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A Providence is essentially a school of magic; one mastering a specific Providence may use spells from within it, but not another. Endless creatures may only ever master one, as it totally rewrites their very being - they may never change, though some have claimed to have found ways to unlink themselves at the cost of losing any magical ability. Earthians, being a wholly different breed, may learn multiple Providences, though each new one comes at greater effort and cost than the last. This thread dictates all currently recorded Providences.
About Tiers:
Each Providence is divided into several tiers; these represent the levels of training or power that your character can attain. Each tier has powers listed under it, but please note - these are example powers designed to demonstrate what that tier is capable of. You may rebrand these powers in any way as long as they still fit within the scope given.
Also note that as a character levels up, their lower tier powers will become more powerful. There is little need for every single tier to have a "fireball" spell; simply assume that as your character learns and grows, their size, power, and duration of lower abilities will increase. Only when new effects are added will a secondary version be noted, and that can be considered a separate version - for instance, Void's Light Removal and Light Banishment are similar, but one is a concentrated ability that spreads in a circle around the user, while the other is a single, larger cast that cannot move but can be shaped and lingers over time. Both of these could be useful in different scenarios, so they are both noted, but it is assumed that as the character climbs higher tiers, both will get stronger. All powers are described as they are when the user is first capable of learning them.
About Usage:
Currently, we do not have a system such as spell slots or mana points; each ability should be considered individually unless it refers to fully exhausting a character. This means your character can reasonably use an ability that can be used twice and hour and another that can be used once a day in the same time frame! For abilities that give a range, such as "two to three", it's up to you to determine how often your character should be able to use them.
Full exhaustion means the character's magical abilities are totally tapped until they are allowed either a full rest of eight hours or the amount of time specified in the skill.
Any abilities referring to a rest imply the need for at least four hours of relaxed rest. This could be sleep, or it could also be simply lounging around and watching television. Other abilities are implied to "recharge" over time even if your character is not well rested.
In metas that may involve the use of abilities, you will be given set limits as needed.
All ability limits may change if we do ever implement a slot, mana, or other concrete restriction in the future.
About Restriction:
While we strive to provide a catalog of what a Providence is capable of, some powers are simply too powerful for general player characters. We do not want to ruin anyone's fun, and in that we must prevent too much from being handed over outside of NPC control.
Partially restricted tiers are obtainable by players, but only by well-developed characters and by players who have demonstrated a clear understanding of power restraint and usage. This will typically involve an annoying amount of writing and potentially some form of questionnaire to allow. Yes, this is purposefully to ward off people who would simply want to grab powers because they sound cool; these powers could heavily impact RP or meta events and they are only allowed in the hands of responsible individuals.
Fully restricted tiers are not available to players, but may be had by NPCs or shop-run characters. These are abilities that are overwhelmingly powerful and could singlehandedly change the course of history.
About Tiers:
Each Providence is divided into several tiers; these represent the levels of training or power that your character can attain. Each tier has powers listed under it, but please note - these are example powers designed to demonstrate what that tier is capable of. You may rebrand these powers in any way as long as they still fit within the scope given.
Also note that as a character levels up, their lower tier powers will become more powerful. There is little need for every single tier to have a "fireball" spell; simply assume that as your character learns and grows, their size, power, and duration of lower abilities will increase. Only when new effects are added will a secondary version be noted, and that can be considered a separate version - for instance, Void's Light Removal and Light Banishment are similar, but one is a concentrated ability that spreads in a circle around the user, while the other is a single, larger cast that cannot move but can be shaped and lingers over time. Both of these could be useful in different scenarios, so they are both noted, but it is assumed that as the character climbs higher tiers, both will get stronger. All powers are described as they are when the user is first capable of learning them.
About Usage:
Currently, we do not have a system such as spell slots or mana points; each ability should be considered individually unless it refers to fully exhausting a character. This means your character can reasonably use an ability that can be used twice and hour and another that can be used once a day in the same time frame! For abilities that give a range, such as "two to three", it's up to you to determine how often your character should be able to use them.
Full exhaustion means the character's magical abilities are totally tapped until they are allowed either a full rest of eight hours or the amount of time specified in the skill.
Any abilities referring to a rest imply the need for at least four hours of relaxed rest. This could be sleep, or it could also be simply lounging around and watching television. Other abilities are implied to "recharge" over time even if your character is not well rested.
In metas that may involve the use of abilities, you will be given set limits as needed.
All ability limits may change if we do ever implement a slot, mana, or other concrete restriction in the future.
About Restriction:
While we strive to provide a catalog of what a Providence is capable of, some powers are simply too powerful for general player characters. We do not want to ruin anyone's fun, and in that we must prevent too much from being handed over outside of NPC control.
Partially restricted tiers are obtainable by players, but only by well-developed characters and by players who have demonstrated a clear understanding of power restraint and usage. This will typically involve an annoying amount of writing and potentially some form of questionnaire to allow. Yes, this is purposefully to ward off people who would simply want to grab powers because they sound cool; these powers could heavily impact RP or meta events and they are only allowed in the hands of responsible individuals.
Fully restricted tiers are not available to players, but may be had by NPCs or shop-run characters. These are abilities that are overwhelmingly powerful and could singlehandedly change the course of history.
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