Male
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Orientation: Homosexual
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Season: Spring
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Likes: Clubs, Bars, Mixology, Piercings, Stockings/Socks
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Dislikes: Ponies who don't understand boundaries, Peer pressure, Chilly nights
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Occupation: Orange Zest is a bartender. He's always loved mixology and the theatrics behind being a bartender. Not to mention he's a pretty great listener and advice giver. This unicorn really enjoys being the one that ponies will pour out their hearts and secrets to, even if it means they are often overly intoxicated. However, he is also the first pony to call some sort of cab or other help to get ponies home when they are too drunk. He is very fierce about making sure one doesn't go past their limit, and is incredibly observant over patrons in the bar to make sure no pony messes with each other or their drinks. Even if he is on the smaller side, being a unicorn, he won't hesitate to raise his voice and shove his way in between ponies when stuff starts to go sideways.
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Known Ponies: Lost Woods (Mate);;
Bubbling Brook and
Citrus Zest (children);;
Skipping Stones (parent of Bubbling Brook and Citrus Zest);;
Reika (mate to Bubbling Brook);;
Mikheil (mate to Citrus Zest);;
Daiquiri (patron at his bar)
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History and personality: Orange Zest grew up a very normal life. There was nothing overly extraordinary about his foal hood, but nothing overly bad either. Just very normal. His parents supported just about everything he did, so long as he wasn't getting in trouble. So often times he didn't think about really doing anything he shouldn't. His parents would allow underage drinking so long as he was under their roof, so there was no real urge to do it. Same with smoking. It was offered and allowed in his early teenage years, so he seemed to have no real drive to try them. Though he did find it fascinating, all of the different drinks a pony could make.
When Orange Zest was finally able to go off to college, he went for mixology and chemistry. The different reactions between alcohols and other drinks was intriguing. Especially with the plethora of tastes that one could find. Every drink had the opportunity to evolve into something entirely new with the addition of just one little ingredient. Schooling was a blur of fun and fascination, long nights spent shadowing bartenders and long days spent studying and experimenting. The unicorn lost himself amongst everything that was happening, a whirlwind of events, until suddenly, there were baskets on his apartment doorstep.
Through some magical connections, he was able to find the other parent, and they came to an agreement. Skipping Stones had a very hectic life, never settling in one place for long, but they wanted to remain in the kids lives. Orange Zest being the one going to school, and thus being in one place, was the one to keep the foals. Something he was very concerned about from the beginning. How was he going to do schooling and deal with two little foals at the same time?
After long hours of thinking, he eventually settled with pausing his school life until the kids were older. He got a more consistent day job and took out a loan to get a house. It was only a two bedroom house, but the foals would be able to share. He was certain. Sure enough, they were actually quite sweet. With Skipping Stone's help, as they visited often to see the kids, they came up with their names. Bubbling Brook and Citrus Zest. Over time, Orange Zest realized that he absolutely adored the foals with all his heart, even if they weren't planned. He did everything for them, taking time when needed to help them through things. It was apparent quickly on that Citrus Zest was different, and Orange Zest did everything he could to research and help Citrus find their way. Bubbling Brook seemed to be very independent and not need much help, but was always there to help Orange raise Citrus.
As the foals got older, and Orange Zest found himself confident enough to leave them alone for longer periods of time, he steadily went back to school. He only had a semester left, and it went by quick. Soon enough, he was working full time as a bartender. Life was really rounding out for him. He found time to actually try to pursue some sort of relationship. Skipping Stones was around for the kids, certainly, but now Orange Zest needed someone for himself. That's when he came across Lost Woods.
It was damn near love at first sight, though it took some time for Lost Woods to come around. Together, they made their home even fuller and brighter, tacking on a third bedroom for more room for the kids to have their own, followed by a fourth for when Skipping Stones would visit. The look is very minimalistic in the majority of the home, with the kids being allowed to do what they want with their own rooms.
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Skipping Stones)