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Kitsusagi Realms

[PRP] A rather silent guide.


Grizzled Veteran

Level: 1
Physical - 2
Mental - 2
Social - 4
HP - 5
Natural Ability:Levitate
: Mage
Class Ability
: Scribe Scroll
Slow Healing

: 1
Physical - 3
Mental - 4
Social - 1
HP - 5
Natural Ability: Dark Affinity
Class: Cleric
Class Ability: Virtue
Advantage: Fast Healing
Disadvantage: Mute


Grizzled Veteran
Tedeis took a step through the portal with some trepidation. He felt a little nauseous but his curiosity wouldn't let him turn back now. His father was a traveling fire mage and his mother was fighter who guarded her homeland. He knew he would want to help the adventurers guild in some way but to do that he wanted to meet more individuals in the world and get to understand the land of Athas more. He blinked looking around on the other side and was kind of sad to see the sky wasn't a different color or anything drastic like that. Shrugging he thought to go looking for a guide. He started to poke and ask around for a guide who was willing to show him around as he was a non native to Athas.


Grizzled Veteran
Leon wasn't far from the Portal to Torreland. Deep down we has a bit fearful to go in any portals, and seeing people enter this new one, only had him worry about their safety on the other side. Letting out a sigh, he spotted Tedeis. If he could he'd ask him a whole world of questions about the other side, but being Mute kept him from doing so. Glancing down at his notepad, he frowned, hesitant to bother the Kitsu, back in his own mind of worries and curiosity.


Grizzled Veteran
Looking and seeing a feathered kitsu looking at a note pad Tedeis trotted over. "Ah hello there. I'm sorry if I'm bothering you. I'd like to ask if you know where I can get a guide to this realm?" He flicked an ear back the portal. "I'm not from around here and while I know there is information in the library or adventurers guild here; I don't know where to find them." He tried to give his best winning smile to the other kitsu. He had always been told he was rather likable and was really hopping that didn't just apply to those of Torrland.


Grizzled Veteran
Leon was started, if only a bit out of his mind scape before looking over and listening, to Tedeis. Opening his pad he wrote down something to show it to the Kitsu. 'It's nice to meet you, my name is Leon. I can show you both locations of the Library and the Adventure's Guild.' Getting up to his paws, he gave the other Kitsu some time to read.


Grizzled Veteran
Eyeing the pad Tedeis wasn't sure if the other kitsu was mute or just preferred not to speak. He was fine either way. "Nice to meet you Leon. I"m Tedeis. Thank you very much for your time." He gave a respectful dip of his head but his tails were curled up at the very end giving away his excitement. He was very ready to follow right away. "I am surprised how many kinds of kitsu are on this side." Musing softly he glanced around and was glad he had asked ahead of time what kind of kitsu's were here or he would be gawking. He had several leaflets rolled in his scroll to take to the local library to expand the information for those coming to Torreland.


Grizzled Veteran
Leon gave a nod in response to the greetings, holding himself back from wanting to check over Tedeis. He still wanted so badly to find out if the portals were bad or not. So far thought the boy seemed fine, so Leon held himself back as he made his way to the Library first. He was more comfortable there with all the quiet.

Once there he stopped at the door and looked towards Tedeis. By this time his pad was back in his bag so instinct came in as he gave the other kitsu a gentle tap, signing to him that this was the Library and voices should be kept low and soft. It didn't take him long to pause and remember, that not all Kitsu's knew how to sign language, so he started to rummage through his bag again to try and write it out instead.


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d10 2 1 4 9 16
Rolling for social check 2 plus success he will notice the kind of ktisu coming and going from the place -only one success so fail-

Tedeis followed behind the other ktisu trying not to stare at their wings or any of the other kitsu who had odd traits. Well he supposed they were normal here. Tedeis was a odd kitsu in Torreland but would be considered normal here. It was an interesting thought. The gentle tap brought him back to focus. He watched as the other kitsu made a quick number of motions confusing him. “ahhh...” Tedeis was very lost and it showed on face. As Leon was riffling though his pouch Tedeis looked at the building and was impressed with it’s architecture. It was strange he noticed that it seemed there were a fair number of kitsu coming and going and once again he was starring at horns and wings and short perked up ears like his own. Shaking his head he looked back to Leon. “sorry what was that?”

wc- 146 counting here


Grizzled Veteran
Leon wrote down exactly what he signed earlier with a little extra, holding it up to Tedeis as he noticed the Kitsu look around i wonder. He caused Leon to let out a smile and a silent chuckle. The note however read, 'When entering the Library, please be mindful and keep your voice to a whisper, as other Kitsu's are inside reading. Sorry for the signs. I am mute, and sometimes forget others can't read sign language.' Placing the notepad in his mouth, he reached over to the door, holding it open for Tedeis to head on and take in the sights, following after.


Grizzled Veteran
Peeking at the note Tedeis nodded his face taking on a composed look. “No worries thank you very much for explaining to me.” So his companion was mute not just the quite type. Good to know. Following the other kitsu in he was grateful for the smell of books and noise of pages turning and gentle quite over the area. It made him glad libraries were the same in Torreland as they were here. Scurrying quickly to the desk he shifted his scroll and waved down a librarian and whispered quietly. “I have some information on Torreland to bring over as well as I’d like to look at some basic information from Athas please.” He could see the greedy eyes of the librarian and gave a soft awkward smile. He knew there was going to be questions form them but had no idea what kind. “I am a native of Torreland and would be happy to answer what I can if you like.” He looked back to Leon and whispered to the other Kitsu. “Sorry this might take a bit. If you’d like you could stay or leave. I can always ask for another guide to the adventurers guild.” He looked a bit like a kicked kit. It was clear he didn’t want to have to bother another stranger for a guide but he didn’t want to tie down Leon if he was in a hurry


Grizzled Veteran
Leon was familiar with the library, as he stayed close by, leaving Tedeis just for a minute, only to come back with a book and sit next to him. Placing his notepad down, he wrote some more in it. 'No worries, I'm here to stay as long as you'll have me around.' It was nice to have company. Specially in a Kitsu that had him quietly chuckle. It was rare for him, and he quite enjoyed it.

He waited patiently, and had questions as well he was writing a list of on a new sheet of paper for when Tedis was ready. The list of questions being.

What did it feel like, going through the portal?
Are there any after effects from going through the portal?
What's Torreland like?
Is Torreland safe?
What kind of Kitsu's reside in Torreland?
What creatures reside in Torreland?

Leaning his chin to his paw, he chewed a bit on his pen, pondering more questions, a bit lost in thought.


Grizzled Veteran
Tedeis was greatful the other kitsu was staying. It made him glad for a friendly face. The Liberian dragged them to a table and got their own books out to scribe in. Tedeis was pulling out paper from his scroll and spread it out it had a number of pictures on it of plants and kitsu.

Pawing gently at the pad he spun it to read the questions. Looking over the questions his guide had he smiled and kept his voice down so as not to disturb others. The librians were copying his papers. "The portal feels cool and like a pullling sensation before you know it you are on the other side. I heard a rumor it makes some kitsu sick but i have never seen it. I had no trouble and none of those from Athas had any trouble." He smiled and pointed to a scketch of rolling farmlands. "Torreland has mountains and farmlands. It has swamps and forests as well but most kitsu live in the farmlands amd the kirin live up in the mountains." He smiled. "It is very safe with the kirin gaurding the land." He moved a few papers about and slid a kirin image toward leon. "This is a kirin. You can tell from the horn and scales. They guide and gaurd the land. My mother is one such gaurd." He sounded very proud. The paper with the kirin drawing was snagged by a Liberianto copy so he pulled a fauna image. "This is a fauna. The land has mainly fauna and kirin tending the land. One like myself would be rare though less so with the new travelers from Athas."


Grizzled Veteran
Leon broke out of his daze when his notepad was moved away. Listening to Tedeis, explaining about his homeland and answering the questions, he had wrote down, it helped him relax a bit more on the portals. It also had him wanting to see this new land as well.

Placing his paw back on his notepad, he started to write some more down.

'So there's Fauna and Kirin mostly, n your lands. Are you more Fauna or Kirin?'

Leon wasn't sure as Tedeis was wearing a shirt, but then again, he couldn't see a horn, maybe it was smaller than a kirins?

'I'm an Angelic, if that helps.'
'Please, feel free to ask me questions as well. I'll answer the best I can, if not, i'm sure the Librarians here can tell you plenty about the lands.'


Grizzled Veteran
Tedeis received a few copies of some plants and sketches from the librarians. He placed those on his scroll to wrap up for his own homeland's library. He was very glad he got the chance to do this. He read the pad Leon had. "I'm neither. My other parent was a traveler from Athas who cam through the portal. ahh.. Not angelic or nightmare" Honestly he just knew he was Kitsusagi and his mother and those in his homeland had no problem with him. So to him he was normal though a bit strange as he might be mistaken for an Athas Kitsu in some of the towns in Torreland he didn't go to often. He shifted his jacket to show the back of his neck. "Kirin have scales across their back and a horn." He held a paw a decent distance from his head. "and fauna have very fluffy tails and longer ears that hang down." He made a gesture with his paws to simulate ears. "What is it like here in Athas? I know there is an invitation to travel with the gate open but it seems well a bit intimidating. I know there is an adventuring guild like in Torreland and libraries is most ever place but he looked around at the mix of Kitsu in the library. Is there places or other things to avoid?"


Grizzled Veteran
'So you'd be from both sides of the portal then, since our father was from here. Do you ever get to see your dad?'

It brought more curiosity, specially since it made him ponder why Tedeis' father didn't show him around. He didn't question it though as he was sure he had his reasons.

Reaching over towards the map, he was sure to be careful with it, as he pointed out some places to avoid. He usually stayed in the more peaceful areas, but from what he was told and learned about, those spots he pointed out were places to be careful and most likely to avoid.
Tearing out a new sheet of notepad paper, he drew the symbol for each race of Kitsu, that he knew of, multiple times, they tore each of those symbols out individually and placed them around the map to help show what race is located where. or at least the majority.


Grizzled Veteran
Tedeis had considered sending word to his father but in truth hadn't really focused to hard on it. "My father is a traveling mage and in truth where he has to go I am not sure i would be strong enough to follow without slowing him down. I tend to favor more.. scholarly work which would drag him from his adventuring. So I don't see him much." Tedeis didn't seem fazed by the question as it never bothered him much. It was an understanding of how his life was. He tried not to focus on it too deeply though knew it might be strange to others.

He carefully studied the map so he would remember where those places were at. That was good to know. He watched as the bits of paper went into place. Some of it he understood. A wing must be angelic like Leon. and the claw must be those sharper fanged nightmares. the rock one he didn't understand but he could look that up later. "Escuse me." he moved to get a piece of paper from a librarian and with their consent pulled it and started to make a rough sketch of the map Leon was showing him. "Thank you. Did you have any other questions about Torreland I can help answer?" it seemed Leon was as curious as the librarians.


Grizzled Veteran
Leon didn't push anymore questions when it came to family, he wasted to respect the boundaries after all. He did however notice Tedeis' expression when seeing the paper with the Tundra symbol on it. So before answering any questions, he first wanted to try to explain a little about them, again writing on his notepad.
'That is the symbol for the Tundra. It's like a rock, glacier. Tundras have extra thick fur, and usually live in the colder areas. You can easily tell the difference by how dense their coats are, and that they're quite fluffier compared to you or I.' It was the best he could think of to explain at the moment.
Pondering on the question given now, he wasn't sure if he had anymore questions, but it didn't stop him from responding. 'Not that I can think of, for this moment, Maybe someday I'll get up enough courage to go through the portal to see it. I hate to admit, I'm still rather afraid to go through any portals.
Do you have any questions for me? They don't have to be about the lands.'


Grizzled Veteran
Tedeis was reading the note and had to smile. “If you ever want to go through the portal I would be happy to go with you. I think you would like Torreland it is quite peaceful and restful.” Well at least he thought so. He was very excited his toes drummed on the table while he looked at Leon his eyes shining. “I have more questions then there is paper in this library. Still I’ll settle for what kind of decent foods are in the local area after all I will need to find a place to eat and sleep sometime today so I’d rather focus on those things first and foremost. That and of course if there is anything else you think an outsider should know about culture or policies or anything like that. I would hate to offend someone on accident.”

The librarians were still scuffling his papers and bringing him copies of papers of similar data for him to wraps up in his scroll to carry with him. It wouldn’t be long before he had to go to the adventurers guild and register there. After that he didn’t have to much planned for the day other then finding a safe place to sleep. He wasn’t going to go crazy in Athas on his first day here. He wondered what advice Leon would have for him.


Grizzled Veteran
"Ask to your hearts content.' Leons tails wagged, if only for a short burst, seeing that sparkle in Tedeis' eyes. It was quite adorable.
Even the thought of having someone go with him through the portal, made it feel a lot less scary.
'I know a place we can eat, and you're welcomed to rest at my place if you'd like. If not there's an inn, not far from here that serves a nice meal. As for politics, i usually try to avoid those all together, they get a bit too much for me, and most of the time, upsetting in general.' Tapping a paw to his chin he tried to think on how to answer to the best of his abilities. 'I actually feel a little embarrassed, I'm probably not the best guide. I try to stick to my own devices. Like reading in my home or taking notes of the random plants and life around the area. So learning cultures, going to events have been the last thing on my mind. If you're up for it though, maybe we can learn some together?'
Looking off to the side, hear ears were lowered with embarasment, and a bit of shame, as he scratched his started to mess with one of his wings in his paws. It was one of his many nervous ticks.


Grizzled Veteran
His eyes widened a bit he was feeling so regretful. He had been so worried about where to stay. He clearly wanted to jump on the offer to stay with the other kitsu. His paws folded in front of him on the table and tapped against the other while he read more of the note. He was surprised. Politics in Torreland didn't seem all that complicated but perhaps that was because so many respected the Kirin and often just differed to them. It might be harder if there were more species like there was here in Athas. He smiled reading about Leon's love of plants. He understood that kind of single minded devotion. How could he not with his mother being a Kirin. The shame on the other kitsu's face now made more sense. Having read all the note peeking at the other occasionally from over the parchment Tedeis didn't take long to reply.

"The restaurant sounds lovely and I would love to stay with you if you let me use the silver i save from spending on an inn on meals for you or something to help around your home. I don't like the idea of just being pampered so much so I want to help you as well." He reached out a paw and offered it to Leon. "Honestly I can say I think you are a wonderful guide you have helped me already to find this library and will for the guild, helped me find food and safe place to sleep and warned me of dangers of a land I know little about. What's more on a matter even you know little on you don't discard my query but instead offer to learn beside me so I might not give up on it. "