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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[ PRP ] Owl's Roost [ Errol x Sunflight x Riversong ]

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
As the meeting came to a close, Errol gave an indignant flick of his ear. Seriously? He had just gotten comfortable! But he nodded to Sunflight and shimmied his large bottom down the stupid tree until he made it to the large, sturdy branch that bore the entrance to what he'd started calling 'The Owl's Roost.' A hollowed-out knot of the tree opened up into two small nesting areas, one for whoever was intruding upon his services recently and another for himself.

"Hope you heard any of that," He grumbled, as the sleeping form of Larkkit stretched and yawned. Weird little kit was always so tired, no matter which herbs he gave her. "Up now, I have company. Out you get." He nosed her up, "We'll try again tonight when you return for another dose."

The blue-spotted young she-cat slipped out of the hole with a quiet word of thanks and Errol padded past the nests and down the worn footholds that spiraled down the length of the empty tree. The air down here was thick with the scent of herbs, and the floor was soft with moss and lichen. Daylight filtered down from the branches above. He sat, waiting the few moments before his leader and deputy would arrive, grumbling to himself.

@belloblossom @NatiStorm
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