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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[PRP] Two Travelers (Wolf/Smoky)


Stew Aficionado

Wolf was a loner, but if you asked him, he really didn't care for that title. He preferred to be called a traveler, because he didn't spend all that much time alone these days. His mate, Kestrel, was often with him and when she wasn't, it was because she was occupying the territory that they'd made their den, for him to return to after doing a sweep of the wilds nearby. He wasn't patrolling the borders - there weren't borders in the wilds, despite what some other loners might tell you. It was every cat for themselves out here and with his lady love making a home for them for the night, he wanted to make sure that any new neighbors were friendly ones.

It getting on to dusk by the time he was coming back, having scouted out near everything except for the old thunderpath. It was easy finding cats laying along the thunderpath when the sun was high in the sky, because the path became warm - like one giant rock to sun yourself on. It was a delight - if you didn't mind the company. Why, he'd even seen youngsters pretending to die horrible deaths upon the thunderpath, as though struck by one of the fearsome monsters that were common in the Twolegplace. Far enough from this old thunderpath that any real worry in finding a monster here was slim to none, but he wasn't sure he liked seeing such dramatic, grizzly displays from the youth of today. Oh dear, did he really just think that? He sounded old.

Shaking his head with a chuckle, he came to stand on the old thunderpath. It was cool to the touch and even in greenleaf, it was only going to get cooler as the sky turned dark.

"Well... Time to head home." He said to no one, for he could see no one on the thunderpath and he wasn't, at least currently, scenting the air for strangers. It was too soon to tell if this negligence would be a mistake for him or not.