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[RACE] Elves - (Newest Wood Elf and Dark Elves)

Mule Account
Elven Information

Elves are a magical people of otherworldly grace, living in the world but not entirely apart of it. They live in places of ethereal beauty, in midst of ancient forests or in silvery spires glittering with faerie light, where soft music drifts through the air and gentle fragrances waft on the breeze. Elves love nature and magic, art and artistry, music and poetry and good things of the world.

Elves are hauntingly beautiful, especially to humans and members of many other races. They are generally smaller on average than humans, ranging from well under 5 feet to almost 6 feet. Some elves may be taller, but it is usually rare.

They are also more slender and lithe, weighing generally no more than 140 pounds at most. Males and females are about the same height, and males are only marginally heavier. Elves favor elegant clothing in bright colors, and they enjoy simple yet lovely jewelry.

Most Elves live well over 700 years, giving them a broad perspective on events that might trouble the shorter lived races more deeply.
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Elven History

Elves have a long and extensive history. While they started as a single race, being one of the first and the longest-lived race it is only natural that much of the race has split into different factions and thus has become entirely different from each other.
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Dark Elf Information

Once called Drow, they now refer to themselves as Dark Elves to differentiate between them and their more deadly ancestors. This, however, doesn't mean that all attitude that the Dark Elves have previously held has completely dissipated, however, most Dark Elves are trying hard to amend their ways. All Dark Elves are aware of their race's past, most use it as a cautionary tale they tell their children, while others may revere it as the glory days despite all the trouble that the Goddess, Ashramora, put them through and still promises. Those that still worship her keep it as a secret.

Previously denizens of the Underdark, some Dark Elves have found it hard to adapt toward the light and still hide under cloaks during the day. Because of this shady appearance, many are thought of as being thieves or being up to no good. Some Dark Elves have embraced this.
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Mule Account
Dark Elf Appearance
Dark Elves are the lithest of all Elves, they also tend to be the shortest. Dark Elves very rarely reach more than 5'9" in height, with the shortest being just under 5". Dark Elves always have darker skin than they do hair, usually in the same color range. Their eyes are bright like jewels and can pierce the darkness.
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Mule Account
Dark Elf History

The Dark Elves' history remains a turbulent and cruel thing. Many millennia ago, the Elvish gods had a sorted falling out. The Goddess, Ashramora, had started to grow agitated over her husband's rule of the Elves. She felt that he was letting their potential go to waste and keeping them weak. They were the oldest race, and thus they should have had domain over the world. Their love grew tainted as Ashramora became increasingly annoyed with her husband's lack of motivation and his eagerness to shoot down all of her plans and ideas. Ashramora became bitter.

It didn't take long after that for Ashramora to scheme her takeover of her husband's portfolio. In the night, she attempted to send servants to kill her husband, but Silaya had seen the betrayal in a vision and thwarted the attempt. Enraged, Ashramora did a last ditch effort to kill him with her own magic, but now aware of her intentions, Iliharian easily stopped her. Even though he still loved her, he was prepared to return her to the ether, but Silaya objected, she begged him for mercy and to send her to the depths with her Dark Elves so that he'd never have to see her again. This sadly also meant that Iliharian banished their two children along with her, as he wanted no more trace of her left where he could see.

Living for thousands of years underground with no light of day or contact with the outside world twisted Ashramora's mind. The spiders that trailed the grounds became her only friends, she even rejected her own children and people. She began to see them as reminders of where she failed and somehow convinced herself that they only needed to be stronger, so she started the massive infighting among the Dark Elves, causing their hate for other Elves to only be rivaled by the hatred of their own kind.

The Dark Elves would have become a force to be reckoned with if they hadn't remained underground preoccupied with their own scheming amongst themselves to win Ashramora's favor. The Dark Elf houses began to make raids on the surface, inflicting their cruelty on anyone who got too close to the Underdark, taking anyone they found back as slaves and thus increasing their house's power. Anyone who was captured was treated mercilessly and used for the Dark Elves' own amusement when not worked or beat to death.

This continued for millennia until Ashramora's children, Vestus and Nefra, finally broke her spell on many of the houses. Even though their goals directly conflicted, the siblings had come together to do what they could to free their people, oddly enough with the help of Iliharian's new wife, Silaya.

Their success, however, wasn't celebrated by the other races. After facing many years of pain and torture from the Dark Elves, they were less than welcomed on the surface. While Nefra advocated repentance for their wickedness, her brother refused, not believing it was truly their fault for what Ashramora had done to them. He believed that they deserved every right to be an equal among the races. What ensued was a split of the factions, Vestus led his band against the ensuing races while Nefra had her followers set down their weapons and face their punishment.

The surface races were not kind. While most of the races found it to be none of their business, the largest of the races, the Elves, Dwarves and Humans, all of whom had suffered the most at the hands of the Dark Elves sought penance. Many of them found it fitting to return the pain they had inflicted back onto them, turning many of them into slaves, treating them, though more nicely than the Dark Elves had treated their slaves, with cruelty.

This continued for near to a thousand years before the races were facing the Plague that wiped out so many of the people in the world. The Dark Elves, being an oddly hardy race, lost very few even though the Plague had affected their ability to bear children just as it had other races. Because of this, many more Dark Elves survived than their capturers and thus the majority of the Dark Elves found themselves free of the Underdark and free of the enslavement for the first time in their lives.

The Dark Elves now strive to prove themselves as allies among the other races, though many do so through disdain and perhaps even hatred.
Mule Account
Tips for Playing Dark Elves

  • Misunderstood, there are still a lot of social issues that Dark Elves face and because of this many get along with and understand the Fiend-Touched, finding a kindred spirit in them.
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Mule Account
Wood Elf Information

Wood elves are perhaps the youngest of the Elven races, and thus even the shortest-lived among them. Wood elves live to be 300 years while many others of their kind live much longer. Because of this Wood Elves are seen as the lowest of the race by many of their older kin, and while this might bring in some infighting among the race, even the lowliest of Elves are better than any other race according to the most pretentious of their kind.

That said, many of the Wood Elves have, perhaps, the best attitudes toward those outside of their race. This isn't true for all Wood Elves, especially those whose village remained hidden far from others or were perhaps even nomadic, but many Wood Elves have struck a balance or working respect with others. This comes as no surprise then that Wood Elves are usually the parentage in any Half-Elves that happen to spring up, as those Elves who are older have held onto their previous thoughts and prejudges much longer.

This isn't to say that a Wood Elf would ever forget a slight. Just because they don't live as long does not mean that so and so's grandchild isn't going to remember what your great-great-great and so on grandparent did to their ancestor, and even though they're more forgiving than many other Elves, it doesn't mean that it'll be an easy task to appease them, it's just more of a testament to how stubborn Elves can truly be.

Before the Plague, Wood Elves procreated about 3-5 times per lifetime, while this might not seem like much with such a long-lived race, it was truly more than any other Elves had given the time period. Like with other elves, miscarriages were common and usually happened at a rate of about 60% (which was much lower than other Elvish birthrates), so it took the Wood Elves longer to figure out what was going on, though not as long as the High Elves, with some Wood Elves figuring it out even sooner due to their ties with other races.
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Wood Elf Appearance

Unlike most other elves, Wood Elves prefer to wear natural colors that could blend them in with the forests that surround them. Their jewelry tends toward natural symbols such as leaves or trees, or other trinkets that could easily be fashioned into things that grow from the ground floor.

Their hair colors tend toward natural colors, though occasionally even greens appear with shades that meld perfectly into the foliage around them. Their skin tones are anything from pale to dark coppery tones.

Wood Elves are perhaps the lithest of all elves (except Dark Elves), as they spend most of their time in trees, climbing and keeping themselves fit and ever wary of anything that could threaten their homes.
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Wood Elf History

The Wood Elves evolved from a faction of Elves that formed a symbiotic relationship with the forest and wild places of Vigala. The relationship cut the life force of the Elves down but they believed this was beneficial to save the trees and plants they had come to love. After the magical imbalance that occurred when the 'Plague' happened, many wood elves had to leave the trees behind and retreated toward the city, though many did so in protest. The elves howled at night for losing their beautiful homes and many feel at a loss without greenery around them. They are unsure why the forests they loved had turned against them or why the wild things grew that much more vicious. The Wood Elves are among the first to push toward Adventurers to figure out the issues so they can return home.
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Mule Account
Tips for Playing Wood Elves

  • Famous Wood Elves include Tryst, the most popular Bard in all of Vigala.
  • Though not required, Wood Elves tend to use names that mean different flowers, vegetation or trees in their native tongue. However, some have found that this is hard when dealing with Humans and have adapted to using simpler names for this reason.
  • Many Wood Elves get along more with Humans than even others of their own race.
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