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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[PRP] Kindred Spirits [Wind Chaser x Lupin]


Grizzled Veteran

After hearing about an old abandoned twoleg nest being a common denning ground for loners, Wind Chaser's mind wouldn't let him rest until he visited the place. Many loners enjoyed roaming and that was a big part of his clan's daily life so if he was going to rebuild his clan, finding loners was the best place to start. Hope blazed through the golden tom as he padded lightly though the tall grass towards the tall house. At least one cat would pass through this way who felt the same way he did, right? Yes, someone would come through that he could persuade to join him. The hardest part was convincing others to believe in SunClan, but Wind Chaser didn't start off with that, no, he was after those who wanted to see the world in all it's beauty.

Just as he was looking for the best way into the twoleg nest, Wind Chaser picked up a scent. Another cat! That was fast, this place really was crawling with loners. Following the scent, Wind was careful to step quietly as to not scare away any prey in the area but stood with his head and tail high enough as to not startle any nearby cats either. It didn't take long before he spotted a dark pelted tom.

"Well-met, friend." Wind Chaser said once the other tom had spotted him. As usual when meeting a stranger he kept his posture relaxed and tried to look as non-threatening as possible. "Care to join me for a hunt and share a meal?"



Grizzled Veteran

It had been a while since Lupin had moved on, he's stayed in an area near Stoneclan for a while, since he'd been intrigued by their travelling to find their new home, at least until he was sure that the clan wasn't going to need help, Loner he was, but heartless, he was not, he had made sure to hunt outside of the territory they had claimed as their own via the scent borders and if a patrol came upon the occasional fresh kill, seemingly abandoned by whatever had caught it, well, he wasn't going to tell anyone that THEY hadn't caught it themselves. Still he was settled that Stoneclan was thriving and it was time to move on, he wasn't so vain as to think his help alone was key to the success, no, that was purely their own merits.

He had been travelling for a while and recalled an abandoned twoleg nest that would be fine to rest up in. it usually had a good deal of prey around and it was a good place to catch up with old friends, other loners and travellers. Unlike some, he didn't mind the company of other cats, he just chafed at staying in one place, which was why he could never bring himself to join any clans or became....blergh... a kittypet.

It wasn't long before he spotted another cat, with curious ear points and long, thin tail, hmm.. not someone he recalled seeing before "Well met to you too stranger" he called, his demeanour cool, but confident with his tail tall, though far from threatening. "I wouldn't say no honestly, would be nice to end my journey on a full stomach and a new friend" he said, happy this Tom didn't seem to be a threat, most loners he met weren't but there were always some out there "And maybe a story or two" he added with a smile



Grizzled Veteran
It was reassuring to see the other loner greet him with the same relaxed demeaner that Wind Chaser always tried present himself. Usually even the friendly ones greeted him with some degree of caution, which was only natural. Wind Chaser's tail twitched excitedly as the new tom spoke of ending a journey and his eyes lit up as the tom mentioned a story. This new tom had to potential to be a valuable find - it seemed that luck was with him today.

"Wonderful!" Wind Chaser said barely hiding his building excitement. If this new cat liked to travel then perhaps he could be convinced to join Wind Chaser and his new traveling companion, Six. The golden male tried not to get his hopes up. "A journey you say? You must tell me all about it!" He paused to reel in his excitement a bit realizing he sounded a bit pushy. "That is, I would like to hear about where you have been. My name is Wind Chaser. I am a traveler myself and I wonder if we have been to any of the same places."

Wind Chaser looked around their current surroundings as he took a few steps towards his new friend. The golden tom slowly blinked at the other before asking, "Speaking of places, I am new to this one. Do you happen know where the best or easiest prey dwell around here?"



Grizzled Veteran
Lupin sat for a moment and licked at his paw, pulling it over his ear, a sign he was pretty comfortable in this cat's presence, especially as the other babbled excitedly, something Lupin was amused at. "I'd be happy to tell all after we've hunted and filled our bellies" he commented with a small smirk, he liked this cat.

Lupin stood when the other stepped towards him, blinking slowly in return "Don't worry, we'll have plenty of time to converse im sure" he reassured Wind Chaser. "I'm Lupin, perhaps we have crossed paths of travel, perhaps not, we'll see" he chuckled slightly. "The twoleg garden is a good place to start, they left things to grow wild that prey seems to like" he suggested "There's a place behind as well that is open enough to enter without getting trapped, but sheltered enough that should the weather change, we'll be protected from it"



Grizzled Veteran
At hearing the other tom's name, Wind Chaser paused and took a second to look the other cat over. Wind Chaser had learned of very few plants but Lupin was one that he knew rather well. It had beautiful stacked little flowers but he remembered being sick for a week after chomping on a single leaf. The golden tabby found it very interesting that such a kind cat would be named after a toxic plant. Though every cat has a ferocious side when pushed so it honestly did make sense. Maybe someday he'd ask about it.

"Ah, thank you Lupin, that's valuable information!" He said with a smile in his normal upbeat tone though his voice was still deep and gravely. "Shall we start with the garden then? You take one side I'll take the other and we'll meet in the middle? Unless you have a better idea." Wind Chaser asked the question over his shoulder as he started to move towards one of the many nest exits. "I don't know about you but all I've been able to catch around here are frogs and I could really go for some squirrel or mouse." Though he was speaking quieter, he couldn't help but make small talk; he was just to excited.


Grizzled Veteran
Having met many clan cats, loners, rogues and kittypets, Lupin never so much twitched at Wind Chaser's name but he saw the brief look he was given when he had said his own name, he was well aware the plant he was named for was toxic, perhaps he would enlighten Wind Chaser sometime, if asked.

"Information only has value when one is mean with the giving" he said, it was only ever a detriment, especially when you weren't involved in a clan, to withold information that could save another's life someday. "Given freely, it can only benefit others" he said, curious to hear Wind Chaser's opinion. He listened to Wind Chaser's plan for the hunt "sounds ideal to me" and he moved out with the other "Ew... frogs?" Lupin's nose wrinkled, no matter how hungry he was, frogs was something he would never bring himself to eat, hunting them was a fun game but the thought of that slimy skin near his mouth, it made him visibly gag "Sorry, no frogs for me... ever ... mouse is most likely at the garden, sometimes a rat or vole" His tail swished in the air a little, recovering from his momentary disgust at the thought of eating a frog, even as he pointed with a paw to one side of the garden behind the twoleg nest. "You go that way, i go this?" he suggested "Only take what you can eat, i've seen cats get over zealous and it's taken a long time to be able to catch prey here again" he added, cautioning the unknown, but friendly, Tomcat.



Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 7 7
"That is true in some cases." Wind Chaser said with a thoughtful look. "But I feel that all obtained information is valuable. It's why I try to learn as much as I possibly can wherever I go, so that I'll have valuable information to share. For instance, what you just said, you let me know where to curl up if the weather changes and we get separated. That information was given freely but it holds much value to me for now I know the area that much more." He paused to give an almost embarrassed chuckle. "Sorry, I know I can get a little preachy sometimes, I just really like learning new things."

Wind Chaser gave a full belly laugh when Lupin wrinkled his nose at the thought of frog dinners. "They aren't that bad once you get past the skin. It was all I could find at the time so that's what I ate." He shrugged before continuing with another chuckle. "The thought of mouse is making my mouth water."

"That sounds like an excellent idea." Wind Chaser said as he turned to head in his designated hunting section. "Of course, I know how to share." He said flashing Lupin a reassuring smile over his shoulder. "I only ever take what I need. I'm glad to hear you do as well. As you mentioned, there are to many cats who overhunt these days and I would hate to see that happen to such a busy place as this."

With that he turned and trotted off into the overgrown garden.

((rolling just for fun to see if he'd catch anything. He'll catch something small regardless. Will make catch and returning to Lupin in next post.))


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 1 1
Lupin did the feline equivalent of a shrug, he saw the other tom's point but he didn't trade in information, it didn't hold much value to him, since he gave it freely, though he admitted that knowing where dangers were, or the best places to hunt etc, would be seen as valuable. "learning new things is never a bad thing at all friend" he said with a kind smile. "It's why i travel, it gets too.... stale i guess, being in the same place and knowing everything about it"

The thought of a juicy rat made his own mouth water and he licked his lips as the other spoke, "Glad to hear it Wind Chaser, i'd hate to have to run you off, when we just became friends" he said with a chuckle and a tail wave as he moved off in the opposite direction to the other tom, into the long grass of the garden. He couldn't help it but as he walked through stalks taller than himself, for a moment he closed his eyes and enjoyed the brush of the foliage against his fur and face, much as he didn't like being crowded by other cats, he rather liked the closeness of the grass and trees etc.

(also rolling to see if Lupin catches anything)


Grizzled Veteran
Delighted to have found a new traveling friend, Wind Chaser stalked through the overgrown garden in search of a meal to share. His mind raced with questions to ask Lupin as he scented the air. Wind Chaser wanted to know everything about the other tom's travels. A previous thought kept creeping back into his mind; had they explored any of the same places? What wonders had Lupin seen that Wind Chaser had not yet discovered? If Lupin liked to travel as much as he did, was there a possibility of becoming traveling companions? The excitement was enough to make his tail twitch.

So distracted by his thoughts, the golden tabby missed his chance at catching a nice fat squirrel. Pulling himself together, he managed to snag a small mouse before it dashed back into it's home. It wasn't much, but it would do. Wind Chaser trotted back to the meeting spot with his measly little mouse to wait for Lupin. As he settled in to wait, his thoughts shifted to what story he had that was worth sharing over this meal.
