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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[FIN] Crouching Tiger, Hidden Fawn (Fawn/Tigersnarl)


Stew Aficionado
Fawn had always been adventurous and as a loner, that can get you into quite a pickle if you weren't careful. Honestly, it was a near miracle she hadn't been scooped up as a kit by a fox or owl looking for an easy meal. Well, no matter how it was that she survived her last twenty or so moons, unscarred and with a continued sense of wonder, she strode forward with such a confidence that others might wonder if she had any self-preservation skills at all.

The dust-colored she-cat had grown bored of the usual scenery she saw in the forested territory of the loners - plus, it was hard not to get absorbed into Rumble's gang. She wanted to create her own group, to find cats that SHE thought were cool and interesting, and become their leader... or at least, something close to that. If she had to be any sort of follower, she wanted to at least be looked on with some manner of importance. If she joined Rumble's group, she felt as though she'd just be one of many children, without any real personality of her own. She couldn't stand that idea - she needed to be SOMEONE, even... even if it was just plain ol' Fawn.

Plain ol' Fawn was, at that moment, making her way up the large mountain. She'd caught the scents of a large group of cats making their way down from the mountain recently and stuck well out of their way. It was clear that they had an agenda and she didn't want to mess anything up for them. So, she continued forward on her own path, eventually coming across another forested area, though this one seemed positively parched in comparison to the flourishing forest that she left behind.

"Yeesh, no wonder all those cats left, this place is a dump." She mewed to herself, not expecting there to be anyone else around to hear her. After all, there couldn't possibly be any cats remaining, since that group had passed through, right? @Nym
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Tigersnarl had surprised even himself by how dedicated to the mountains he was, going so far as to risk his own life in hopes to prolong what seemed inevitable. When the choice had been laid down before him he could only think about where he'd want his final days to be, as if he had to choose his deathbed no matter the answer. It wasn't that morbid, perhaps, but Tigersnarl knew that nowhere else but Mountain Clan felt right to live or die within. It was his home, and he had promised to always protect and serve it. If that meant he'd find his end here then so be it.
Fortunately, he had been rather blessed in the moon's hunting endeavors. He couldn't say the same for everyone else, but he felt good for his contributions. No one could say he hadn't put the effort in, although if that still wasn't enough... well, he would immediately place that blame onto himself, as he always had and would continue to do. It was a constant pressure in the back of his mind, weighing heavy on his shoulders whenever he took a quiet moment to himself.
He had to do better -- there was always room for improvement; to better oneself and surpass what was previously impossible. It was exhausting, however, and Tigersnarl would sometimes take the evening to himself after his hunts. He wouldn't ever be gone long, and likely wasn't missing long enough, Fernfire would probably say. What had the medicine cat said earlier? That he was going to make himself sick if he didn't take more breaks? He could rest when he was dead, Tigersnarl figured.
It was during one of those lone patrols that he heard a voice in the near distance, snapping him from his quiet wandering and redirecting his attention towards the sound. That was a new voice, and the smell... yeah, no, that was not a clan member. He bristled as he headed straight over, locating the lone cat and quickly breaking through the bushes to reveal himself. He was a massive cat, and the scowl on his face probably didn't help make him look any nicer.
Who was this?
"Stop," he barked, eyes sharply narrowed as he regarded the other cat. "Are you aware you're trespassing onto clan territory?"


Stew Aficionado
Fawn hadn't really been expecting company - after all, it had seemed like the group was probably all the cats left on the mountain. She was also not expecting such a tall and brooding tomcat to emerge from the trees and she was left looking at him with something that might have been as innocent as curiosity.

Oh no, he's hot.

She looked up at the tomcat and picked up a paw hesitatingly. She wanted to step forward, confident and bold as ever, but looking at his unfriendly scowl... should she step away and let him have the higher ground?

He already has the higher ground, Fawn, look at how big he is! She bet he could crush a whole rabbit without even trying. Placing one paw forward, she leaned forward, craning her head back to look up at the striped tomcat.

"I am not aware of what a clan is, nor that I was trespassing onto its territory." She replied evenly. "Though I certainly don't mean any offense in coming here." She sat down nearly atop his paws and curled her tail over the arch of her back. "I'm not any threat, however. I'm alone, you see. Though... I certainly prefer your company. You're very kind to come and say hello." She purred softly. "My name is Fawn, what's your name, handsome?" @Nym


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She was a lot smaller than him, but then again... most cats were, compared to Tigersnarl. His gaze followed her and he stared down at the approaching cat, still as a stone while he regarded her. Ah, she didn't know about the clan. It made sense; with the lowering numbers and famine, there hadn't been enough time to send many patrols, especially when hunting had become so difficult. All paws had to be on deck at some point, which meant their reach had stayed closer to the camp. It was likely their scent had begun to fade away from the territory edges. He'd need to see about fixing that, then.
Fawn sat almost directly on his paws and he considered backing up. Almost considered, actually, as immediately he found himself stubbornly straightening his spine instead. He wasn't budging, he decided, but she seemed to agree with the sentiment herself. In fact...
Did she just call him handsome?
His face had shifted into a stoic stare and his body remained rigid. His brain was not as calm, reeling a million miles as he parsed through the compliment. "Tigersnarl," he gruffly introduced himself, biding himself time. Yes, she had indeed called him handsome, and he found himself wondering if she was speaking the truth. No one had ever used any sort of term for him. Prideful? Sure. A hard worker? Absolutely. But handsome? That was new, and he honestly didn't know how to take the compliment.
"This is MountainClan territory, Fawn," he finally landed on, deciding that it was likely a one-time comment and didn't need any more focus than he had already given it. Besides, he didn't like how his face felt just a little warm at the compliment. "And I cannot let you press any further. If it is food you are seeking we cannot spare what little we have or might find -- you'd fare better elsewhere."


Stew Aficionado
Fawn perked her ears with interest with the tomcat, Tigersnarl, introduced himself. What a curious name. How rough and strong it sounded. Her own name had been given to her for her colors, she imagined his had been given for his attitude. Tigerpurr certainly didn't seem as fitting in this particular moment. Still, she pressed on.

"MountainClan?" She echoed. She liked the way her name sounded when he said it. It made her feel fluttery and important. It made her feel seen in a way that she had not been in a very long time, if ever. When he went on to explain that he didn't have any prey to find, she shook her head. "Oh, goodness no. I know where I can find prey if I need it - I'm not here to take any of yours." She glanced over her shoulder, back the way she came. "Though I can certainly show you some places off the mountain where you may have more luck." She suggested as she turned her pale blue gaze back onto his.

"What I came here for, Tigersnarl, was in search of company." She considered this and added. "A companion, a community, however you'd like to put it. I... I have been wandering on my own for a while and I need somewhere... someone to settle with. Could you tell me more of yourself? Or of this MountainClan that you belong to?" She inquired with bright, attentive eyes. @Nym


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His shoulders visibly relaxed when she admitted her disinterest in their prey -- good, that was the last thing they needed right now. His eyes narrowed with interest at her offer, but he didn't offer much more. Hunting off the mountain seemed like a reasonable conclusion after recent events, but how far from the camp were they willing to go? They needed quick access to their home, in case anything happened, and most of the cats (including him) hadn't ever left the mountains prior... Maybe he'd bring it up during the next clan meeting, which would likely be soon seeing as they still lacked a leader.
His ear swiveled when she spoke again and he couldn't help but feel like it was fate. She wanted a community, and while the clan was certainly less than they had ever been they were still that. She needed a home, and they needed more eager paws -- it was a win-win, if he could sway her.
"MountainClan is a community," he began, voice lifting from his earlier guarded strictness. "Home to the cats who hunt within the mountains and honor their ancestors within SunClan, where all good clan cats go to upon death. We are an honorable collective, who take care of our own and choose our clan over all others." If she wanted to matter somewhere, or belong, then he couldn't imagine a more perfect place. His words flowed easier here; talking about his clan was far more interesting than himself and finding the words came with ease.
"We're smaller now," he admitted, and this was when he'd find himself watching her with interest. "And we need more working paws than ever."


Stew Aficionado
Well, this Tigersnarl in front of her certainly seemed to be loosening up a little. Finally, thought Fawn as she listened to what he had to say in regards to his community - his MountainClan. She wasn't sure what to think about this SunClan business - how could you really determine goodness in one's heart? In her experience, it was rarely as easy as being able to point your paw at a cat and go "Good" or "Bad".

He claimed that they were an honorable group and aside from that SunClan bit, she had no reason not to believe him. He certainly seemed more confident when he was speaking of his group and he admitted himself that MountainClan needed more cats, more able-bodied paws, to help grow out the Clan. It sounded appealing! But...

"I have one concern," She mewed at last. "I could have joined another loner group, from the territory I used to call home - or familiar, at the very least, but I left for fear that if I joined, I would just be another face among the crowd. Can you assure me that I'll still be able to be my own cat, separate from the community in my personality, and that others may look at me like... like I am different, yet I belong?" She fidgeted her paws, glancing away. "It's a weird feeling, to want to become apart of such a great group, but wanting to stand out among that group, too." She added with a sigh. "If something is possible, and if you need the aid... I am happy to lend mine to MountainClan." @Nym


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Staff member
Her own cat? His head tilted as he took the time and effort to consider her question. It was a valid one, and he wanted to honestly give her the answer she deserved. He could lie or lean the truth and receive a new member for the clan, but that wasn't the clan's way nor his. Could she be her own cat, even while in the crowd of the clan?
Yes, absolutely, yes.
"We are all our own cats," he landed on, rolling his gaze back to her. "We are individuals who share a home, belief, and often causes, but we are our own. That's a true family, isn't it? Those who choose to be together despite their differences and individuality."
His tail flicked and he nodded faintly. The clan desperately needed someone like her, yes, but now he found himself worrying. Was he pushing this upon the loner, without giving her any time to consider for herself? He didn't want her to regret the choice.
"You are welcome in our clan, Fawn, If you wish to join us. I believe this is a decision one needs a night to sleep over, though, if that is alright with you? You are correct; you are your own, I wish to give you the time and truly respect that."


Stew Aficionado
Fawn was relieved by his answer. She supposed she'd always thought that individuals could only be, well, individualistic, when they were on their own. It was reassuring to hear that even in a Clan, she could still be herself and manage to stand out of the crowd, while also being apart of a community. Looking at Tigersnarl, she wondered what she would have to do to stand out to him.

Would he continue to look at her with mild interest, after she became another set of working paws for his Clan? Or would he look for the next able-bodied loner to join instead? She felt doubt creeping into her mind, she wanted a place to belong, and she felt like this was her chance, but... how could she be certain in the timespan of a conversation?

Which was when he offered her a night to sleep on it and think it over. She let out a breath of relief and nodded her agreement.
"Thank you, Tigersnarl, a night to think it over is just what I need." She confirmed and then smiled up at the larger tomcat. "And thank you, too, for the offer to join you and your family. I am certainly interested in the idea of joining you, but a night's rest will be what I need to confirm such a big life decision."

She purred and took a few steps back.
"My, my, it's not every day a handsome cat offers to take me home with him. I'll surely have my answer by this time tomorrow. Let's meet here, at that time, again, alright?" She waved her tail in farewell. "See you soon." She mewed, before she turned and padded off, with much to think about and over. Who knew this is how her day would turn out? @Nym
