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Peter's Stable


Stew Aficionado

{●●} x x x Name: Lunar Mothews
{●●} x x x Gender: Male
{●●} x x x Orientation: Homosexual
{●●} x x x Season: Winter

{●●} x x x Likes: Quilts and quilting, Hot cocoa, Cold nights because it means he can cuddle, Reading, Nooks to sleep in, Warmth, Gentle lights
{●●} x x x Dislikes: Getting cold, Loud places, Pushy ponies, Asking ponies to pay for his quilts

{●●} x x x Occupation: Lunar is a quilt maker. He still has yet to own his own store front, and instead, makes quilts to be sold in other ponies shops. The Pixie has a penchant more for... Giving quilts away than selling them for other ponies to sell, though, those ponies are too nice to let him do such a thing, and give him back some profit from the quilts. However, he recently found a pony who had edged him into starting an actual business, and the two work together to sell his quilts. Starlit Glowbug is a fellow Pixie and a sweet friend. Their focus in the shop is to sell bags and accessories for ponies and pets, while Sweet and Sour make pet treats, and Lunar makes quilts in all sizes (for pets and ponies)! They have yet to give their business a name, but are working towards it.

{●●} x x x Known Ponies: Lychee (mate) ;; Starlit Glowbug (business partner) ;; Sour and Sweet (Starlit's mates) ;; Kiwi (Lychee's sibling)

{●●} x x x History and personality: Lunar Mothews doesn't remember much about his childhood. The first thing he really remembers is having a nice warm quilt placed around his shoulders by a sweet mare. He was taken in as a teenager by this mare, and raised from there on out. The quilt he found to be exquisite, and asked to learn how to quilt from the mare who took him in. She agreed, and soon enough, their house was full of them! As spacey as Lunar was, for some reason, quilting kept him grounded and focused. So focused, even, that he didn't notice a younger stallion following him around and pining after him. This was the first pony, however, that he gifted a quilt to. Lychee.

As the pair grew older, Lunar found himself migrating more towards the Pegasus. He enjoyed the others company, as well as their help. The Pixie was still very unfocused unless it involved quilts, but with Lychee's help, he began to start really experiencing and remembering things. After all, he didn't want to upset the Pegasus. Soon enough, they were moved in together into their own place, and spent even more time together. They would cuddle, read together, Lunar even got to teach Lychee how to quilt. Lychee got Lunar to try other ways to make blankets such as crocheting, and though he definitely prefers the quilting of stitching together fabrics, he has started to make a small army of crocheted quilts. Both with large needles and even larger - his hooves and legs.

He's not sure when it happened, but one day he realized they'd been saying "I love you" to each other quite often, and something really started to blossom in Lunar's chest. He came out of his shell more, and became very affectionate and friendly. He's become less forgetful and more reminiscent, something his adoptive mother never thought possible. Lychee has changed the Pixie's life around, and he's not upset about it.

Together, they have a small and cozy home. Two bedrooms, so he has a room for quilting, while also having their bedroom. The living room is very cozy and has lots of nooks and bay windows, allowing them many places to lounge and cuddle while reading. As well as a few higher cuddling spots, as they have vaulted ceilings. A small quaint kitchen, a nice dining room for entertaining, all of it decorated very sweetly and cozily. Their home is a very warm and inviting place. It is also full of various flowering plants, something that just sort of happened some time after Lunar had a Flower Fae bond with him. They flourish around flowers, so of course, with this little thing floating around behind him, he had to make sure it would survive and live. A sunroom is positioned perfectly to get the most sunlight it can in a day, and they have a separate shed for animal care, something Lychee said they really wanted.

As for work life, Lunar's, at least, is quite simple. Most of his work is done at home, as he prefers to make the quilts in the quiet of his abode. But he will make sure to go to the shop every day to greet Starlit Glowbug, Sweet, and Sour, and to help restock and make the store look good. If it's crowded, he'll often stay in the back, waiting until it's less crowded and less loud. He always takes his pets with him, as well, as they help to model different things the store sells.

{●●} x x x Pets:
Floretta is a little Fae that found its way to Lunar. He doesn't remember how or when, or even where, this happened, but one day upon arriving home, Lychee pointed out that he had a flower in his mane. Ever since then, Floretta has been a part of the family. She enjoys following Lychee around, and even though Fae are normally very shy and quiet, she's grown to enjoy being a model at the store. Though, much like her owner, she doesn't do well in overly crowded spaces, so other than the ponies that work there (Starlit, Sweet, Sour, Lunar), she normally can't handle more than one or two extra ponies. She does adore Lychee, as well as the other workers in Lunar's store, though. Sometimes she will be found giving them little kisses or alighting in their manes for a bit, before finding he way back to Lunar.

Bowie was brought in to the store by Sweet and Sour one day, but ended up bonding with Lunar, as Sweet and Sour were a bit too playful and loud for Bowie's liking. Lunar spoils Bowie, as he has a bit of a complex. The Maow thinks that Lunar and Lychee are there to serve him, and not that he is the pet. If Lunar has neglected him too long, Bowie won't hesitate to mewl up a storm for the Pixie's attention, and even Lychee's from time to time too, crying until he gets his snuggles and pets. Lunar has become quite attentive to Bowie because of this, and as such, he grooms the Maow consistently, resulting in a silky coat that never looks like it has a speck of dirt in it.



Stew Aficionado

{●●} x x x Name: Shimmering Stars
{●●} x x x Gender: Female
{●●} x x x Orientation: Bisexual
{●●} x x x Season: Winter

{●●} x x x Likes: Foals, Winter nights, Apple cider, Swimming, Spending time with her family
{●●} x x x Dislikes: Being alone, Being too warm, Peaches

{●●} x x x Occupation: Stay at home mom

{●●} x x x Known Ponies: Sea Breeze (Mate) ;; Copper Crystal (Ex) ;; Pitaya (other parent of foals with Copper Crystal from a magical mixer by the Alicorn of Fertility) ;; Cherry Opal and Quartz Berry (niece and nephew from Pitaya and Copper Crystal) ;; Shimmering Bones and Calendula Stars (bio kids from a mixer) ;; Jawbreaker (newest niece from Pitaya's second mixer)

{●●} x x x History and personality: Shimmering Stars used to be a huge bully. She grew up in a large aquatic community, but she was alone. Well, alone in the sense that she had no idea who her parents were. Of course, as Aquatics are want to do, the whole community helped to raise foals. Yet there was still something about not knowing who your actual birth parents were that really.... Hurt Shimmering Stars. She was always jealous that the other foals knew at the end of the day where they were going home to. That they had families who would spoil them, who cared for them. She rarely called anyone brother, sister, mother, father, or any other sort of familial title. At a young age, she became aggressive towards the others, just pushing them further away.

As she continued to grow, this personality continued with her. Shimmering Stars was a bully in every sense of the word. She never physically hurt any pony, but she wasn't nice with her words, and was rougher when it came to playing. By the time she finally left her community, most of the ponies didn't know how to deal with her, and some were even turning the other way from her and ignoring her. While there was beauty in everything, an ugly soul was an ugly soul.

Shimmering Stars wandered, until she landed in Everville and developed a softer side for a very special stallion. Unfortunately, she was too possessive for his liking, coming across as a bully still, and they ended up parting ways some time after some magical foals came into their lives. She still speaks with Copper Crystal and all his kids, as well as the other parent, and found that she really adored being a mother. She is still overly possessive, though she's toned down a lot with her new life mate, Sea Breeze. Having a magical basket dropped on her door step much like what happened with Copper Crystal has reignited her possessiveness and over protectiveness, but deep down, she's really a big softie. She just has a tendency to follow up her bark with a bite.

Nowadays, she keeps herself busy around the house, wanting to stay around for when her kids decide to visit. Shimmering Stars has made a nice home, a large home with seven bedrooms. Even though Quartz Berry and Cherry Opal are Copper Crystal's kids, she likes to make sure she has enough room for them to visit, should they want to. As well as for Pitaya (even though they were never very close) and Copper Crystal. She may not be dating Copper anymore, but she still considers the stallion part of her family. Each room is done up and ready for a pony to stay with them, with a bed, closet, wardrobe, bedside table, and small bathroom. She won't openly admit it to any pony other than Sea Breeze, but family has become more important to her than she ever would have thought. Even if the other ponies don't consider her family, she considers them family. She's even trying to talk Sea Breeze into allowing more rooms for Pitaya's newest kids, and... possibly their other two parents.

In their backyard, Shimmering has also made sure to have a natural looking pool. Meaning, a large pool for swimming (also pretty deep) that looks like a natural body of water. The ground slopes down towards it, there are natural rocks littered around the edge and in the pond itself, as well as water plants and even fish. Shimmering enjoys swimming, but wants to feel as home in the water as she can, and doesn't like pony made pools. The manufactured looking ones. The ones you can tell are pools, and not look like a natural pool. Such as the one she has. She's very proud of it.

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Stew Aficionado

{●●} x x x Name: Nishikigoi (Nishi or Koi to friends)
{●●} x x x Gender: Nonbinary
{●●} x x x Orientation: Pansexual and Polyamorous
{●●} x x x Season: Fall

{●●} x x x Likes: Harajuku fashion (or the EC equivalent); Hot Matcha tea; Repurposing things; Crafting; Gaming; K-Pop music
{●●} x x x Dislikes: Being ripped off; Absolutely unhygienic ponies; Karens

{●●} x x x Occupation: It's hard to put it into a single word or term... Nishikigoi enjoys thrifting and buying from auctions big lots of various clothes and other home items. They take them and either donate, repair, or repurpose everything they get from these various hauls. Nishikigoi also likes to do videos on such things, and re-sells a lot of the things they get from these hauls for significantly cheaper than the original item worth (though just enough to more than break even, so they can do it again!).

{●●} x x x Known Ponies: Illustri, Sassafras and Minuette (Mates);; Malik Castor Rayne (best friend)

{●●} x x x History and personality:

Nishikigoi grew up in a very rowdy and active household. They were neither the richest in the land, nor the poorest. Just a large and rambunctious household. Everyone was very different and excelled in different things. It was hard to stand out when all your older siblings were already so good at things, and everyone did something different. Often running their parents ragged trying to keep up with the various activities the kids did.

As such, Nishikigoi ended up finding themself entertaining themself more often than not. Everyone was so busy. They weren't neglected, but they were given food and shelter and... Not much else. A nanny helped to take care of them, as they had with previous children. The nanny was more attentive than their parents, though they held no resentment towards their family. Their nanny thought they'd become very lonely... But when Nishikigoi was introduced to the online world... Everything changed.

Nishikigoi became enraptured with cartoons and games alike. They would play and watch all the time, often even trying to act things out that they had seen in the cartoons. Playing around outside by themself and acting out an entire show. They took their weekly allowance and would spend it at thrift stores, finding whatever they could for their next big character outfit. After a time, they even started making their own Original Characters for these different cartoon and game universes.

Through a combination of cosplaying, creating their own costumes, and roaming the internet to talk to other ponies about their fandoms... Nishikigoi made some rather good and lasting friendships. There were, of course, very toxic ones in the beginning. When they didn't quite know other ponies or how they might act, or how to ward of bullies. But over time, they made a very well knit little group, and eventually ended up meeting these ponies face to face. One of their absolute best friends was Malik Castor Rayne.

He was very shy at first, but also very genuine. And having Nishikigoi genuinely interested in him and his likes... Allowed him to open up further. Nishikigoi was always encouraging him to get out more, do the things he loved more, and to be unapologetically him. After all, that's how they lived their own life! In turn, Malik invited Nishikigoi to move in with him, and they were able to really start to be out and about on their own in the world. Even when they learned Malik was a vampire... It didn't change how the little fish saw him. They still encouraged him and supported him no matter what.

With expanding out past their family, and traveling more, Nishikigoi was able to gather even more materials! They even started branching out with bidding on auctioned lots of returned and damaged stuff, taking it and turning it completely around to sell to those who wanted unique things. Doing so, they were able to start building up their own funds, and when Malik eventually went off to join a vampire herd... they were able to sustain themself.

During one of their thrifting outings, wearing one of their absolute favorite upcycled and custom outfits that they met a beautiful pastel Nakotsu named Minuette. She fell in love with Nishikigoi's outfit almost immediately, and began asking so many questions about it! Turns out, she was very much into upcycling too, and even had some partners who liked to upcycle things too! It happened rather quickly, but Nishikigoi was eventually introduced to Illustri, who hoof made various accessories from driftwood and coral, and Sassafras, who cleaned up the oceans and land both of various trash other ponies left behind and would make it into beautiful sculptures that would become big statement pieces. Minuette showed Nishikigoi all the furniture and other pieces that she had restored from various locations, including the ocean floor and shipwrecks, and Nishikigoi realized... They were right where they belonged.

The quad upcycles clothing, accessories, furniture and even trash! It's like they were always meant to be here.

{●●} x x x Pets:
Kohaku is the Maow they met at the summer fishing tournament. Kohaku enjoys lounging around as Nishigikoi works, often times even laying across whatever their owner is making. Especially when feathers are involved. He enjoys chasing Sacred Fire, though never actually hurts the Aquaila. Instead, he bats at her tail as she flies, and immediately bolts if she tries to land on him and make him feel damp.

Sacred Fire is the quaint little Aquaila that they met at the summer fishing tournament. Sacred Fire, though often times called just Sacred, is quite the affectionate little thing. She really enjoys hovering over Nishikigoi as they work, sometimes even singing soft tunes as she bobs back and forth. She also brings Nishigikoi various tools and fabrics they need, and greatly enjoys tormenting Kohaku by swiping him with her tail and making him feel wet.

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Stew Aficionado

{●●} x x x Name: Blushes of Spring
{●●} x x x Gender: Male
{●●} x x x Orientation: Demisexual
{●●} x x x Season: Spring

{●●} x x x Likes: Nature, Quiet, Cuddles
{●●} x x x Dislikes: Crowds, Flying, Fire

{●●} x x x Occupation: Bonsai/Topiary maker and seller

{●●} x x x Known Ponies: Razzleberry (Mate), Twyla Heartstring (long distance friend)

{●●} x x x History and personality: (TBD)

{●●} x x x Pet(s): (TBD)


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Stew Aficionado

{●●} x x x Name:
{●●} x x x Gender:
{●●} x x x Orientation:
{●●} x x x Season:

{●●} x x x Likes:
{●●} x x x Dislikes:

{●●} x x x Occupation:

{●●} x x x Known Ponies:
{●●} x x x History and personality:

{●●} x x x Pet(s):

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Stew Aficionado

{●●} x x x Name: Neopolitan Bliss
{●●} x x x Gender: Female
{●●} x x x Orientation: Heterosexual
{●●} x x x Season: Summer

{●●} x x x Likes: Baking, The color purple, Strawberries
{●●} x x x Dislikes: Pineapples, The color black, Group chats

{●●} x x x Occupation: Bakery owner

{●●} x x x Known Ponies: Zemene (mate), Valentine (adopted child)

{●●} x x x History and personality:

{●●} x x x Pet(s):

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Stew Aficionado

(closed relationship)

{●●} x x x Name:
{●●} x x x Gender:
{●●} x x x Orientation:
{●●} x x x Season:

{●●} x x x Likes:
{●●} x x x Dislikes:

{●●} x x x Occupation:

{●●} x x x Known Ponies:
{●●} x x x History and personality:

{●●} x x x Pet(s):

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Stew Aficionado

{●●} x x x Name: Froot Cake
{●●} x x x Gender: Nonbinary
{●●} x x x Orientation: Asexual
{●●} x x x Season: Fall

{●●} x x x Likes: Reading, Coin collecting, Tea
{●●} x x x Dislikes: Interacting with strangers, Coffee,

{●●} x x x Occupation:

{●●} x x x Known Ponies: Hellebore Vulpecula (Mate)

{●●} x x x History and personality:

{●●} x x x Pet(s):

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Stew Aficionado

(open relationship)

{●●} x x x Name:
{●●} x x x Gender:
{●●} x x x Orientation:
{●●} x x x Season:

{●●} x x x Likes:
{●●} x x x Dislikes:

{●●} x x x Occupation:

{●●} x x x Known Ponies:
{●●} x x x History and personality:

{●●} x x x Pet(s):

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Stew Aficionado

(open relationship)

{●●} x x x Name:
{●●} x x x Gender:
{●●} x x x Orientation:
{●●} x x x Season:

{●●} x x x Likes:
{●●} x x x Dislikes:

{●●} x x x Occupation: Baker / works for Godiva

{●●} x x x Known Ponies:
{●●} x x x History and personality:

{●●} x x x Pet(s):

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Stew Aficionado

(closed relationship once an Aubree fling settles)

{●●} x x x Name:
{●●} x x x Gender:
{●●} x x x Orientation:
{●●} x x x Season:

{●●} x x x Likes:
{●●} x x x Dislikes:

{●●} x x x Occupation: Soda Pony

{●●} x x x Known Ponies:
{●●} x x x History and personality:

{●●} x x x Pet(s):

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Stew Aficionado

(closed relationship once an Aubree fling settles)

{●●} x x x Name:
{●●} x x x Gender:
{●●} x x x Orientation:
{●●} x x x Season:

{●●} x x x Likes:
{●●} x x x Dislikes:

{●●} x x x Occupation: Soda Pony

{●●} x x x Known Ponies:
{●●} x x x History and personality:

{●●} x x x Pet(s):

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Stew Aficionado

(open relationship)
OOC with Toasty

{●●} x x x Name:
{●●} x x x Gender:
{●●} x x x Orientation:
{●●} x x x Season:

{●●} x x x Likes:
{●●} x x x Dislikes:

{●●} x x x Occupation:

{●●} x x x Known Ponies:
{●●} x x x History and personality:

{●●} x x x Pet(s):

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Stew Aficionado

(closed relationship)

{●●} x x x Name:
{●●} x x x Gender:
{●●} x x x Orientation:
{●●} x x x Season:

{●●} x x x Likes:
{●●} x x x Dislikes:

{●●} x x x Occupation:

{●●} x x x Known Ponies:
{●●} x x x History and personality:

{●●} x x x Pet(s):



Stew Aficionado

(closed relationship)

{●●} x x x Name:
{●●} x x x Gender:
{●●} x x x Orientation:
{●●} x x x Season:

{●●} x x x Likes:
{●●} x x x Dislikes:

{●●} x x x Occupation:

{●●} x x x Known Ponies:
{●●} x x x History and personality:

{●●} x x x Pet(s):

A long time ago there was a herd of.... well, they call themselves Unicorns, and a few of them are -- but really they're horned ponies. Always viewing themselves as better for their horns, the herd found beauty in who they were and ensured they only continued on with those with horns. This was fine, for a time, and while they were viewed often as stuck up they didn't mind. They were happy.

That is, until a few generations back, when their reigning leader passed away and a new one was formed. Especially awful in their belief, they began the easy task of separating the herd from society. Creating a false narrative that they should go into hiding to preserve their kind, the leader managed to encourage the herd to rehome into a section of caves deep within Winter's Breath.

It was then the ultimate lie occurred several years later; the leader claimed they must remain in hiding for an unforeseen amount of time, for they were the last of their kind. While now you'd be hard pressed to get a definitive answer on what kind of lie they had to spew for the entirety of the herd to remain in the caves for generations, it seems evident the lie they spoke of changed constantly depending on the pony they spoke to.

Truthfully, they were a master of their craft, and by the end of their reign they had successfully manipulated the entire herd into hiding for several generations.

What did they get out of it? No one is sure, but now we are at current times. The herd has realized they cannot just stay in the caves. The once plentiful mushrooms and cave-dwellers they used to consume are running thin. They are running out of options to breed. Running out of room, most importantly. The cave has begun to produce deadly gas that they can either accept as their fate or, instead, try out the world beyond.

These "Unicorns" are coming off a long history of lies, manipulation, and general false information. Not all of them are actually true Unicorns, in fact. These ponies do not know what lays outside the caves anymore, as they were born within the caves and fed stories by those who also were born within. The outside is, at most, a scary story, but some of those within the herd either doubt these tales or are ready to challenge them.

[If you choose to go off this lore keep in mind your pony will have false information about Everchange, and are likely very susceptible to feeling overwhelmed by it! They might need help understanding the world! They also are very likely to have issues with sunlight, due to living within the caves for so long.]
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Stew Aficionado

(closed relationship)

{●●} x x x Name:
{●●} x x x Gender:
{●●} x x x Orientation:
{●●} x x x Season:

{●●} x x x Likes:
{●●} x x x Dislikes:

{●●} x x x Occupation: Professional thief

{●●} x x x Known Ponies:
{●●} x x x History and personality:

{●●} x x x Pet(s):

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Stew Aficionado

(closed trio)

{●●} x x x Name:
{●●} x x x Gender:
{●●} x x x Orientation:
{●●} x x x Season:

{●●} x x x Likes:
{●●} x x x Dislikes:

{●●} x x x Occupation:

{●●} x x x Known Ponies: Mysterie Skull (Mate)

{●●} x x x History and personality:

{●●} x x x Pet(s):
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Stew Aficionado