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Kitsusagi Realms

[PRP] A Chance Encounter


Stew Aficionado
A Rp between Zak's Yune and Vlad's Goth

Setting: Early Evening on the Boarder of the Forest of Shadows


Stew Aficionado
As the sun began to set Yune was still searching for the single herb that seemed to have eluded his search for the day. He had wandered so far, getting close to the edge of the Forest of Shadows.

Giving a small sigh he looked do the sky and gave a small prayer to his goddess, hoping to get some guidance as to where this elusive herb was, but before he was able to finish a screeching sound caught his attention.

Fear took him as he saw an axe beak lumbering towards him. He wasn't much of a fighter, never had been and so when he went out ot gather herbs and things for medicine he did his best to avoid the beasts that wandered the plains.

Because he had been frozen in fear he did not notice the wounds on the lumbering beast as it ran towards him nor did he notice the other creature that seemed to be chasing after it.

WC: 163
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Goth darted through the trees trying to keep up with his prey. It was his lucky day and already injured axe beak! He had hit it a few times already it would fall to his claws and Goth would feast. By no means was this is favorite food, but food was food and Goth would not turn down a meal as large as this one.

Goth had been chasing the beast for awhile now through the forest he was so focused on the hunt he did not realize where the beast had lead him. He was used to staying away from other kitsu, they did not often take kindly to his anything thing that breaths can be eaten look on life. It wasn't that he was afraid of them it was just easier to hunt in the deep woods though that could be very boring at times.

Catching his breath for just one moment, Goth planned what he hoped might be the final kill strike. He maybe an amazing specimen of a nightmare but even he grew tired after a long hunt like this. He stretched his large wings and landed himself cutting with his claws and biting with his teeth on the poor creatures neck. It went down with a cry landing in a heap inches away from the white kitsu that Goth had not even noticed. With one last crunch the axe beaks life left it which seemed to energize Goth some how.

"Ah....stupid beast." He huffed at the axe beak in a heavy and slightly strange accent. He curled his wings around his body resting his claws over his chest. His wings draped around him looking rather like a cape. He licked his lips and started to go in for a bite before finally noticing Yune he raised a brow in a questioning way. He pondered hissing and chasing the other off then again he figured the other was not after his kill so he waited to see what the other would do.

wc: 336