Ravits Grand Opening Events (dice game pg 6)



Welcome to the grand opening event for Ravits!
Here you will find several games and raffles to help you get your first Ravit.
Check out our group here and our starting guide for more info
Please follow the rules of the event
1- fallow all shop and BS rules
2- you may only win one prize from the raffles total not per raffle due to lack of participation everyone may win one prize from each raffle
3- no using mules to get extra tickets
4- you may not enter for a friend however you may enter and then give your prize to your friend through the proper channels.
5- you may participate in all parts of the event even if you already have a ravit
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Daily Herb gathering
During this event every day you may rng 1-24
Refer to this chart for your prize and edit your post with what you have won. Use that post as proof in Item redemption

1- Regular body Herb - makes an eggs body trait Regular
2- Furred body herb - makes an eggs body trait furred
3- Feather body herb - makes an eggs body trait feathered
4- Tuft ear Herb - Makes an eggs ear trait Tuft
5- Cat Ear Herb - Makes an eggs ear trait cat
6- Dumbo Rat ear Herb - Makes an eggs ear trait Dumbo rat
7- Rat ear Herb - Makes an eggs ear trait Rat
8- Lop rabbit ear herb - Makes an eggs ear trait lop rabbit
9- Perked Rabbit ear herb - Makes an eggs ear trait perked rabbit
10- Rat tail herb -Makes an eggs tail trait rat
11- Bun tail herb - Makes an eggs tail trait Bun
12- Curly Tail Herb - Makes an eggs tail trait Curly
13- Feathered tail herb - Makes an eggs tail trait Feathered
14- Lion tail Herb - Makes an eggs tail trait Lion
15- Raptor tail herb - Makes an eggs tail trait Raptor
16- Mutation Herb - Gives an Egg one random Mutation
17- Light color herb - makes an eggs base color Light
18- Earth color herb - makes an eggs base color Earth
19- Cardinal color herb - makes an eggs base color Cardinal
20- Ocean Color herb - makes an eggs base color Ocean
21- Coal Color Herb - makes an eggs base color Coal
22- Emerald color herb - makes an eggs base color Emerald
23-Amethyst color herb - makes an eggs base color Amethyst
24- Marking herb - gives the egg one marking of your choice.


Eggy Raffle

Ravits come from little cream colored eggs with brown spots
If you are lucky enough to get one you can trade it in for a random ravit! If you use herbs with the egg you can guarantee what the traits will be based on the herbs you use!

There is currently 1 egg being raffled off.
For every 3 people that enter the raffle 1 more egg will be raffled off!
Raffle ends June 2nd

To enter fill out this form
[B][COLOR=rgb(255, 235, 142)][FONT=Heavy Data] (your username) would like an eggy raffle ticket[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
2- MoogerMint
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Homeless Ravit Raffle

These ravits are looking for homes! To enter the raffle for one just post the form below
The first drawn will have 48 hours to pick their prize. First drawn gets first pick second drawn gets second pick and so forth,
Raffle ends June 2nd

[COLOR=rgb(83, 180, 231)][FONT=Indie Flower](your username) would like to enter the homeless ravit raffle! [/FONT][/COLOR]
1 - Melomar
2 - MoogerMint
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Toss a coin to your Ravit

Every hour you may roll 4d6 if you win a prize as shown on the table below edit your comment with what you won and use that as proof over in coin redemption
If you get two of the same number you get 1 coin
If you get 3 of the same number you get 3 coins
If you get all numbers the same you win 5 coins
If you get three numbers all as 6’s you win a Ravit egg!​
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Fresh baked cookies!
Each cookie is 50 BS creds or 5 coins!
You get to then design a cookie on the following template
Then you give this cookie to another player and they can turn it into a ravit!
Go here to turn cookies into ravits

After you make one post the following form. If paying in BS creds send them to the shop Mule @Ravits Resource

Cookie: (the image of the cookie)
From: (your username)
To who: (who you are giving it to)
Coins or BSC?: (how you are paying)
Tracker: (your tracker if paying with coins)

You may make and send as many cookies as you have currency for!
However you may only turn two you receive into ravits
You may save the unused cookies in your tracker to turn into ravits later!
Not a rule but if you use designs like markings, or colors from the trait guide then the ravit that comes from the cookie will be closer in design to it​

Here is an example cookie
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Want to help Ravits grow?
Advertise this shop by having this banner OR the cert of your Ravit in your signature linking to the shop, event thread, or group

[url=https://basiliskstew.com/forum/threads/ravits-grand-opening-cyo.1257/] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Ezvx5qk.png[/img] [/url]
For every day you have an add in your sig you get 1 ticket to a custom made by HamsterFluf
To redeem your tickets post the following form
Raffle ends June 2nd


1 - Melomar
2 -Melomar
3 -Melomar
4 -Melomar
5 -Melomar
6 -Melomar
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Grizzled Veteran
A few questions!
  1. Should each event/entry be in separate posts?
  2. Do all the events end on June 2nd, or just the raffles?
  3. For the daily herb gathering, which timezone determines when the next day begins?
This event looks like a lot of fun! :3


Grizzled Veteran
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 24
Res: 3
Herb gathering! <3

I have won:
3- Feather body herb - makes an eggs body trait feathered