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Realm of the Endless

Rarity Guide (Player Version)


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Welcome to your rarity guide!

Here at RotE, each character may have traits defining their differences from the norm; these traits are assigned scores based on how common or uncommon they are for that race, and from that score you get your rarity! More stars means that a character is more unusual in the world. (Espers and grimmalkin don't have a "normal," so you'll notice they simply have high rarities naturally - they're just weird in existence itself!)

In addition to this, each character will have a uniqueness score as well. This tells you how far away from a stock base that the character is, from total base-only with no edits and templates all the way up to completely unique art!

Pre-Emptive Misc Notes
Any kind of accessories, clothy-bits, and hairstyles are always okay and don't increase rarity. They can increase uniqueness but will never break ★ limits.

Humans, alliosa and sanjari must have pupils visible if they have eyes; humans can wear contacts though their natural pupil is assumed to be round, alliosa may have any pupil shape naturally, but sanjari have pupil restrictions as traits. Elphyme can optionally have none. Espers and grimmalkin have no restrictions.

Any humanoid form without some sort of visible covering over the groin region (such as fluff, fur, scales, etc) must be wearing clothes that cover it. This includes humans and elphyme in their basic forms, as well as alt humanoid forms for alliosa and sanjari along with any humanoid form for espers and grimmalkin.

About Uniqueness
Uniqueness is a gauge as to how non-templated the original art is/was. Alternate forms and alt-art do not affect the rarity or uniqueness of a character. All rarity and uniqueness is based on the initial art of the character.


Base OnlyBase art only with no additional edits or templates added. Just a good old basic color job.
Base and Templates◆ ◆Templated hair, items, body changes, etc only. No unique lines (beyond possibly fixing a template to fit).
Middle Ground◆ ◆ ◆Either a mix of templates and unique edits or very simple or small amount of unique edits without templates.
Heavily Edited◆ ◆ ◆ ◆No template usage allowed. Extensive body edits, whether one very large, complex or several small pieces all over the body. Full outfits, very complex accessories, crazy hair monsters, so on.
Totally Unique◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆Entirely unique art, no bases allowed!

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Alliosa traits are based on location of changes. Each trait gains ★s based on how many regions it attaches to; giant spikes that attach to the shoulders are still only ★ because their attachment point is only on the torso. Spines that go down the head and back are ★★ because they attach to two zones!

Alliosa do not have a rarity limit. Their base forms are highly volatile!

Head and NeckTip of the nose extending to where the neck meets the torso.
TorsoThe bean that makes up the body!
Front LegsShoulders down to the tip of the paws.
Back LegsHips down to the tip of the paws.
TailEverything past the butt.
Floating BitsThe space around the alios. Each "item" counts as occupying this zone. This means things like eyes floating around them; limbs or pieces that are cut and floating just count as a trait for that zone.

You can have as many features as you can cram into any one zone, the calculation is the same. The exceptions to that basic formula are as follows:


Feet (special zone)-★Changing all paws to one other sort of foot (like all to hooves) counts only as one zone, not two, so subtract a star. If they are different types of feet, calculate as normal.
Extra Limbs+★Calculate extra limbs as usual, then add an extra ★ per set. Limbs may be added as pairs or singular; different limb types (so, say, one feather and one bat wing) count as two traits, so they'd each have their own base cost and their own +★ cost.
Magic/Elemental Feature★★★A flat fee added if any magical/elemental features are visible. This is any sort of clearly magical feature like blazing fire or dripping water. All elemental features must match (you cannot mix fire and water, for instance). This also means that this character is automatically granted a Providence of a matching type!
Skin Texture ChangesA vast texture change (such as removing all fluff and replacing with scales or a rock-like texture) is a flat ★ cost regardless of how many zones it affects. Elemental effects still have to add the Magic/Elemental feature cost, and each texture change has its own cost - so half scales and half pure water would be ★ and ★★★★ respectively!
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Sanjari are much less flexible in their traits than other races. They have specific ones for each body area and very few mutation allowances.

Standard traits do not increase ★ but are listed for reference. These are what "normal" sanjari have in that area.

Sanjari have a hard limit of 20★! Their bodies are not very volatile and it takes time for changes to become standard in their forms.

Sanjari horns are placed on the forehead, anywhere above the eyes and in front of the ears.


StandardVisible nubs that may be up to half the standard ear in height. Their tips are typically rounded and they round slightly back.
Flat★★Completely flat horns, basically making a round space on the forehead. Still must be visible but no lifting away from the body.
Large★★★★Horns larger than standard, at least above the halfway size of normal ears but usually rising above them. Should be sharply tipped and curve backwards - either gently so they stand mostly upright or curve more ramlike.

Sanjari have two ears which they use to listen to your every move.


StandardEars that raise upward from the head in a gentle point, typically about as tall as the total height of the head.
Nubby★★★Much smaller ears, at least half the size of standard. Typically more rounded or squat in appearance. Cute.
Large★★Much larger ears, again at least 50% taller than standard. They have a wider, lower connection point (reaching down near the jaw) and can be oriented upright or pointing backwards.

Sanjari have two eyes, somewhat oddly placed for their typical shape as they are forward facing despite being placed on a deerlike body.


StandardNormal eyes with a rounded pupil. Tend to be fairly large.
Slit PupilA slit pupil. Otherwise normal eye.
Shaped Pupil★★★Any other shape of pupil, but not multiples.
Multiple Pupil★★★Multiple round pupils.
Multiple Shaped Pupils★★★★★★Exactly what it sounds like. Also includes slit pupils for this category.

Did you know that a thing with legs probably has some kind of feet? Amazing.


StandardA single cloven hoof, typically more rounded with the tips close together. Usually more like a cow's foot than a deer's.
Hooved Variant★★Any other sort of hoof, from single toes (like a horse) to multiple (like a tapir).
Paws/Toes★★★★Any non-hooved toes or paws.

Sanjari always have some kind of tail, even if it's very very small. They may not be tailless.


StandardA long, furred tail, about as long as the rest of the body from nose to butt. Pretty fluffy.
MediumA tail around half the size of normal. Not a nub, but not long enough to touch the ground.
Short★★★A tiny tail, like a rabbit's tail or a docked dog tail.
Ridiculously Long★★★★★Any tail significantly longer than a standard tail (at least one and a half body lengths).
Hair/Mane★★★★★Horse-type tail. May have a tiny nub base but is mostly just long, flowing hair.

Sanjari have very little wiggle room on what sort of 'mutations' are allowed as they often cull out mutated children. All but one of these prices are listed as + as they must be added to whatever the base type for that area is.


Multiple Horns+★★★★Any number of horns above two.
Single Horn+★★★★... A single horn! Usually growing out of the center of the forehead, though you can get creative if you really want.
Multiple Tails+★★★Any number of tails you can fit. Two or three is the most common. Split tails count as multiple tails.
Extra FluffNot needed for just a little extra scruff, but covers large amounts of extra fluff in multiple places on the body.


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Elphyme are somewhere between alliosa and sanjari in terms of what you can do with them! They have room for mutations, but still have sectional rarity and a rarity limit. Unlike sanjari, you may combine traits for elphyme as long as they fit, so you could have, for instance, both providence and multiple eye traits! For this reason traits are listed as +★, not just ★.

Standard traits do not increase ★ but are listed for reference.

Elphyme have a hard limit of 30★!

All elphyme are born with a pre-determined Providence; sometimes the designer will choose this for you, and sometimes you may choose it yourself. You'll be told which the case is if you get an elph!

Note about "providence" features: Any mention of a providence feature implies some sort of feature related to that elph's innate providence. These can be both obvious (big jets of flame are, of course, going to be from a fire providence) or flexible (fish fins, for instance, could count as a providence feature if that elph has a water providence, but could also just be a mutation if they do not). Anything clearly magical (i.e, impossible on a living creature) must be associated with a providence. Anything that could be on a living creature may be considered a mutation instead.

Providence features may not be mixed; if you have an elph with fire wings, that means it must have the providence of fire, so if you give it a fish tail that must count as a mutation and not a water providence feature.

When in doubt, feel free to ask.

Head shape must be generally maintained; elphyme have a large, human-shaped head. They do not have snouts and their noses may be portrayed as small slits or simply omitted all together. Their mouths may be small but can open up to the base of their ears.

Elphyme must have hair. They may not be drawn bald!

Elphyme must have eyes; eyeless is not available as a mutation.


StandardLarge, bright eyes with dark grey or black sclera. Pupils are optional and may come in any shape.
Providence Feature+★★Providence-related eyes. Glowing eyes may be had without a preset providence, but anything else (like flaming eyes!) will set one.
Multiple Eyes+★★★More than two eyes.
Compound Eyes+★★★Insectoid eyes with many facets, like a bee's or fly's.
Eye Mutation+★★★★★Anything not covered above.

An elph does not have eyebrows; they have antennae! Regardless of size and shape, the eyebrow region is where they should start.


StandardTwo long, thin antennae. Typically solidly colored (most common is just black) and should be a single line stroke.
Larger Insectoid+★Any other kind of clearly insectoid antennae, from a moth's to a cockroach's.
Providence Feature+★★Providence-related antennae, like tree branches or vines or metallic, horn-like shards.
Antennae Mutation+★★★★★Anything not covered above.

Elphyme typically have large, elf or goblin like ears, though the size and exact shape does vary fairly often.


StandardTwo large, pointed ears with a secondary ridge.
Size Change+★Ears that are significantly larger or smaller than standard.
Mammalian+★Any sort of real-world mammalian-style ears - like feline, canine, equine, etc.
Insectoid+★★Segmented, chitin-encased, or otherwise insectoid looking ear-like features.
Providence Feature+★★★Providence-related features. Can be attached to the basic/other ear types (like leaves growing out of an ear) or total replacements (like long fins or soft feathers).
Ear Mutation+★★★★★Anything not covered above.

Body traits can cover things in the torso area, but also cover "whole-body" traits like fluff, scales, and the like.


StandardAs the template. Note that small amounts of scruffy / fluffy detail can be added as they do have lightly fuzzy bodies.
Extra Fluffy+★Large amounts of fluff and puff added.
Mane+★★An extra large amount of fluff focused around the neck and/or running down the back, like a lion or a lung-type dragon.
Chitin Plating+★Insectoid like plates, segmentation or 'armor' around the whole body.
Providence Feature+★★★Providence related sections or entire body covering, like water or fire dripping from the skin or a rock-like skin texture. Not needed for only markings, but anything breaking the lineart / silhouette of the body clearly will be counted.
Body Mutation+★★★★★Anything not covered above. For skin features that don't break the silhouette or change the outline, it's up to the artist to decide if they are only fur patterns or actual physical features (like scales, crystal patterning, etc).



StandardTwo arms, starting from thin shoulders and reaching to around the hip area.
Mammalian Features+★Any kind of standard mammalian features like claws or soft paws.
Insectoid Features+★Any kind of insectoid features, like thinner arms, extra joints, arm-only segmentation, etc.
Extra Arms (Matching)+★★★A secondary set of arms; may only add one for a total of four arms. The shape/style of these arms must match the others, though they may be somewhat smaller or larger if desired.
Extra Arms (Mismatched)+★★★★An extra set of arms that do not match the other. Costs for other features still apply!
Providence Feature+★★★Providence-inspired arm features, like water constantly flowing from openings on the limbs or flowers sprouting from the skin.
Arm Mutation+★★★★★Anything not covered above.

Legs follow all arm features except Extra; elphyme may not have more than two legs.

Elphyme must have wings. They are not allowed to be wingless, even with mutations.


StandardInsectoid wings. If a real bug has it, an elph can. May have up to four wings / two pairs; beetle style shell casings count as one pair of wings.
Providence Feature+★★Providence inspired wings, like shafts of pure light or floating shards of crystal.
Mixed Wings+★Allows mixed wing types, like a beetle shell with jets of fire underneath. You must still pay for traits for each sort of wing, and this still does not allow mixing of providences.
Wing Mutation+★★★★★Anything not covered above.



StandardNo tail at all!
Mammalian+★Any kind of real-world mammalian tail, from a rabbit's to a lion's.
Insectoid+★A tail consisting of an insectoid or arachnid abdomen, like an ant's posterior or a scorpion's stinger.
Providence Feature+★★Whatever kind of crazy magical tail you can cook up relating to their providence.
Tail Mutation+★★★★★Anything not covered above.


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Staff member

Grimmalkin are pure shapeshifters and therefore can look like basically whatever you want. However, most of them do have a feline body as their 'base' form. They do need to have some sign of them being alive - if you want to make a mimic, go for it, but it needs teeth, eyes, something of the sort.

Every grimm should only have one trait - "Grimm" - which has a rarity of 31★!

Grimmalkin do not have templates and must all be 5◆ .


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Staff member

Espers are beings of pure energy and may also possess physical items and project an image of whatever body they want, so they may look like anything. Unlike grimmalkin, however, an esper can look like literally anything. You want a rock? That's an esper. You want a chair? That's an esper. Esper art will have some kind of indication that there is energy possessing the object, but other than that, have absolutely no restrictions on how they may look.

Every esper should only have one trait - "Esper" - which has a rarity of 40★.

Espers do not have templates and must all be 5◆ .

Espers are not freely available and may not be created without shop permission. Look out for special events or RLC sales for your opportunity!


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Poor humans. They are totally unable to shift their body in any way, and thus, must look like humans. The only oddity about them is that they may display multiple providences in one image, as humans may master more than one type of magic!

Humans with no obvious magic displayed will have no traits, and therefore will have no rarity, no matter how high their ◆ is.

Humans displaying one type of magic (like a ball of fire or levitating on an energy cloud) will have the trait "Natural mage" worth 3★.

Humans displaying two types of magic (such as a ball of fire and a ball of ice) will have the trait "Prodigy mage" worth 6★.


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Alliosa Extra Forms

Alliosa can shapeshift temporarily, but the further from their basic form it is the harder it is.

For shop purposes, what this means is they can have alternate forms of your choosing, but they can only display "weird" traits that the base form has. Their markings should be either entirely matching the base or natural with regards to what they're transforming into; for sanity, they can't transform into other Endless - they can only change into things that might help them in their stealth on earth!

You may choose to omit traits if you wish in alternate forms; you have an allios with wings and a snake tail have a human form with neither and with perfectly normal human skin, then also give them a canine form with wings but no snake tail.

Alliosa given away in an alternate form are assumed to have stock features for anything not listed as a trait.
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Staff member
Sanjari Extra Forms

Sanjari have restricted forms. The base deer form must follow the rarity guide above, and the human form must be entirely natural human. Any sort of naturally occurring human features are fine, but they must be 100% just human in appearance.

The third form is a bit different and is essentially a were-form. It will be humanoid in appearance but with features from the base form, such as horns, muzzle, etc. All traits from the base form should be included on this form (even standard ones). Art-wise, this can be a full on hulking, horror movie type were-beast or just a simple anthropomorphized form; even sanjari have varying body types, after all.

Sanjari given away in an alternate form are assumed to have stock features for anything not listed as a trait.


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Staff member
Elphyme Extra Forms

Elphyme do not have humanoid forms, but they do have an alternate "form," though it is really just a projection. This alternate form is nothing more than a puffball / fluffball with wings and eyes. The wings must match its base form, the eyes must as well, and the coloration should look ... at least similar enough to be identifiable as the same.

Any other features not shown are assumed to be standard if the elph is created in this form.


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Grimmalkin Extra Forms

A grimm can have as many forms as it likes, since it's a total shapeshifter, and none of them have to have anything in common with the others. For shop purposes, however, only the originally shown form will be taken into account for any kind of combining, just for ease of ... not having a headache!

All alternate forms must still have some sign of being living creatures, however.


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Humans do not have alternate forms. They can have alt art in the form of things like haircuts, outfits, action poses showing providences they've mastered, and the like, but no alternate forms. Once a human, always a human.