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Kitsusagi Realms

[PRP] Blowing in to Tradewinds FIN


Grizzled Veteran

Final count Reoakee word count 1,644

Final count Lessieal word count: 1567​
Last edited:


Grizzled Veteran
Noelani rubbed her stomach it wasn't all that long ago she left Bree to come back to to Xalic and truth be told she was still a little quezey about food at times after her last experience. The small farming town was a much quieter home with all the kitsu from the Athas focusing on their new town to explore of Bree. Her sister Bambi had just headed out as she was more curious about those from the other realm then Noel was. Sinking into a seat at one of the tables she let out a long sigh. She had a lot of great ideas for her Inn. She was going to keep the name Tradewinds for now since it felt friendly but she was going to give the place a once over and clean it up more in line with her aesthetics. The last owner had been a rather flambouant bard and their taste was a bit on the bright side which matched the life in town but not Noel's tastes per say. She wanted a nice refreshing cool oasis in the busy town. Stretching her front legs out she let out a yawn and was deciding where she would put a few succulents in jars to help give the room a more natural feel when she heard the door open and strike the set of chimes to let her know someone came in. She assumed it was her sister so she didn't look up right away. "Welcome back Bambi." She called out.


Long-Term Resident
Raymond had traveled a long way, and for all he knew still had a bit to go. Although he knew he was probably late, or behind, he also knew he couldn't get in more trouble due to that fact than he already would. What was the worse that could happen? He would be fired. A gentle sigh at the thought and shake of the head, a business trip at least was a nice break in ways.

As he entered he gave a cute questioning look as she called out to someone else. Adjusting his tie nervously he glanced around for anyone else before realizing she must have thought he was this Bambi kit. A hesitation before reminding himself even if he wasn't at his office he was still at work in ways he would confidently step forward. "I am sorry to disappoint." He stated as professionally as he could. If I may request a room for the night thou?" Hoping they weren't all taken, or worse this place wasn't one of 'those' establishments he would place his hands in his pockets as he waited for a reply. One hand on his wallet ready to pull it out and pay once told how much.

W: 203


Grizzled Veteran
The voice made her head snap up and she twisted quickly to look at the one who just entered. "Oh!" She was a bit flustered and her cheeks reddened. "Hello there!" She quickly got up. "Ah yes. We have a few rooms for rent." She was very surprised to see the ktisu in the entryway. Fauna and Kirin for sure but what would bring what looked like an Athas Kitsu here. Perhaps he was here on a quest or job? That was more likely the reason. She had left and herd a number of kitsu were going tot he local farms and warning them about what had been found in Bree. Still She didn't want to press it in case it was for a more personal reason. "10 silver a night with a meal included in the evening." She moved the the main desk where she kept her ledger and had the keys hidden away under the desk. She was in professional mode as she had well practiced this after first buying the place. "No funny business on the premises if I have to call the guard you will be relieved of your room and out the door regardless of rain or shine or time of day. "


Long-Term Resident
Raymond would not taken out his wallet and placing the silver gently on the desk. The meal in the evening he would wonder if he missed but if so it would be okay he could pick up something on the go and travel with it. A nod again with her words a bit tired to fully listen to them all only for some to finally click a bit late. Raising an eyebrow he would question "What do you consider 'funny business'? I can assure you business is rarely funny."

He couldn't help smirk at his own joke, and slowly glanced around the room. He just wanted to relax, but should he do it here or up in his own room alone. Would he have to keep the whole stiff profile if he wasn't in his room and around others he wondered? His days after all usually consisted of the normal routine of get up go to work, go home, sleep and repeat. An endless cycle he supposed he would be stuck in until death. The only reason he was on this trip at all was the person who normally would handle such seemed to have chickened out for some reason. So far Raymond couldn't even see why that was, it was very . . . calm, peaceful and relaxing in fact. Despite the fact he did have trouble sleeping away from the sounds of the city. He was slowly adjusting.

WC: 240
TWC: 443


Grizzled Veteran
She gave the kitsu a smile at his joke she was glad he was patron who appreciated some humor. "normally funny business is the kind that ends in property in pockets that don't belong to them or fights that should be taken outside not inside." She winked at him. Sliding the silver toward herself she slid the registry for him to sign in and she grabbed a room key. "Your room is on the second floor third one on the right. I can head back and get something whipped for you if you would like the meal now or I can bring it to your room later. We don't have a lot guests at the moment so please feel free to relax wherever you would like." It was true. She had only just recently acquired the place and was half way through a remodel with a small amount of rooms open to help keep things going as she redecorated. "There are a number of performances in town as Xalic while still a farming community has a lot of bards and dancers." She knew the spiel by hart about the place after having moved in. "So please let me know if you have any questions about it and I'd be glad to help offer defections to what you need. "

She leaned back and decided she wanted some tea. "I'll be making some tea shortly. Could I perhaps interest you in a cup? It's from Spring Tea Tree which is very popular and has a nice flavor."


Long-Term Resident
Raymond would seem uncertain, lost in his thoughts. He wasn't sure what was proper, how he should act. Was this now considered his time off or when traveling business was he always on the clock? His hands went up to mess with his tie again to straighten it. Paling at what was told to him to be funny business. "Do you not have guards in this city to protect it?" He asked curious and gave a weak smile. "I should hope none of that funny business happens while I am here . . . I am afraid I wouldn't be much help with it." He confessed some of his own weaknesses only to blush some embarrassed for them.

Glancing up at her other offers his blushing grew even brighter. "Oh no no, I am on the company's silver and they . . . then to like to keep it as thinly used as possible." A hesitation then in thought at the tea, he could afford some of that surely out of his own pocket correct. "Tea does sound very delightful thou. I could . . . after I put my stuff away up stares come down and read a bit with a cup or two. How much would that cost?" This guy coming from a place where everything seemed to cost money.

WC: 222
TWC: 665


Grizzled Veteran
She chuckled a bit. "Of course there are guards. Most Kirin like myself." She pointed to her horn to help him if he wasn't to sure being form Athas. "Are protectors and would gladly put a miscreant in their place. And no I don't think there will be any funny business but the town isn't all that sure what to do with outsiders and has no idea what trouble they might bring nipping on their heels. So I find it best to let to let guests know none of that can be found here. If you come to town with warm open heart you will find warm openness in return." She was very glad to see the reaction this kitsu had. He was clearly not a fighter and would likely run the sight of trouble which meant he would bring none with him. That was a good thing in her book.

"Go put your things away and I'll have the tea ready by the time you come back down. No need to fret on the silver, I find tea is best when enjoyed and shared with others so you can just write this off as me being selfish." She winked at her patron. She then turned to duck into her kitchenette area and start the tea. It wouldn't take long to make and would keep warm just fine in the ceramic glasses she had so even if the other kitsu took a bit it would be alright.


Long-Term Resident
Raymond would head up stairs to place his stuff and look over the room. A deep breath as he sat on the bed, falling back after awhile. It took all he had not to pass out then and there with no relaxation or meal or much of anything. The Kirin down stairs seemed nice enough. Turning to his side he eyed his suitcase, knowing that inside was a novel he kept planning to read but never had time too. Shame, he felt to tired to do so even now when he might have a moment. Then again would reading be rude to the one offering tea? Was this a tea party in ways? Party? Ha! He hadn't been to one of those since he was a child. What was this considered then?

A sigh he would sit up rubbing the back of his head. "Crisp" he spoke out loud in ways his own cuss. Business was easy, you had stuff to do and you best do it right. This . . . whatever it was came with no instructions. Standing finally after awhile he fiddle with his tie again wishing to loosen and leave it just hanging about his neck. Sadly he decided not to, after all he still represented his company right? This was there trip, not a vacation. One last look to his bags and a shake of his head leaving the novel behind he would head down and give her a gentle sigh. Sitting he waited to make sure it was okay before drinking some of the tea, closing his eyes as the warmth and aroma overwhelmed him. "This is heavenly. Thank you. I rarely get time for a good cup. I usually live off whatever food and drink was fast and easy to save time."

WC: 299
TWC: 964


Grizzled Veteran
Noel had started the tea and made a small tray of cool meats to with the tea. She of course avoided any Cat's paw herb with everything that had been going on and was heating up a few things with a slow warm on in the back for a meal when her patron came down. She brought him the tea with a smile. The aroma was soft but strong enough that filling the room gently. "I am glad. " She the smile tightened a bit as he mentioned having to live off of whatever was a time saver. She was glad her sister wasn't hear to hear this or Lily would be on a tirade about needing to eat healthy to stay healthy. Not as much of a maid as her sister but still having a strong desire to care for others Noel gently nudged the tray of meats to go with the tea. "Well here at the Tradewinds quality is preferred for our patrons so while you are here you may be on the company's silver but you can take some time and unwind a bit as you are ALSO here as guest not just a worker. So take some time for you and do something you enjoy." She gave him a warm smile once more. "I'll be working on your evening meal please enjoy the tea. We have cozier seating next to the fireplace if you want to avoid anyone coming in and out of this area of the inn if you want a more relaxing quite. I'll be a few moments before I can pull out your meal"


Long-Term Resident
Raymond blinked at that only to smile and chuckle softly to himself. Now wishing he had brought down the book he merely nodded his thanks. So this wasn't a social party of sorts like he heard of. That brought a touch of relief at least. Hesitating at her words he would sigh after awhile and give in loosening his tie finally, it felt so nice, like being freed from a noose when it hung around his neck not done up.

A pause to look at the fireplace, he hadn't been near something so cozy since he was a kit and moved out of his parents home to follow the career life. Money was everything after all right? He worked for it but rarely had time to spend it outside the basic bills to keep a place and utilities, as well as those fast food places he spoke of. Moving over to the chair she offered he sat straight still as if feeling like he still had to keep up appearances. If she had taken more than 20mins with the meal thou when she came out next she would find him all cutely slumped over in the chair asleep.

WC: 198
TWC: 1162


Grizzled Veteran
Bringing out heated a bread and a meat stew for the meal she found her room patron curled up sleeping. She set down the food on the small table beside the tea. Poor soul had to be exhausted from his travel. It was good he got a chance to rest. She fetched a blanket to place over him so he could keep warm. The fire crackled with a soft snap. She was very temped to try and take off his glasses but decided not to as she didn’t want to accidentally wake him.

She moved about the rest of her shift cleaning here and there still feeling a bit weak from her trip to Bree before. She had a few more guests come in and book rooms she kept her conversation quite at the desk so as not to disturb her guest sleeping by the fire. One thing was for sure she was going to make her inn the more restful place she could think of. It was rather nice to have someone who enjoyed her tea staying even if it would only be for a short time.


Long-Term Resident
It wouldn't be until the next morning that he would wake. He hadn't slept that good since, well since he could remember. A blink a bit confused and a slight yawn, only to blush noticing the now cold food and blanket. How rude of him . . . he thought feeling horrible, and it being early morning it was time for him to go. A gentle sigh he would pause and look at the food. It was cold but would be a waste of her time and effort if he didn't finish in. Eating it all he would stand folding up the blanket neatly and carrying over the plates and dishes to her counter. He was not about to be rude and go where he shouldn't.

A deep breath he wish he could stay longer, could relax, but his job wouldn't let him. So he would head up stairs for a quick shower and change before heading back down to check out. If she was there he would find himself pausing at a lack of words. A glance down showing his shame. "Thank you." He stated softly after awhile.

WC: 190
TWC: 1352


Grizzled Veteran
The nigh came and went and Noel went on about her business. In the morning she had a few dishes to clean up and set the blanket aside to take care of later. She noticed her patron was rather shy when checking out. She didn't seem to mind instead she gave him a warm and kind smile. "What's with that look? I am very glad you found your stay somewhat restful as you look much better today. Please feel free to come and stay anytime you are in town. After all even the hardest worker needs a break." She gave him a wink. "And someone who enjoys tea is always welcome to come and visit. I promise I keep a well stocked kitchen in terms of that." Who knows maybe if she wasn't busy working she might actually enjoy a cup of tea with a patron in the future. Pity running an inn didn't allow to much of that with the gate so newly opened. The door chimed as a fauna ducked in. "Hello and welcome." She greeted her new patron but glanced back to Raymond. it was strange the only reason she knew his name was from the sign in book. "Hey anything you wanna know about the town before heading out? I'd be happy to answer any questions."


Long-Term Resident
Raymond did feel much more relax, it was the first time for a while he fell at home in ways. Which only deeply concerned him later on. "I will do my best to stay here on my way home." He promised softly a gentle smile. It was refreshing to say the least. A shake of the head when it came to this town. "No . . . I have business elsewhere. It seems the normal person who handles it is sick. So I am to check in with them and offer any help I can." He explain gently before pausing and leaving a decent tip probably out of his own pocket money. "I look forward to the next cup of tea." He nodded before heading to the door.

WC: 128
TWC: 1480


Long-Term Resident
Raymond would for days after linger on the thoughts of how rested he felt at that inn. Considering and trying to figure why. Was he really happy with how his current life went, and if not, was it possible to even change it? His mind when given time to think came back to that chair in front of the fire, and how it was more comfortable than even his bed at home for some reason. He would be sure to visit it again in the furture.

WC: 87
TWC: 1567