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Peter's Stable


Stew Aficionado

(closed relationship)

{●●} x x x Name:
{●●} x x x Gender:
{●●} x x x Orientation:
{●●} x x x Season:

{●●} x x x Likes:
{●●} x x x Dislikes:

{●●} x x x Occupation:

{●●} x x x Known Ponies: Power Ballad (Mate)

{●●} x x x History and personality:

{●●} x x x Pet(s):



Stew Aficionado

(closed relationship)

{●●} x x x Name:
{●●} x x x Gender:
{●●} x x x Orientation:
{●●} x x x Season:

{●●} x x x Likes:
{●●} x x x Dislikes:

{●●} x x x Occupation:

{●●} x x x Known Ponies: Pyre Spirals (Mate)

{●●} x x x History and personality:

{●●} x x x Pet(s):



Stew Aficionado

(closed relationship)

{●●} x x x Name:
{●●} x x x Gender:
{●●} x x x Orientation:
{●●} x x x Season:

{●●} x x x Likes:
{●●} x x x Dislikes:

{●●} x x x Occupation:

{●●} x x x Known Ponies: Flibbertigibbet and Oblivescence (Mates)
{●●} x x x History and personality:

{●●} x x x Pet(s):

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Stew Aficionado

{●●} x x x Name:
{●●} x x x Gender:
{●●} x x x Orientation:
{●●} x x x Season:

{●●} x x x Likes:
{●●} x x x Dislikes:

{●●} x x x Occupation: Grunge Model

{●●} x x x Known Ponies:

{●●} x x x History and personality:

{●●} x x x Pet(s):
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Stew Aficionado

{●●} x x x Name:
{●●} x x x Gender:
{●●} x x x Orientation:
{●●} x x x Season:

{●●} x x x Likes:
{●●} x x x Dislikes:

{●●} x x x Occupation:

{●●} x x x Known Ponies:

{●●} x x x History and personality:

{●●} x x x Pet(s):
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Stew Aficionado

{●●} x x x Name:
{●●} x x x Gender:
{●●} x x x Orientation:
{●●} x x x Season:

{●●} x x x Likes:
{●●} x x x Dislikes:

{●●} x x x Occupation: Storm Chaser (lel)

{●●} x x x Known Ponies:

{●●} x x x History and personality:

{●●} x x x Pet(s):
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Stew Aficionado

{●●} x x x Name:
{●●} x x x Gender:
{●●} x x x Orientation:
{●●} x x x Season:

{●●} x x x Likes:
{●●} x x x Dislikes:

{●●} x x x Occupation: Alicorn of the Moon

{●●} x x x Known Ponies:

{●●} x x x History and personality:

{●●} x x x Pet(s):
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Stew Aficionado

{●●} x x x Name:
{●●} x x x Gender:
{●●} x x x Orientation:
{●●} x x x Season:

{●●} x x x Likes:
{●●} x x x Dislikes:

{●●} x x x Occupation:

{●●} x x x Known Ponies:

{●●} x x x History and personality:

{●●} x x x Pet(s):
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Stew Aficionado

{●●} x x x Name:
{●●} x x x Gender:
{●●} x x x Orientation:
{●●} x x x Season:

{●●} x x x Likes:
{●●} x x x Dislikes:

{●●} x x x Occupation:

{●●} x x x Known Ponies:

{●●} x x x History and personality:

{●●} x x x Pet(s):
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Stew Aficionado

{●●} x x x Name:
{●●} x x x Gender:
{●●} x x x Orientation:
{●●} x x x Season:

{●●} x x x Likes:
{●●} x x x Dislikes:

{●●} x x x Occupation:

{●●} x x x Known Ponies:

{●●} x x x History and personality:

{●●} x x x Pet(s):
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Stew Aficionado

{●●} x x x Name:
{●●} x x x Gender:
{●●} x x x Orientation:
{●●} x x x Season:

{●●} x x x Likes:
{●●} x x x Dislikes:

{●●} x x x Occupation:

{●●} x x x Known Ponies:

{●●} x x x History and personality:

{●●} x x x Pet(s):
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Stew Aficionado

{●●} x x x Name:
{●●} x x x Gender:
{●●} x x x Orientation:
{●●} x x x Season:

{●●} x x x Likes:
{●●} x x x Dislikes:

{●●} x x x Occupation:

{●●} x x x Known Ponies:

{●●} x x x History and personality:

{●●} x x x Pet(s):
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Stew Aficionado

{●●} x x x Name:
{●●} x x x Gender:
{●●} x x x Orientation:
{●●} x x x Season:

{●●} x x x Likes:
{●●} x x x Dislikes:

{●●} x x x Occupation:

{●●} x x x Known Ponies:

{●●} x x x History and personality:

{●●} x x x Pet(s):
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Stew Aficionado

(closed relationship)

{●●} x x x Name:
{●●} x x x Gender:
{●●} x x x Orientation:
{●●} x x x Season:

{●●} x x x Likes:
{●●} x x x Dislikes:

{●●} x x x Occupation:

{●●} x x x Known Ponies:

{●●} x x x History and personality: Ebony has always been a peculiar foal. Not one for talking, very quiet and often keeping to themself, Ebony was all alone at the orphanage when Creamsicle Fluff found them. It was because of their quiet self that Creamsicle felt drawn to them, having a very hectic life and looking for something to ground her. And ground her Ebony did. Coming into a household of makeup and fashion, it was absolutely horrible the first few weeks. Ebony seemed triggered by lots of different things, throwing incoherent tantrums until they managed to calm them down with some art supplies. That seemed to be their outlet. So the two mares (Creamsicle Fluff and Eres) went out to find something to help Ebony. This is when Thelma came into the picture. They helped to soundproof Ebony's room, as well as a studio for Ebony to paint and draw in without being overly stimulated. It helped to round out and calm down the little foal, especially when the trio of ponies adopted a new little foal into their fold. Over time, they came to understand all of Ebony's triggers, and learned how to cope with them and help calm the young one back down. To this day, they are still very quiet and prone to talking more through their art or head shaking than anything else.

{●●} x x x Pet(s):

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Stew Aficionado

(might be open to more?)

{●●} x x x Name:
{●●} x x x Gender:
{●●} x x x Orientation:
{●●} x x x Season:

{●●} x x x Likes:
{●●} x x x Dislikes:

{●●} x x x Occupation:

{●●} x x x Known Ponies:
{●●} x x x History and personality:

{●●} x x x Pet(s):



Stew Aficionado

(open to a third, or more, but only if plots are right)

{●●} x x x Name:
{●●} x x x Gender:
{●●} x x x Orientation:
{●●} x x x Season:

{●●} x x x Likes:
{●●} x x x Dislikes:

{●●} x x x Occupation:

{●●} x x x Known Ponies:

{●●} x x x History and personality: Over Time is a clock maker, and also deals in fixing watches. Their favorite kinds of clocks to make are cuckoo clocks with various animals popping out of them. They're very passionate about their craft, sometimes turning ponies away with their enthusiasm. However, ponies who stick around will find that Over Time really enjoys showering their loved ones in hoof made gifts. Not just clocks, but other things too, even if they aren't as flawless as the clocks the earth pony makes.

{●●} x x x Pet(s):

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