(closed relationship)
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Occupation: Boxer
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Known Ponies:
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History and personality: Periwinkle is a boxer, and proud of it. Though they don't look like it, they're fierce in the ring. Outside of it their time is split between training and helping out at local orphanages. They have a soft spot for them after growing up in one, and a lot of their winnings go back to said orphanages. They're an up and comer boxer so not super famous, but their name is getting out there, allowing them to travel and participate in more events. While they believe in talking things out when problems arise, if talking doesn't seem to work, they have no issue with using force. They will try once to get some pony to listen, and if they don't, they won't try again. Well, not with words. Though they are a very amicable pony, even friendly. Typically they are straight forward enough that other ponies understand what they say and mean, as well as their actions and intentions. Periwinkle doesn't hide anything, and when asked a question, gives an up front and honest answer. They don't stand for bullies.
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