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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[PRP] Call the Midwife (Errol/Grasshop)


Stew Aficionado

Grasshop had never gotten over the loss of her sister, Flamekit. The loss had hit her mother, Firedust, so hard - it had been hard for their entire family and from a young age, Grasshop had known who she chose to blame. Errol's disdain for kits was apparent throughout her life and she got to see him treat another queen, Sprucetail and the tragedy repeated itself. Tulipkit, Sprucetail's youngest, didn't make it far into their young life. Growing up and seeing Firedust and Sprucetail's despair made Grasshop incredibly protective of the queens, and of her siblings from across the litters. Even when Cherrykit was adopted into the Clan, she took care to make her the kit was advocated for when it came to medicinal care from their sole medicine cat. Grasshop didn't trust him to pay attention to the youth of the Clan - only of the adults who could bully him or appeal to his ego that he'd be helping them so very much.

If she had been able to advocate for herself when she was younger, she would've asked to be made his apprentice, if only to learn the craft better so she could help others sooner, but she'd been assigned to Viperfang, a warrior mentor and she didn't have the heart to ask to be given to the medicine cat so quick after. So, she learned how to fight and how to hunt. She started bringing Errol his food in the morning and in the night and she'd linger in the medicine cat den and ask him about different herbs as an apprentice, but it wasn't enough. She didn't want to be learning bits and pieces, she wanted to be a practicing healer!

She eventually got named as a warrior: Grasshop and she finally had the confidence to talk to Sunflight and voice her desires to become a medicine cat apprentice. Sunflight had agreed to it - there wasn't a rule against warriors becoming medicine cats, but Grasshop would, of course, need to talk to Errol about it first.

So, here she was, with food in her mouth as dusk crept over the Nest at the entrance of the medicine cat's den. She walked right in and her eyes shifted from one darkened corner to the next. Dropping the prey near the den's entrance, she called,

"Errol? Your dinner's here. Come and get it." @Blinded By Silence