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Realm of the Endless

providence master list (will be moved under mule)


late to the party
Staff member
A Providence is essentially a school of magic; one mastering a specific Providence may use spells from within it, but not another. Endless creatures may only ever master one, as it totally rewrites their very being - they may never change, though some have claimed to have found ways to unlink themselves at the cost of losing any magical ability. Earthians, being a wholly different breed, may learn multiple Providences, though each new one comes at greater effort and cost than the last. This thread dictates all currently recorded Providences.

About Tiers:
Each Providence is divided into several tiers; these represent the levels of training or power that your character can attain. Each tier has powers listed under it, but please note - these are example powers designed to demonstrate what that tier is capable of. You may rebrand these powers in any way as long as they still fit within the scope given.

Also note that as a character levels up, their lower tier powers will become more powerful. There is little need for every single tier to have a "fireball" spell; simply assume that as your character learns and grows, their size, power, and duration of lower abilities will increase. Only when new effects are added will a secondary version be noted, and that can be considered a separate version - for instance, Void's Light Removal and Light Banishment are similar, but one is a concentrated ability that spreads in a circle around the user, while the other is a single, larger cast that cannot move but can be shaped and lingers over time. Both of these could be useful in different scenarios, so they are both noted, but it is assumed that as the character climbs higher tiers, both will get stronger. All powers are described as they are when the user is first capable of learning them.

About Usage:
Currently, we do not have a system such as spell slots or mana points; each ability should be considered individually unless it refers to fully exhausting a character. This means your character can reasonably use an ability that can be used twice and hour and another that can be used once a day in the same time frame! For abilities that give a range, such as "two to three", it's up to you to determine how often your character should be able to use them.

Full exhaustion means the character's magical abilities are totally tapped until they are allowed either a full rest of eight hours or the amount of time specified in the skill.

Any abilities referring to a rest imply the need for at least four hours of relaxed rest. This could be sleep, or it could also be simply lounging around and watching television. Other abilities are implied to "recharge" over time even if your character is not well rested.

In metas that may involve the use of abilities, you will be given set limits as needed.

All ability limits may change if we do ever implement a slot, mana, or other concrete restriction in the future.

About Restriction:
While we strive to provide a catalog of what a Providence is capable of, some powers are simply too powerful for general player characters. We do not want to ruin anyone's fun, and in that we must prevent too much from being handed over outside of NPC control.

Partially restricted tiers are obtainable by players, but only by well-developed characters and by players who have demonstrated a clear understanding of power restraint and usage. This will typically involve an annoying amount of writing and potentially some form of questionnaire to allow. Yes, this is purposefully to ward off people who would simply want to grab powers because they sound cool; these powers could heavily impact RP or meta events and they are only allowed in the hands of responsible individuals.

Fully restricted tiers are not available to players, but may be had by NPCs or shop-run characters. These are abilities that are overwhelmingly powerful and could singlehandedly change the course of history.
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late to the party
Staff member

People unfamiliar with the harmonics of existence may think of this providence as darkness, and while that is partially true, it's not entirely accurate. The Providence of Void encompasses a lack, or non-existence. Most practitioners do begin with the manipulation of the dark, forcibly removing light to their own gain, but as the mage grows more attuned to their powers they may expand that idea onto other forms of existence. Void is considered an exceptionally powerful sphere, and in the same thought extremely dangerous - both in terms of what it can do and the risk to the user themselves. Many a power-hungry young wizard has accidentally erased themselves from existence in trying to master this alien power.

Magically inclined creatures aligned with Void often find themselves paler of color or wrapped in seeming darkness; others still may seem to leak infinite blackness, dripping substances so incalculably devoid of light they seem a blotch on reality until they themselves fade into nothingness.


Light Removal: Or, 'cast darkness.' Capable of removing all of the light from a small area, or removing a portion of the light from a larger area. The effect requires concentration to maintain, and is always a circle centering on the caster.

Light Banishment: Remove all the light from a much larger area than before, as well as being capable of targeting an area that isn't simply a circle around the caster. Can be used to 'shape' areas of darkness or simply swallow the caster and the area around in it. Will linger for several hours after banishment, no longer requiring constant concentration.

Shadowmeld: Remove the perception of oneself from others directly, so named because novices need the assistance of already low light to pull it off, so it is typically done while in the shadows. As long as the user is in extremely low light, they are effectively invisible, but more light creates a greater strain and will cause them to become more and more visible. The user must concentrate to keep up the effect.

Voidstain: Place a stain of solid darkness on a surface which will last for several hours before gradually fading. While it feels as though nothing is there, this mark destroys any light hitting it, resulting in a completely void appearance. It is smearable like paint, and the amount that can be created depends on the skill of the caster, though it is ill advisable for novices to create more than a square foot or so as it is usually very draining.

Erasure: Remove a small object from existence for a few hours. It must be small enough to fit into the caster's hands. An object thus removed is not forgotten, simply ceases to be as it is in that moment, so those still seeking it will continue to do so. The object will fade back into existence once the effect wears off, making it a favorite for enterprising magical thieves.

Temporary Amnesia: Force someone to forget a specific fact or concept for a short period of time. Typically the longest this can last is around an hour, though extremely complex or broad notions, such as forgetting the concept of sight, will only last a few minutes or even seconds.

Expert (Partial Restriction)
Face Blindness: An extension of shadowmeld, this ability makes perception of the mage's existence cease to exist to those around them. Not simply invisibility, this forces minds unprepared to resist this level of magic to be incapable of registering the individual at all, meaning that any actions they take will be perceived as coming from something else. This is an extremely tiring ability, requiring full concentration and sustainable for only minutes.

Final Erasure: Remove an object from existence permanently. This still must be something that can fit into the caster's hands, but rather than fading back into existence later, it is completely destroyed. This does not remove the concept of that item, so those that knew it existed will still be aware of it, but no trace of it will be recoverable.

Black Hole: The user creates a void in reality, removing its very existence to carve out a literal hole of darkness. The inner space can be as small as the mage wants up to approximately the size of an average backpack, and does not need to be anchored into anything, though most mortal minds find a void hole placed in the air difficult to deal with. The actual surface area needs to be at least wide enough for the creator to place their hand into, but does not need to reflect the inner space, and appears as a two dimensional flat swath of nothing for anyone looking at it. Anything inside the hole is enveloped in total darkness but does not cease to exist, making it an excellent hiding place. It cannot be moved, and if destroyed willingly by the creator, any contents will cease to exist as well. These can typically only be created once a week or so.

Master (Full Restriction)
Tear the Page: The master Voidist fully removes a concept from a person's mind; this removes any knowledge they've ever had about it, making it as though they've never encountered it in their life. Further, any attempt to re-plant the information into the individual's mind will typically be met with extreme disbelief and resistance; this wall wears down over several weeks, but re-learning will still be as though from knowing nothing. The old knowledge and any emotions associated with it are forever lost. This is extremely taxing and is usually done no more often than once a month by even the most powerful mages.

Removal: Remove a single object from existence and memory. This item can be twice as big as items removable by Final Erasure, and rather than simply removing the object, its very nature is voided. Anyone who ever came into contact with it entirely forgets it, making it as though it never existed in the first place. The more people that were aware of the object, the more difficult it is to remove, meaning that even extremely powerful mages would not be able to remove items of extreme cultural relevance like a religious text or governmental constitution.

Yawning Abyss: The mage taps into the greatest embodiment of Void (and Creation) known - the Endless - to procure themselves a place in its ... existence? This allows the caster to step through any dark shadow directly into their own private space in Endless, wherein they may create whatever sort of private establishment they desire. Others may not follow, though individuals skilled in Endless navigation may be able to arrive at the place if given precise understanding. It is advisable that the caster be well aware of how to conceptualize a window back to their home, however, for if they are unable to do so they will be likewise trapped in that space.
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late to the party
Staff member

In much the way that Void is often mistaken for darkness by those lesser inclined, Energy is often touted as light, and indeed their paths start similarly as well, though some also mistakenly consider Energy to be electricity as well. This Providence is considered extremely dangerous, as such a particular, unaligned energy type lends itself to consuming its practitioners whole. Mastery of the art is rare, but those who attain it are truly among the most talented of mages.

Creatures whose appearance has been influenced by Energy usually have patches of white or golden radiance pouring from their being, and they are often bleached to similar tones. Glimmering patterns of pure energy may ripple under their skin or in their eyes as well.


Bring Light: The caster creates a light generated from a single point. This light shines around that inner point at about the intensity of a small lantern, but without the hassle of the container to block the path of the shine. This light generates little heat, though it is effectively solar light. It can last for half a day, though the creator can extinguish it at will.

Impart Light: With this, the mage can generate a larger light, comparable to a large flashlight, and they can attach it to any surface. Once attached, the rays are bound by the normal physics around them, so attaching it inside of an actual lantern will result in a beam that behaves as any light would in the same space. This allows the light to be mobile along with being more powerful, though it does not last as long, with one usage being good for up to an hour.

Static Shock: The practitioner creates a small jolt of energy, similar to a very intense static shock; it is powerful enough to hurt, but not enough to do damage to any but the smallest of creatures. However, it can short out some electronics, causing something like a desktop computer to shut down or malfunction, and may potentially fry smaller or less durable hardware, like a phone, entirely.

Inner Radiance: A luminous glow radiates from inside the mage using this ability, lighting themselves and the area around them. They can create enough light that a 10' x 10' space will be lit as brightly as though it were daylight, and areas beyond will gradually grow dimmer as the light naturally fades. While the practitioner themselves are immune to the brightness of their own skin, others around may find them difficult to look directly at in this state. As an added bonus, this effect warms the user from the inside, protecting against cold - though potentially being a detriment in extremely hot environments.

Jolt: The user forms what is essentially a small lightning bolt and directs it at a target. The ability travels similarly, arcing like electricity, and it cannot be used in a vacuum as it must ignite the air similarly to successfully travel. This takes a good amount of energy, with most mages only able to use it every few minutes and only a handful of times before growing exhausted, but can indeed cause burns and nerve damage as would be expected from such an ability. A mage must be careful with this, however, as conductors or a lack of concentration can lead to the arc landing away from the intended target. This ability can also be used, as one might expect, to cause an intense surge to electrical equipment, and some enterprising sorcerers may find some way to use themselves as a generator in times of need!

Expert (Partial Restriction)
Blinding Visage: A skin of pure energy wraps around the practitioner, effectively coating them in a plasma shell. This is very hot, but not deadly, to the user, but anything touching it will be immediately burned or experience electrical shock. Concentration is required to maintain this second skin, and anything setting it off or being affected by it will drain the user's energy.

Disruption: The user may disrupt energy patterns at a distance rather than something nearby. Any target in visual range may be viable. While this isn't a direct attack, the effect temporarily disrupts energy patterns or flow in the desired target; the area is generally no bigger than a fist, but it works on electrical, magical, and organic energy patterns, allowing it to be extremely versatile in the right hands. The amount of energy drained is two to three times that of what is being disrupted; temporarily shutting off someone's laptop would be a cinch compared to blocking another mage's attempted magic usage.

Flare: A ball of pure, heated plasma forms in a golf-ball sized location within the user's line of sight; the further away the spot is, the more likely it is that the user will not get the spot quite right and that it may be slightly off target. The energy quickly dissolves immediately after forming, essentially causing a localized magical explosion capable of damaging flesh and inorganic material alike. Even more draining than Jolting, this ability can be used at most once an hour, but with a well-aimed mage is an extremely damaging tool.

Master (Fully Restricted)
Energy Cannon: In this last-ditch weapon, the mage pours all but the very minimum amount of energy needed to live into a single blast of hard light. This highly damaging ray typically immediately dissolves any non-magical substance in its path, and even to that it will provide a high amount of damage. The practitioner may shape the ray as they wish, with a thinner one having a longer range than a wide or thick one. This ability leaves the caster completely exhausted and in many cases unconscious, taking several days to fully recover their reserves.

Ride the Lightning: In opposition to the targeted might of the Energy Cannon, this ability sets the mage's energy to the work of igniting the world around. The practitioner still unleashes the full breadth of their abilities, but they do so to excite the ambient energy in the world around them. The result is a full plasma storm with them as its eye; while the majority focus will be in a radius of only up to 20' around the mage, the ripple effects and off shoots could potentially be felt for miles. This is extremely dangerous, because if the mage is not careful to reserve enough energy to resist their own storm, they could very well destroy themselves as well. There is no known practitioner who has recovered from a storm in under a month's time.
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late to the party
Staff member

Not to be confused with the planet of Earth, the Providence of Earth deals more tangentially with that which draws its name. While most Earthian mages will perceive its magics as relating to dirt, stone, and metal, it is rooted in the concepts of stability and long-lasting form. Earth masters solidify their bodies and minds, protecting themselves and in many cases making themselves at least temporarily invulnerable to attack. An Earth mage may not be the most creative or quick-moving, but what they lack in versatility they make up for in their ability to last.

Creatures who have been touched by the magic of Earth tend to have physical traits such as stone or earthen textures, though some of them have more exotic crystalline or metallic aspects as well.


Solid Ground: The caster can solidify a patch of ground that they stand on, preventing it from destruction, movement, or interruption. It must be a natural patch of ground - stone, dirt, ore, or the realm's equivalent in less familiar planes. This may be maintained for as long as the caster maintains their concentration.

Familiar Territory: The caster may find their footing on any sort of natural ground, even if it shouldn't be something they can walk on. Sheer cliffs, jagged rocks, even shards of metal or shifting quicksand pose no threat to the properly attuned Earth mage. This ability may be maintained for as long as the caster is able to channel concentration into it, with most fresh novices able to continue for however long they might normally be able to hike the same distance on easier lands. Caution is advised, as a break in the spell will immediately put the user at risk of whatever harm may come from losing their footing.

Nature's Resilience: The caster gains a shell of stone-like armor around their feet or hands; this armor, while bulky and weighing several pounds, is as fully flexible as they normally are. It protects them from anything that the material would reasonably protect from - knives, glass, physical blows, and so on. It is worth noting that blunt blows do more damage to the armor's viability, and it offers no protection from extreme heat. At most, it lasts for an hour, though each bit of resistance uses up a bit of the power generating it.

Once a Mountain: The caster is fully enveloped in a similar armor to Nature's Resilience, this time covering the whole of their body. It draws more power from the user, but offers more protection, having more 'health' and giving some insulation against small amounts of heat, such as touching a hot oven or being exposed to a small fire. It can last several hours, but tends to leave the user worn out when it finally wears off.

The Starving Stone: The user's limbs of choice - arms, legs, or whatever other set of appendages they may have - are coated in either a crystalline or metallic substance, which further extends into spikes, blades, or even simple cudgels at their choice. These are incredibly tough, and while they offer no ranged abilities and don't grant the user knowledge of how to use them, they become extremely effective melee weapons. Unlike other spells, this metal or crystal alloy is very light, and it offers some measure of protection against physical blows as well. These may be maintained for half an hour at a time before needing more energy to regenerate them, though too much impact may shatter the material early.

Nature's Fury: At the caster's direction, the ground itself becomes a weapon, directing a section no larger than 10' in diameter to either open up or jut upward, effectively creating a pit, spike, or - for the more creatively inclined - platform. This must be within fifty yards and clearly visible to the mage, and it must be some sort of related material such as stone or metal. The control of the area lasts approximately one minute per cast, allowing such effects as a pit that crushes back down on whatever has fallen into it or spikes that repeatedly assail their victims. The only restriction is that the material being manipulated must stay within the spherical diameter. Moving outside of that will immediately cause that portion of material to fall from the mage's control.

Master (Partial Restriction)
The Caverns Below: Fully in tuned with their mastery of the Providence, the caster is able to seemingly meld with earth itself, sinking into any suitable material large enough to encompass their form. In truth, the material simply bends to accommodate them, encapsulating them within itself. So emtombed, they have no need to breathe, and while they may not be able to see from their self-made prison, they gain an awareness of anything touching the continuous spread of earth (rock, dirt, metal, or crystal) touching their capsule. Furthermore, they may travel freely through that same mass, with the earth carrying them up to nearly a hundred miles per hour for the most talented of mages. The act of the merge is the most draining part of this spell, as it can be maintained for travel for several hours by most capable of learning it, but it may only be cast once every three days.
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late to the party
Staff member

The mastery of air is mastery of the unseen; regardless of the gasses comprising it, this Providence offers silent finesse through atmospheric manipulation. It is often seen as a weaker Providence, but masters of its art understand that sometimes versatility is worth the early lack of raw power that might be seen in other areas of study.

Creatures magically affected by the Providence of air may exhibit fairer features than their counterparts, and many also show feathers and paler colors than they might otherwise.


Breeze: The caster creates a breeze in a localized area; it can be as small as simply around the user or up to covering around an acre of space. The wider the area, the weaker it is; at its maximum space, an apprentice would do little more than gently direct a soft flow of air, whereas right near them might be closer to a strong fan. This requires little magical energy and can be maintained for several hours a day, but does require full concentration while occurring.

Sky's Fingers: The caster can create a smaller, much more localized force of air, enough of one to lift small objects or push larger ones around. While it doesn't have the sort of precise handling that something like telekinesis might, it allows the mage to lift and haphazardly carry items up to twenty pounds in weight. It can also create a substantial shove or light 'punch' against larger things, being able to slowly push something up to fifty pounds in weight as long as there is no obstruction in the way. It can't do much damage, but may be strong enough to feel like a hardy slap with the right amount of concentration. This drains quickly, being usable for upwards of fifteen minutes of total time a day, though this can be spread into several bursts as opposed to a solid stream of wind.

Skysong: With this ability, the user may manipulate air to make rough, but clearly purposeful sounds such as whistling or shrieking noises. While it isn't a fine enough control to allow creation of full words, it can be used to distract or mislead someone in the right hands. This spell is very easy to cast, with only concentrated and maintained usage ever creating any significant strain on the mage; creating a sharp whistle could be nearly an afterthought, but hours of extremely loud shrieking - for whatever purpose - could leave them fully exhausted.

Whirlwind: The caster creates a small tornado in an area that they can see; if there are no clouds visible, then it will be invisible apart from any debris it picks up, but in cloudy weather it will appear to form as standard. This tornado will only be considered EF0-EF1, and may travel no further than a mile in distance or last longer than fifteen minutes. However, it forms nearly instantaneously, making it quite dangerous in the right hands. The mage must be aware of themselves, however, as they are as susceptible to damage from the winds or debris thrown by it as anyone else. Due to the strain on both the caster and the natural elements that this causes, most casters are unable to do this more than once every three to four days - and most opt to only when absolutely necessary, due to the danger.

Wind Shear: Rather than the large destruction of a natural phenomena, an air mage may instead choose to rely on this ability for offensive capabilities. This allows the caster to shoot bolts of sharply propelled air, causing either a wider, blunt assault similar to a beanbag gun or a more narrow, focused one, causing cuts similar to a shallow knife. These typically will not penetrate deeply into the skin, but they can certainly add up to quite a bit of damage. They require the mage to concentrate while shooting, and may typically only be used four or five times before needing a few minutes of regeneration.

Whisper in the Breeze: The caster may send a whispered message to a known target within a hundred miles. They must be at least decently acquainted with the target, and the person must be somewhere that the air the message travels on can reasonably reach them; a completely sealed off room with no airflow will block them from receiving the message, but simply being inside will not as long as there is some crack or opening to allow movement. There is no warning to the recipient beyond a slight stirring of air moments before the message arrives. It sounds like a soft whisper from the caster localized directly in the listener's ears. The longer the message is, the more likely it is to get disrupted along the way, and may never be more than ten seconds long. The user will have no sort of confirmation that their message was received (apart from any later action from the recipient, of course). This may be done up to once an hour at most.

Expert (Partial Restriction)
Suffocation: The caster may remove all air from a localized area of up to one square foot, effectively creating a vacuum. Any objects within this area will act as they normally would within a vacuum - marshmallows will puff and then collapse, stuffed animals will shrink, fluid may begin to boil, and so forth. This requires concentration to maintain the vacuum, and the energy needed will drain the caster constantly while under use. Most mages even at this level cannot maintain it for more than a few minutes at a time.

Minor Flight: The caster may envelop themselves in a bubble of light air particles and generate wind force around themselves, effectively rendering themselves capable of clumsy flight. It is rather slow, typically no faster than a light jog, and does not allow for quick turning or agile movement. However, it is flight, offering all such perks of the action. Being imperfect, it is a constant drain on the mage's energy reserves, and will effectively shut itself off if they exhaust themselves fully. Most freshly learned mages may only fly for ten or fifteen minutes before finding they need a rest.

The Sky Breathes: The caster may generate a larger tornado, up to EF3 in strength, localizing at a point they can see. This tornado may only last up to ten minutes and may again travel no more than a mile, but as before brings with it all the destruction of a natural tornado of size. This ability will also disrupt local weather patterns as expected, and is very likely to draw attention to the area after the fact unless used during weather that would otherwise generate tornados. Due to the strain, this ability typically may only be used once a month, and may leave the caster drained for up to a week if used for its full duration.

Master (Partial Restriction)
Skymeld: The caster attunes themselves fully to the air around them, allowing them to grow lighter than air with perfect manipulation of their surrounding atmosphere. From here, they gain the ability to float and fly perfectly, capable of traveling up to fifty miles an hour with excellent precision. They gain no other awareness or senses, and they do not become invisible in any way, so must be careful still of their surroundings. The primary energy drain from this ability is in the casting, and it may be maintained effortlessly for several hours once cast, but it may only be used every three days.
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late to the party
Staff member

Few Providences have the raw destructive capabilities that fire offers. While others may give a mage options unto variety and utility, fire's hot rage typically burns only for power and might. While a few talented individuals have discovered ways to use this to protect themselves, most who seek to master the art of flame do so because they crave the notably unsubtle approach that the pyromanic path offers them.

Magical beings touched by the sphere of fire may, beyond simply exhibiting natural spouts of the stuff, exhibit dark, sooty colors and patches or maintain an air of smoke or brimstone around them. Some truly attuned individuals may even seem to bleed lava or exhale steam!


Flint & Tinder: The caster may spark a small fire under their fingers (or paw, hoof, or tentacle), which is guaranteed to catch on any flammable material below. Once sparked, the creator has no control over the life of the fire, and must work normally to ensure it grows properly. This takes very little energy and may be used freely.

Flamespark: The caster may create a small ball of fire a few inches across at any location they can see within 20'. It is a quick flash, not lasting long enough to catch anything aflame, but does live long enough to create burns or cause fast melting on cold or easily affected materials. This may be done three to five times in succession, typically.

Arson: The user creates another spark at their touch, again guaranteed to catch on any decently flammable material. However, this time the fire is magically spread, feeding itself for upwards of two minutes before being forced to burn at a natural rate. It will spread twice as fast as it would naturally burning during this time, allowing the mage to create a very well-established fire. It must be noted that the mage has no natural resistance to their own flames, and should be well prepared to escape them if participating in any dangerous or uncouth activities. This may only be done every hour, as it takes a fair dollop of energy to feed the flame.

Pyromania: The mage is enveloped in a magical shield of heat, protecting them from itself and any other sources while maintained. It isn't perfect - any heat not generated by the user themselves will drain the caster's energy faster, and some extreme forms of flame such as lava or plasma will cut through its shield. Still, it will protect fully from standard flames, leaving the user feeling only slightly warmed where they might otherwise be burnt. Anyone around them will feel a wave of sauna-like heat around them, and touching them can result in first or second degree burns, though this contact will also drain the user's energy. It requires partial concentration, resulting in other spells being more difficult and draining to cast while it is active.

Fireball: The user creates a fireball at a location within twenty yards of them; it begins as a ball roughly six inches across then rapidly expands, creating a fiery explosion with a diameter of ten feet. The flames last only seconds and will typically only catch the most flammable objects on fire, but the intense heat will cause damage to anything caught within its perimeter. The further towards the center something is, the more damage it takes, with the edges causing little more than intense sunburns and the exact middle capable of causing a third degree burn. The aiming on a fireball is very inaccurate, and it is very hard to precisely aim the center of one - it is typically much a "to whom it may concern" affair. The energy requirements dictate that it can only potentially be used once every two hours, and at most three times a day before total exhaustion sets in.

Living Flame: The caster wreaths themselves in a full body covering of fire; this fire does not hurt them at all, and they are capable of keeping it from burning others if they desire. Anything they do not specifically exclude, however, is liable to burn as well as if it were exposed to natural flame. This also protects them from other sources of heat similarly to Pyromania, but is capable of barring even extreme sources such as lava - though the mage should be wary to keep themselves from being fully submerged should their energy reserves run out. This ability is a constant drain, capable of being worn for up to an hour at a time.

Wall of Fire: The mage creates a wall of flame, up to two feet thick and fifteen feet wide, along an area that they can see. This fire will burn for an amount of time up to five hours, depending on how much energy is put into it; while it will not burn the ground or surroundings that it is initially placed upon, it will burn anything that touches or moves into it like high temperature flame. There is nothing solid within it, so a being with sufficient protection is capable of moving through it, but other creatures risk being burnt up in its path. Typically a mage's ability to create a wall of fire will depend on how long their wall lasts; a five minute wall may only require hours to do again, while a five hour wall may take up to a week to recover from.

Master (Partial Restriction)
Twisted Firestarter: The caster becomes the eye of a storm of fire which extends in a 15-20' diameter around the mage. While the storm may last only minutes, anything within it - including the mage - lacking protection from its heat is liable to be burnt, melted, or otherwise charred to a crisp. The heat of the storm is capable of melting steel, and the sudden generation of such high temperatures often results in a shockwave yards beyond the actual storm itself. Even when the fury ends, the air around remains superhot until it naturally cools; more than one mage has destroyed themselves by forgetting their shields needed to remain up after the storm abides. It is exceptionally rare for a mage to recover from the usage of this ability in under a month.
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late to the party
Staff member

The Providence of water is one of constant movement, change, and adaptability. Water users find an array of abilities at their fingertips capable of both help and harm.

Creatures affected by the Providence may bare unusual scales and fins they would not otherwise, and some may exhibit constant dampness or even an air of freezing about them!


Sham-wow: The caster is capable of becoming mildly hydrophobic by directing any water on themselves to be expelled away from their person. This extends to anything they are wearing or holding as well, meaning they can quickly dry objects. The more water and the more ingrained in the material it is, the more energy it takes; drying off from a flash rainstorm wouldn't take much, but completely and safely drying a totally waterlogged book would take some concentration. Contaminated water may be directed or repelled similarly, though it takes more energy the thicker the solution being moved.

Service Spring: The user may create an amount of fresh, clean water; this water is chemically pure H2O with no additional trace minerals of any sort. The water flows from their hands, paws, or appropriate directing appendage at a rate of approximately one gallon a minute, though the user can expend more energy to create water faster; this can typically be used to create five to ten gallons of water a day as needed.

Swift Swimming: The mage attunes themselves temporarily closer to their element, allowing them to move more agilely through water-based liquids. While it does not protect them from anything in the fluid, they gain the ability to swim with precision agility, capable of turning, darting, and stopping much like a small fish. It also lets them swim three times faster than their normal speed - whatever that may be. This effect can be used for around an hour each day.

Take a Breath: The caster draws breath from water as though it were air, allowing their lungs to process whatever they would normally need in order to breathe. This isn't a continuous effect, with each gulp of air requiring another cast, but it will let the user essentially hold their breath for as long as they typically would. This spell unfortunately does come with the discomfort of one's lungs filling with water, often leaving the user with a drowning sensation, and if not re-cast and the user has not left the water and drawn proper breath by the time its magic fades, they will begin to drown appropriately. Most mages can use this two or three times an hour.

Winter's Breath: The caster chills the liquid in the air or in a specific space, dropping the temperature in an area rapidly; more humid air will freeze faster, and liquid will begin to freeze immediately. This can only affect an area of up to around five square feet; if the user is touching an object, they may direct the effect to only that object. Living beings affected by this are not frozen as intensely; a bowl of water would freeze entirely, but a living being may only be affected with chill or, if not resisting, frostbite rather than being frozen solid. Exceptionally arid air and objects may prove impossible to wholly freeze. Whatever the case, the user must maintain concentration for the duration of the freeze, and may only continue the effect for a few minutes every hour.

Watershaping: The user gains the ability to shape and control water more like clay than fluid; they are able to manipulate up to ten gallons of water space at a time. They can manipulate water connected to a larger body, but not more than their limit; any attempts past that will result in some other part of the space simply splashing off. Once controlled, they may lift, carry, and move the liquid even outside of its space of origin. The caster may increase or decrease how compacted the water's molecules are (and thus the pressure in their total volume of water), leaving open possibilities for clever usage such as frozen water blades or a sudden explosion of gaseous water. The energy in this ability is used when the water is "possessed", leaving the mage capable of handling their water until they choose to discard it, but can typically only be done twice a day.

Expert (Partial Restriction)
Into the Deep Blue: The caster sprouts a set of highly efficient gills along their torso, allowing them to temporarily breathe underwater. These gills will let them breathe in all but totally anaerobic water, drawing out whatever breath they need in an extremely efficient manner. They are unaffected by salt or other mineral content, though some casters report that water tainted with high amounts of chemicals cause them to burn - though they note this sort of water likely should not be entered in the first place. The gills will dry out if the user lets them, at which point they will shrivel and disappear; they must also be exposed to waterflow in order to work at all, so may not be hidden beneath thick clothing or rubber suits. Once cast, the gills will last for up to a full day, though they require another day of rest to re-cast.

Waterwish: The caster gains the ability to manipulate water at a distance, capable of moving it similarly to watershaping without actually having to touch it. The liquid must be within sight of the user, and they may only change up to five gallons of it from its resting volume. Unlike watershaping, this requires constant concentration, but the same total manipulation is allowed. This may be maintained for up to five minutes an hour as needed.

Master (Partial Restriction)
Tidal Shift: The user channels a huge amount of energy into generating a large amount of water, drawing up in effect a powerful wave up to ten feet wide and five feet thick. This wave passes around them harmlessly, but will slam with high speed and pressure into any directed target; once the initial impact is complete, the caster may retain control of the full amount of water similarly to waterwish. This control only lasts for up to a minute for even the most talented of mages. The sheer effort of such creation outside of a creation Providence restricts this ability to being used once a week at most.

Seameld: The caster attunes themselves fully with their element, allowing them to meld themselves wholly into a body of water. Any items they are carrying meld with them, though they are not accessible for the duration, and the user no longer requires any breath while attuned. They may only be harmed by "their" fluid being boiled, frozen, or a portion of their space wholly removed - which is difficult, as they often may simply flow around any object attempting to catch them. So attuned, the user may flow through the body of water as quickly as seventy-five miles an hour; any object caught in their path will feel them as though they were a normal flow of water of the same speed. They may not leave the body of water they've melded into, and being fully separated from it will forcibly eject them from their liquid state. The majority of the energy in this spell is in the melding, and thus it may be maintained for several hours once cast, but may only be used once every three days.
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late to the party
Staff member

The Providence of gravity is an odd one; the Endless has no planets and no actual space, so some consider it a misnomer, as it's perfectly plausible to have the same area of Endless with different planes of "gravity." Others simply think that the Earthian concept of gravity is too narrow, and some mages have been inclined to agree after witnessing otherplanar usage of the Providence. Regardless, the Providence does what it seems like it would excel at, changing gravitational pulls and adjusting localized pressures.

The Providence of gravity rarely affects physical appearances.


Change of Weight: The caster changes an object's localized gravity, effectively making it lighter or heavier by up to fifteen pounds at their discretion. This has no actual change on the object's mass. The spell may only affect small, non-living objects, no larger than twenty pounds, though it can affect sections of a larger object - such as making the heating element of a heater lighter. The effect is not permanent, lasting only until about ten seconds after the caster releases the item. This can be done three or four times before needing a rest.

Gravity Wrap: The caster changes an object's localized gravity, making it lighter or heavier by up to forty pounds at their discretion. This again has no effect on the item's actual mass. This ability may affect living beings, and it may affect objects or sections of objects up to fifty pounds in weight. This ability may only be used once a day, but the effect lasts for several hours on the material it is cast upon. As a special note, for living beings the effect will balance among their entire mass, effectively lowering their weight by the desired amount, whereas objects will only have their weight adjusted at the specified area.

Anti-Gravity Well: The caster gains the ability to create a localized well of anti-gravity, effectively allowing them to float... sort of. More accurately, the user gains a "moon jumping" ability, with their movements being extremely light and force propelling them further and faster than it might have under normal gravity force. This may only affect the caster, but the effect can be used for up to an hour before needing a full rest.

Under Pressure: The caster may create a small section of intense gravity in an area that they can see; this space can be upwards of a foot in diameter, though smaller spaces can create larger amounts of gravity. This is enough to cause objects to plummet at unnatural speeds, make something totally immobile, or, if used against a living being, cause painful crushing damage to tissues in the affected area. The area may not move, so anything moving out of its space will return to normal gravity. This effect can be used two or three times before needing a rest or up to thirty seconds in one continual burst.

Expert (Partial Restriction)
Calculated Refusal: The mage casting this spell may manipulate their local gravity perfectly, allowing them to, in essence, float or fly. By directing their pull of gravity upward, they will "fall" upward, and the same can be said by directing it in any motion of their choice. This may be continued for up to an hour every day, though the mage in question should be wary; the effect on their gravity is permanent until otherwise changed, meaning that running out of energy while hurtling towards the stratosphere is ill advised.

Drops of Jupiter: The caster creates an area of up to ten feet in diameter that creates extremely increased gravity; the effect grows over a full minute as the area is maintained, beginning at one and a half times Earth's gravity and increasing up to five times that. Objects caught within the zone are apt to slowly crumble and break, and any living beings will be forced to the ground and may suffer breaks and injuries from attempted resistance or simply being caught in a bad position. Unfit individuals are more likely to suffer damage than fit ones, and even the most fit will find it impossible to move at full force. The ability may only be maintained for up to a minute and a half, making it unlikely to cause any long term brain damage or suffocation. The effort of this ability makes it usable once a week at most.

Master (Partial Restriction)
Orbital Array: This ability functions identically to Calculated Refusal, except now it is capable of targeting up to three other individuals near the caster. The other targets follow and float around the mage using the ability, but otherwise have no control over their positioning. Mages of equal talent may attempt to resist or break free of this spell, but otherwise they are wholly at the caster's mercy. This may be used for up to an hour per week, though that time will decrease with magical resistance.

Gravity Chamber: The caster focuses their will and creates a permanent chamber of altered gravity, filling a space up to a standard gymnasium in size with this adjustment. It must be a contained area such as a room or cavern, and it must have a primary entrance or entrances where the gravity change stops, though any doors or gateways within will not affect the spell. The gravity may range anywhere from 0.1-3x that of Earth's. Such a chamber may only be created once a year, and only one may exist at a time; the creation of a new chamber will result in gravity in the original returning to normal.
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late to the party
Staff member
Applying for a Providence

If your character was guaranteed a Providence when they were created and it hasn't been assigned or is an elphyme with no assigned Providence, you may use this form to have it done.

[b]Character[/b]: please link to profile page
[b]Providence desired[/b]:
[b]Reason for skipping standard application[/b]: elphyme/contest win (please link)/sold with providence (please link sale sheet or reference artist who sold it)/has providence features or magical features listed on profile
If your character does not qualify for the easy way in, don't fret! You can still learn magic! However, you'll have to do a little more work in order to do so; you'll need to undergo a series of tasks to chronicle your character's discovery and subsequent learning of how to utilize a Providence.

Each "task" consists of either creating a piece of art, completing a roleplay with one or more other people, or finishing a solo writing exercise demonstrating that section of their journey.

  • Must depict a critical scene relating to the current task.
  • Must be fully lined, colored, and shaded or fully painted.
  • Must include a full background.
  • Must include objects or NPCs/other characters (ask permission!) that make it clear how it relates to the task.
  • Quality does not matter as long as it is clear effort has been made and all requirements are met!
  • Must detail the events happening around a task or a critical scene/section of the task.
  • Must involve at least one character who doesn't belong to you.
  • May be written in whatever format you like (paragraph or chat) and whatever tense you like, but must meet the minimum word requirement. Please note that names should be omitted from word count in the instance of chat-style roleplays.
  • Must reach at least 1500 words, with each party writing at least 500. (These are individual requirements; if you write with four people, everyone still has to write 500. If you write with two, one person could write 1000 and the other 500!)
Solo Writing:
  • Must detail the events happening around a critical scene/section of the task.
  • May involve NPCs at your discretion; if dealing with a particularly powerful NPC (such as a mage teaching your character!), please feel free to ask a shop mod to give you the OK on their abilities.
  • Must be written in paragraph form, though you can write in whatever tense you like.
  • Must reach at least 2000 words (since you do not have to coordinate with other users).

For Earthians:
Task 1:
Chronicle your character's discovery of magic and Providences. Do they witness a mage casting spells and begin their research from there? Are they brought into a cabal of casters hiding from the outside world? Do they just hear some weird stuff on some message board or see an unbelievable TikTok?

Task 2:
Chronicle your character beginning their studies. How they go about this depends on your result for task 1! Are they studying under a mage? Doing more research and trying out ancient spells that just happen to somehow work? Remember they must be focused on a single Providence, so any sparking abilities must be related to that study.

Task 3:
Chronicle your character's first successful spellcast. This one's pretty self explanatory!

For Endless:
Task 1:
Chronicle your character's decision to bind themselves to a Providence. Endless may never change their Providence once bound, so it's a huge decision for them. It's also dangerous - Endless are capable of completely erasing their own existence by becoming too entangled in their magic or by attempting things too powerful for them, so it's not a simple commitment.

Task 2:
Chronicle your character beginning their studies. Are they studying under someone else with that Providence, or do they simply have a natural inclination for spellcasting, as sometimes happens? Are they confident or nervous about their changing body? Binding to a Providence can change the way an Endless creature feels - physically and mentally - and sometimes looks and smells, so how does it affect yours? Please note: you are allowed to mention some changes appropriate to the Providence, but this will not be reflected in official art unless you commission alternate art for them! Only minor alterations are allowed, such as having a scent around them or tiny features like some feathers around the face or patches of scales on the ears, etc.

Task 3:
Chronicle your character's first successful spell cast. This is pretty self explanatory! Remember, once they cross this threshold, there's no going back.

[b]Character[/b]: link to profile page
[b]Desired Providence[/b]: 
[b]Link to completed tasks[/b]:
Task 1:
Task 2: 
Task 3: