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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[PRP] You Should Runaway With Me [Frost x Thunder]


Grizzled Veteran

Frost cautiously stalked along the many strange straight leafless trees (wooden fences) squished together, sniffing the air every few steps. There seemed to be an abundance of prey in this area but also many other different food options like the tasty treats from the loud metal log (trash can) or the dry crunchy bits left in the clanky rocks really close to the twoleg nest doors (outside dry food bowls). As Frost spotted another container of food hanging from a pole (bird feeder) she was pretty sure cat's who lived around these parts must have it pretty easy when it comes to eating. The kittypet life must be pretty nice, not having to worry about finding shelter or food. But at what cost?

Having grown up a loner the dark she-cat didn't have much perspective on the way kittypets lived other than the ex-kittypet she had once met who seemed to resent having twolegs to care for. She wasn't sure what all caring for twolegs entailed so Frost curiously continued her stalking around the nests. The whole area smelled faintly of cats. Perhaps she could meet one who could enlighten her. What kind of adventures did kittypets go on with their twolegs? Frost always had a hard time imagining hunting mice with a loud gangly twoleg nearby. There were so many questions she wanted to ask, so much she wanted to know.

How best to find a kittypet though? Should she sit around and wait for one to appear? No, waiting wasn't her style. Instead Frost decided to find the twoleg nest with the strongest, most recent cat scent and, well, scream.

"Hellooooo! Anyone around here?!" She yowled in her loudest voice.
