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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[PRP] New Around Here [Wind Chaser x Calamity]


Grizzled Veteran

It was a foggy morning as Wind Chaser trotted down the old thunderpath looking for a good place to hunt. He had already hunted at the nearby pond and at the ruined twoleg nest a ways off and didn't want to overhunt any one area. Having encountered so many other loners he was sure the area had enough of an over hunting problem as it was, so he was trying hard not to add to that. Moving along, the golden tabby wrinkled his nose. He didn't care for the fog as it clung to his fur and nose. It damped his spirit almost as much as it did his bright pelt though he was determined not to let it show.

Crouching down, he scented the air, hoping to catch a whiff of mouse or squirrel but instead he smelled another cat. In case the cat was hunting nearby, Wind Chaser stayed silent though he made no attempt to hide himself. He sat in the middle of the broken thunderpath amongst the grass growing through its cracks and groomed himself while his eyes searched the tall grass and tree's along side of the path.
@Lunar Fea

Lunar Fea

Grizzled Veteran
Calamity's paws tore through blades of grass as she went, plucking them from the ground and the broken thunderpath. She snarled, tail lashing as the scent of a tom came flowing over the wind. It wasn't one she had smelled before, or threatened before, she could tell. But he wasn't moving either. Was he hunting?

Winding through the fog, she let herself blend in, her white pelt seeming to disappear, save for the black and blueish spots that caused her to stand out, looking like some sort of ghost in the mist. As she moved slowly closer, she spotted his bright gold tabby fur through the mist, sitting, glancing about as he groomed himself.

Her ears swiveled, alert. Was someone else with him?

No, she couldn't smell anyone.

Taking a chance, her tail tip flicked and she called out, though stayed mostly in the fog. "What a pretty kitty - haven't seen you before."

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Grizzled Veteran
Wind Chaser didn't have to sit for very long before a voice cut through the silence. It sounded and smelled like a she-cat but Wind Chaser felt a twinge of unease when he couldn't locate her in the fog. Surely it shouldn't be this hard to spot a cat that could obviously see him... right? His golden eyes continued to scan the ground, the trees, the fog, everything around him until he found a pair of intense red eyes staring back at him. Red eyes that almost seemed to be hovering without a body as he couldn't make out the black and white cat they were attached to.

He swallowed another twinge of unease before responding to the eyes in the fog. "Greetings, Stranger." Wind Chaser said as an introduction. Usually he greeted every cat with an upbeat 'well-met, friend' but for some reason he was feeling a bit on edge and went with a more formal introduction for this new well hidden she-cat. "I haven't seen you at all, you blend in with the fog rather well." He tried to keep his mew friendly but he felt his joke fall flat the moment the words left him.

"I am new to these woods." As he continued, he resumed lightly grooming himself, trying to show that he wasn't a threat or threatened. "Just a traveler stopping by. Do you live around here?"

@Lunar Fea

Lunar Fea

Grizzled Veteran
Oooohoo that made her cackle.

A strange, course laughter of a meow echoed in the fog. She did so love when the weather helped to blend her in. Heavy fog was one of her favorites.

"Maybe I am the fog..." she laughed again before she decided he was worth at least showing she was, indeed, a cat and not some monster he was making her seem to be. As much as that brought her strange marked face a twisted grin of joy. As her black and light blue paws brought her closer, her almost skull like face appeared more clearly, though as thick as the fog was, it still may have just looked like she was a floating head.

Watching him groom himself for a moment, her red gaze blinked in thought. "What a smart tom. I do live around here. Usually I'm not so kind, but... well. You've made me chuckle. I wont chase you off. Yet." she added with a smile, sitting down, though not quite at his level yet.

As if to relieve some of the tension, she began to groom down bits of her chest fluff, not making any violent movements. She waited for him to finish grooming himself before asking her next question. "What are ya lookin' for 'round these parts, stranger?"
