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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[PRP] Surprises [Mothwing x Poppypaw]


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He was confused.
For the longest time, Mothwing had thought Palepaw and Poppypaw were together. As in, together together. It was certainly something he figured was currently on the down low, either due to the ongoing issues or a desire to sort their relationship out before opening it to prying eyes, but nevertheless, he had just assumed. Palepaw had told him long ago about her crush on the cat and shortly after they had seemed closer than ever... it had just lined up too perfectly. The clan moving had solidified his view; Poppypaw was always around the corner from Palepaw and the girls were each other's closest support system. It had all felt so right, and honestly? Honestly? Mothwing loved the idea of them together. Poppypaw had always been in his girl's lives and he had always dearly loved her company. Palepaw positively brightened when Poppypaw was around, ever since they were small kids.
Sure, it had been weird to adjust to, viewing Poppypaw as Palepaw's partner. When you had someone around so constantly and consistently in your life and their role changed it could be jarring, but Mothwing at least liked the promotion in status. He could feel safe knowing his daughter was truly cared for by someone as sweet and considerate as Poppypaw -- someone who'd never hurt his daughter and had her best interests at heart. It had been perfect, until...
Until he overheard the local gossip.
"Finally," someone had exclaimed when he was passing by. "Riversurge finally got the courage! Did you hear? They're mates now!"

Mothwing had continued on, not one to interrupt gossip or partake. But it had nagged at him. Of course, he had noticed Riversurge's affections -- everyone did, let's be real --, but it hadn't concerned Mothwing. Poppypaw was a nice girl. Now, maybe someone was talking about someone else, but it seemed so unlikely. Riversurge practically had a heart attack around anyone not Poppypaw, after all, and unless he magically fell for someone within the last day Mothwing had witnessed him then...
Yeah, that seemed unlikely.
It nagged at him all day, eating at him as he tended to his duties, checked in on his children and wife, and eventually circled back around to where the clan was currently resting. Maybe, if he hadn't seen Poppypaw passing by, he never would have brought it up. Unfortunately for everyone involved, Mothwing HAD seen her and beelined for the apprentice.

Why dwell when he could ask the source itself?
"Poppypaw," he called faintly, flicking his tail in greeting. "Can I ask you something?"


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Eventually, Poppypaw and Riversurge returned back to the clan. They had spent some time continuing to talk and just basking in each others presence, but they had become certain the clan would pick up where they left off soon. Almost every cat was eager to find their destination. She was, too, if she was being honest. She was excited to see their new home, excited to be able to finally return Palepaw to the place she belonged, and scared about what would happen afterwards.

Though, with Riversurge at her side, she was confident she could tackle anything.

It seemed, though, that perhaps they were settling for the night. Poppypaw had wanted to go find Palepaw upon returning, but Palepaw had already reassured her it would be okay to spend time with Riversurge. That she didn't think Poppypaw was abandoning her. That was the last thing the mottled she-cat wanted. Particularly at such a crucial time for her best friend. She had always been supportive and was Palepaw's number one fan, and this travelling adventure had only solidified that.

Currently, she was supposed sitting with Riversurge, sharing tongues and some prey. Nothing too different from her days of travel. If she wasn't seen with Palepaw, she was with Riversurge, and as the days had gone on, it was more equal time with each. However, she had left him in a nice patch under a bush and gone to see if any prey had been caught for the rest of the clan.

Ears flicked as she noticed Mothwing's approach and paused. "Sure!" she mrrowed, smiling up at him as she brushed muzzles affectionately with him, as if kissing him on the cheek. "What can I do for you, papa?" Her tail flicked as she stood waiting, wondering what his question would be.



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He hummed softly as Poppypaw greeted him as she normally often did, dipping his head to reciprocate. Papa -- that always made him proud. She was a good kid, and Mothwing was happy to have watched her grow alongside his daughter.
"Well," he drawled softly, glancing up and around. They were alone, good. "I heard a rumor today." He immediately shook his head and sat upright, placing a paw on his chest.
"I don't usually put any stock in those. You know how bored clan cats get, especially lately. But, it's been on my mind since, and I figured I might as well hear the truth from you, Poppypaw." He snorted softly; this was really ridiculous. Of course, she wasn't mated to Riversurge.
So why did he feel a little uncomfortable?
"Err, did River-" he paused, inhaling softly. Ugh. "I'm sorry, this is truly a dumb question, I hear it now, but; you're not mated to Riversurge, are you?"


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At first, Poppypaw had giggled softly and twitched her ears, glancing around as well. Why was he looking to see if anyone was around? Curious.

"A rumor?" she queried, tilting her head. Even curiouser. Yeah, a lot had happened today, alone, but what was there for cats to really spread rumors about? Everyone had heard it clear as day, there was no doubt in her mind about that. It was painfully obvious that Branchtail had overstepped and pushed Palepaw into a state she shouldn't be in. It was cruel!

As Mothwing went on, Poppypaw decided to sit. It seemed it was more than just a question. Something seemed to be weighing on him. Was it the girls? Poppypaw had grown a tad distant from Petalpaw while helping Palepaw and Riversurge... Was he going to reprimand her?

No, he said this was a rumor he wanted to talk about.

Finally, he spit it out. There was another little purring laugh. "Well, we haven't... Done any mating, but um... Yeah, we did both talk a lot today. I know he's not really a big outspoken tom, but I promise, papa, he's nothing like Branchtail!" Her mind had shot towards him being unapproving of the tom cat, and she wanted to reassure him. "He wouldn't dare do what that mouse brained idiot did."


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He stared at her in bewilderment, processing the actuality that the rumor had, in fact, been correct. It didn't seem real at first, and for a moment he watched her, looking for a sign it was a joke. A bad joke, but still. It never came.
And now he felt positively stupid. This entire time he had just assumed, but... Palepaw had told him quite a while ago, and Poppypaw had clung harder to her side shortly after. Was this... an agreed-upon situation? He had heard of cats having multiple mates, but why would Riversurge be the public mate and Palepaw kept a secret? No, he didn't like that. Why would they hide?

.... Why would they hide?
No, that seemed just as ridiculous. He frowned, confusion flickering across his face as he parsed the information. Palepaw wasn't the type to not go after what she wanted, unless... well, the recent situation. He also couldn't help but feel disappointed, if he was honest. Riversurge was nice, but he wasn't Palepaw. Maybe Mothwing had just gotten so used to the idea of the girls being together that now he was resistant to change, but...
"What about Palepaw?" He blurted, head tilting. The more he thought about it the more wrong it felt. "When she told you... did you-" No, no. Stop invading their privacy, you old coot! His ears flattened and he shook his head, nervously laughing under his breath.
"I- I'm just surprised, but happy... for you."


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Oh no. Had she done or said something wrong? He seemed upset.

Mothwing was dead quiet for far too long. Poppypaw's tail began to twitch anxiously, her claws flexing against the ground beneath her. Was he upset with her choice? Palepaw meant the world to her, and she had accepted it. Poppypaw could live if Mothwing didn't fully, but at the same time, it hurt to think he wouldn't approve.

Her brow furrowed as he brought up Palepaw. "Palepaw and I talked earlier, after she was able to quiet down. It was actually with her help that I... Finally felt I could really talk to Riversurge. It wasn't really my intention with him today, but it did help me figure some things out." She continued to knead the dirt beneath her paw.

"Are you sure? I didn't mean to upset anyone. You're like a father to me, Deadeye is like my mom, and Petalpaw and Palepaw are like sisters. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you, and I've been really trying to help Palepaw out since everything happened. I don't want anyone to think that I don't love them or want them happy, or that I don't value their opinions."

Poppypaw was starting to ramble now, thoroughly concerned he was just masquerading his emotions. "If it really does make you unhappy, or you don't approve, please, just tell me. I'm sure we can talk about it."


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They talked earlier? And that was why Poppypaw and Riversurge.... wait- wait he needed a second to catch up.
He frowned in thought, head racing a million miles. It wasn't like he couldn't accept that the three were all together, it was just... new. He needed to wrap his head around it, honestly. Kids these days were so much more open than his generation, which was good! He just... ugh, was he really that old?
"Oh," he breathed, only to be silenced by her next comment. Palepaw is like a sister. No, no that didn't make sense at all, and the more they talked the more he felt like he wasn't grasping something. He shifted uncomfortably, viewing her with furrowed brows. Ugh, he hated revealing just how much older he was, but he valued communication.
"If she's like a sister to you then... how does that work as a couple?" He paused, frown deepening. "Actually, I don't mean to impose, but that feels a little... off. Not that you're all three a couple- what's the right word? Thruple? I just... what is Palepaw's place... I suppose, in the relationship?"
He sheepishly lowered his head and flattened his ears. "Please forgive this old man, I'm just trying to understand."


Stew Aficionado
Finally, it was making more sense.

Or rather, it made even less sense to Poppypaw, but at least she... Could see where the miscommunication lied?

"A couple?" Couple? With Palepaw?

"Papa... Why would you think that we were a couple?" Perhaps Riversurge wasn't the only one. Now Poppypaw was worried that others might have misunderstood, too. Which... She did love Palepaw, like she'd told Riversurge, but ... Was it more?

Were Mothwing and Riversurge the only ones misunderstanding, or were more?

Did Palepaw misread her?

If she had... Why would she push her to go after Riversurge? Why not say how she felt? They shared... Everything. At least, Poppypaw shared everything with Palepaw. It wasn't until literally today that Poppypaw had put any feelings into words about Riversurge, and only at the urging of the pale she-cat who was almost always at her side.


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Mothwing flattened his ears and wondered what the quickest way to die might be. Great, he had really messed things up, again. It was a wonder his daughters even spoke to him at this point.
He sighed softly, looking at Poppypaw like he had just been caught, making his next sentence all too unbelievable. "Ah, no reason, really."
She wasn't going to buy that, was she?
"It's-" Another sigh, another pitiful look. "I'm just an old man," he was not that old, "Sometimes we get things mixed up."


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"No, no, it's okay," she laughed, a little bit of an edge to it. "You're not old, papa," she added, though her tail was flicking anxiously.

What was she going to do? Palepaw... Was going through so much...

"Thank you for telling me though." There was a little nod, and a spark of happiness in her eyes, behind some pain.

"I love Palepaw, so much. Petalpaw, Deadeye and you, too. You all mean so, so much to me. And I would never turn my back on any of you. Palepaw knows this. Riversurge also knows this." Another little nod.

"I am... Sorry that..." she paused, eyes falling to the ground. What would she say to Palepaw now? Would Palepaw ever forgive her?


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No, she wasn't listening to him at all- but then again he wasn't the best liar, was he? He wasn't willing to drop the act regardless.
"I really didn't mean anything by it," he tried again, frowning softly. If Palepaw ever had plans to forgive him then they would surely be dashed once she found out what he had done this time. Ugh.
"Just-" he broke off and watched her gaze lower, his frown deepening. "Follow your heart, Poppypaw," he finished with. Something in him squirmed uncomfortably, twisting doubt through his veins as he watched Poppypaw. This wasn't going to end well, was it? He had a feeling he couldn't quite put his paw on, but...
"I'm sorry for complicating things, truly." He shook his head and stepped back, tossing his head to glance towards where he had left Deadeye. SunClan... he was worried about her. He really needed to check in on her. He turned his attention back to Poppypaw and offered a small and comforting smile. "But you have nothing to apologize for."


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A little chuckle bubbled forth. "You haven't complicated anything, papa." She flicked her ears gently, smiling up at him.

"Thank you for bringing this to my attention." There was a nod, glancing off to the area he looked over at. "Please, return to Deadeye. She needs you far more than I do."

That was the end of that. She knew there was nothing more she could do or say right now, and wanted to give him an easy out. She had to figure out how to approach Palepaw about everything, and needed time to herself to do so.