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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[PRP] Father-Kit Bonding (Branchtail/Poplarpaw)


Stew Aficionado

Branchtail loved his kits, of course he did, but great SunClan above, he was relieved when they went on to be apprentices. Now their mentors could wear them out with their daily trainings and Branchtail and Nutpelt could get some time to themselves, or more likely in Branchtail's case, some time to himself. He would never turn his kits away if they wanted to spend time with him, but he made a point to them now that they were older and larger that pouncing on him and practicing their battle moves was not, in fact, good for his back. Waking up in the morning these days made his bones ache and he was starting to become more familiar with the tingly scents of herbs, now that he pestered Errol, their medicine cat, on the regular for anything to help with the pain.

At the moment, he was laying near the Nursery. With his litter recently grown, there were no more kits in the Nursery so he hadn't the need for worry for getting unexpectedly pounced on. With newleaf in full force, the warmth of the sun filtering through the trees was pleasant and occasionally a breeze would rustle the branches above. From time to time, Branchtail would look over wistfully at the unoccupied Elders Den. He hadn't told his family, beyond Nutpelt, that he was considering retiring there soon. He was already barely doing his warrior duties as it was. He'd go on evening patrol, but his muscles just didn't hold them up like they used to and he had to walk plenty slower than the other cats. Mm, maybe a meeting with Sunflight was in due order. Something to consider for tomorrow, however. Today was just too pleasant to consider getting up and having that heavy conversation with the leader of their Clan.

Besides, if I'm going to be moving into the Elders Den, I should see about getting it cleaned up first. I daresay there will be more spiders and cobwebs in that den than I would like to sleep alongside, he thought with a chuckle.

Turning his eyes away from the Elders Den, he scanned the area for either Riversong, who he could ask to gather some aid in the clean up of the Elders Den, or any apprentices who seemed able bodied. Not that he'd ask the apprentices outright - he'd go to their mentors first. Now, who was around the camp at that moment?



Poplarpaw comes strolling into view, humming to herself, having recently finished the morning tasks Birchleaf had assigned to her.

"What kinds of cool trinkets should I look for today?" she purred to herself. Her nest has become rather messy as of late with all the smooth and shiny rocks, pretty feathers, and cool leaves she's been picking up while out on recent assignments. Some of them had been to keep for herself and others gifts but she doesn't quite remember for who.

I wonder if Owlsbane would like that cool stripey hawk feather I found a few days ago.

But that thought was soon lost when she spotted her father, Branchtail.



Stew Aficionado
Branchtail's eyes had been scanning the camp clearing when he saw his daughter nearby and he beckoned her over with a wave of his paw and a greeting.
"Poplarpaw! Has your mentor finished your training for the day already?" He mewed to her. "Come, tell me all about what you've been learning lately."


Poplarpaw's eyes light up in excitement to talk about all the new things she has learned.
"Birchleaf has been teaching me lots of new things. Like how to identify signs of prey and how to track birds. Like yesterday, she said..." Poplarpaw rambles on with out inhaling for what seems like an incredibly long time. ", how has your day been, Father?" @belloblossom


Stew Aficionado
Branchtail grinned at his daughter as she carried on about how well Birchleaf, one of the leader's daughters, had been quite dutiful in her tutelage.
"I'm happy to hear that Birchleaf is doing her job adequately as your mentor." He replied to what Poplarpaw had to say. "And it's good to hear that you enjoy her as your mentor, too. Have you been polite and gracious with her, Poplarpaw?" Branchtail asked, hoping she had been nice enough not to bombarde Birchleaf with constant, unending questions.

"My day has been well enough. I've been spending the day easily enough, watching the prey pile diminish. I'll be going out on the evening patrol later. I've been considering the Elders Den, too. TreeClan doesn't have any Elders yet, despite the seasons that have passed. I've been thinking that I ought to clean it out, though it's too large a task for one cat alone - even for a tomcat as great as your dad." He added, waving his tail through the air in a lazy, relaxed manner. "Perhaps I can round up your siblings and you all can help me team-tag it - though I shouldn't want to take you away from your mentors... So I may go straight to your mentors, or even to Riversong, instead." He mused aloud.

Branchtail blinked fondly at his daughter and his mind drifted to other thoughts.
"What sort of warrior do you want to be when you grow up, Poplarpaw?" He asked her.


Poplarpaw shifted her gaze to the side. She has been doing her best to contain her energy around her mentor. Other than Birchleaf scolding her a few times for secretly trying to pick up cool looking things because it can be unsafe to put unknown substances into your mouth, training has been going well but that's too embarrassing to tell Branchtail. "I've been nothing but gracious and polite to Birchleaf," Poplarpaw says meekly.

Poplawpaw's ears perk up at the word 'help,' her gaze returning to her father. "I'm sure everyone would love to help you Dad, though as you said, it is probably best to coordinate with our mentors first."

Poplarpaw didn't have to think for very long. "I want to me a good mentor when I grow up," She beamed back at Branchtail. @belloblossom


Stew Aficionado
Branchtail purred encouragingly to his daughter as she told him that she'd been nothing but gracious and polite. Ha! Nothing, but, hm? That sounded familiar, but he wasn't going to call her on it. Instead he mewed.
"Is that so? Well, then I'm very proud that you're doing so well with your training and that you're being polite to Birchleaf." He told her - and he was proud of her, really. Regardless of how much stress she might be putting her mentor through, he was proud of his kits for being apprentices and growing into their own.

"At least I know I can count on you to help me in the task," He said with a smile. Poplarpaw was a good 'paw. Branchtail would be excited to see what kind of warrior she became - and what Sunflight chose for her name to be.

"Oh, a good mentor, huh? That's a good answer." He mused. "What sort of things do you think make a good mentor?" Branchtail inquired, happy to learn more about his daughter's aspirations.


Poplarpaw beamed back at Branchtail, relieved her father didn't feel like prying.

She puffed out her chest with pride at the thought that Branchtail thinks she is reliable.

Poplarpaw pondered for a good long while, it was actually surprising how focused and quiet she was compared to her usual exuberance. She looked up and finally broke the long pause. "I think a good mentor should be firm but not harsh. They should help their apprentice recognized their own strengths and weaknesses guide them without belittling them. To be patient because not everyone learns things as fast as others." She takes a deep breath. "They should to set a good example but never claim to be perfect and admit when you are wrong. A good mentor should know the rules but also when to bend them. To stay calm and assess the situation if something goes wrong. It is important to impart these lessons because the younger generation are the future," Poplarpaw finished, with an idealistic smile and bright eyes.