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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[PRP] Loner? Yes. Lonely? Also Yes. (Albatross/Palepaw)


Stew Aficionado

Albatross had seen the massive group and kept his distance. He wasn't as bold as some other loners, though certainly he hadn't been as scared as the two he'd come upon in the bushes. Well, whatever the case, once the large group passed through, Alba had gone on his merry way, travelling beyond the pond on his own terms. He didn't believe anyone would follow after him, given that he was merely another loner in the large scheme of things. He hadn't really connected with any other cats in particular - how are you meant to approach others when they perceive you as a threatening presence merely for existing. Such was the life of a loner, and indeed he supposed the truth of it was in the name. To be a loner, meant to be alone and while Albatross knew that some cats were far from unhappy with their lifestyles, he was terribly lonely himself.

So, he traveled. He traveled in hopes of finding some connection in another cat, platonic or even something more. Alba didn't know where his paws would guide him on the next step of his journey, but he did know that he had to keep moving forward, if he wanted to have any motivation or energy to continue moving at all.

He'd been walking through the dry forest when he caught the smell of another feline nearby. At first he thought he was following the scent, but when the wind suddenly changed, he could tell that the smell of another cat was coming from behind him. He whirled around as if the ghost cat would be right behind him, but no. He blinked into the forest grove behind and started to search for the other scent. He didn't like being spied on, if this is what was happening. Was someone planning to attack him? He couldn't be sure, but he wished to welcome whoever thought that he as worth following.

"You can come out! I can smell you from leagues away." He mewed and then, as though in after thought. "I'm Albatross - I'm friendly enough. Who are you, invisible stranger?" @Nym


signed an NDA
Staff member

Name is Palepaw during this period

Palepaw hadn't wasted time in turning back to return home. She had made sure to log the landmarks as the clan traveled, making the beginning of her trek easier than expected. She was quick on her paws, intent on evacuating the area before anyone caught onto her flight and might try and intervene. No more, she hoped. Just let me go, she found herself pleading.
The speed at which she found herself running was brutal and unsustainable, turning into a quick trot and eventually a slow walk. She was far enough, right? She could take a second and recollect herself, right?
That was originally the plan; Palepaw had settled into a loose ball within nearby bushes and squeezed herself under thorny bramble, heaving heavy sighs of relief and weariness as she stretched her sore legs. Plans were always subject to change and she'd discover this truth by the sound of another cat calling out.
Her eyes squinted and she frowned. Come out? Where? To who? It wasn't a voice she recognized, and if any cat had followed her from the clan they would sound far more winded than that. Was it a loner? Palepaw scowled and reluctantly rose, groaning as she shouldered her way out of the bush. Her eyes locked on the larger loner and her mouth curved into a frown.
"Palepaw, and can we please do this while I lay? I'm absolutely exhausted."


Stew Aficionado
Honestly, this wasn't quite how Albatross was hoping that any of this would go - sure, he'd met unfriendly loners before, but he had yet to meet an unfriendly loner... that still gave him the time of day. He figured that he'd either get growled at or chased off, or that he'd be able to find a new friend.

The smaller grey and striped cat that emerged from the bush was frowning at him, but... the cat was still entertaining his presence. After a stretched moment of uncertainty, Alba widened his eyes and then nodded.
"Oh! Oh, yes, my apologies. Please, make yourself comfortable." He mewed and waved his tail amiably and sat down himself. "Have you come a terribly long way, to be so exhausted?" He asked curiously.

It was then that he realized while he knew this stranger's name, Palepaw, odd name, but who was he to judge? That he had yet to introduce himself.
"My name is Alba, well, Albatross, but, you can call me Alba - it's less of a mouthful." He babbled. "Eh, sorry, it's been a bit of time since I've come across another loner - especially one who will speak with me. Not to say I'm unfriendly, it's just... tricky to know who will stop for a chat, and who will claw your pelt off if given a chance, ya know?" He bent his head to lick his chest. This was much more awkward than he'd hoped this interaction would go. @Nym


signed an NDA
Staff member
She immediately flopped onto her side at his encouragement, groaning softly under her breath. Ughhh, her legs were so sore, but she was at least grateful the loner wasn't forcing her to use them any further. A fight would have likely led to her losing, unless he was atrociously bad at defending himself, which she doubted by just glancing at his size. Well, size didn't mean everything, actually...
"The river," she sighed in response and stretched her back legs. Albatross- no, Alba- rambled and she squinted at him, silently wishing she could get away with placing her paw on his maw. Lovely, a talker. Perhaps she might have, at a better time, enjoyed the chatter, but right now all she could think about was how Poppypaw would ramble in a similar manner. Always talking, always excited... she couldn't do it again.
"I'm not a loner," she grumbled softly. While she was weary of entertaining the loner she was relieved he didn't want a fight. It could have been worse, honestly- a little chatter was far better than fighting for her life. "I'm a clan cat. From the mountains, which is where I'm heading." She nodded forward and exhaled shakily as she stretched her front legs now.
