(closed relationship)
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Known Ponies:
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History and personality: Lola loves gardening. She's very sweet and shy, though, so she would be the pony to run in situations where confrontation is needed. She often retreats to her garden, as it is her sanctuary, and it means a lot to her. Lola also has (or will have!) a whole hoard of bunny friends one day. However, she has pretty bad social anxiety after being bullied as a foal for having a stutter. As such, she doesn't often leave her home and garden, preferring to stay on the outskirts of society, only approaching it if she needs supplies. Her garden is huge and bountiful, nestled in a little valley with its own water source and plenty of places to hide. Living off her garden leaves her with a more vegetarian diet, though she's not against meat. She just doesn't have the guts to get it herself, unless she happens to grab some while she's in town.
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