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Ready for Midwinter! [Closed!]

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🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member

[prize: palette semi-custom (permafoal) from prog!]

This little permafoal is eager for the Midwinter Festival ... but why?

To enter:
Write a paragraph (or two!) about what they've been doing the past month to prepare and why they're so eager to participate in the first place!

Go wild with excuses and reasonings - even give them a name if you'd like, just remember it won't be their permanent one until it's in a certing request.

As a bonus, an entry into this game also nets you a nifty 2 AP!

(There is no form, just enter once below!)

This game ends on February 4th - the day of Midwinter - so get your entries in soon!
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Grizzled Veteran
I want to break free

While most ponies had been preparing with thoughtfulness, this little pony was instead trying to prepare a list in a panic. One of the older ponies saw fit to tease them with the idea of a beast who awakens in Spring if he wasn't satisfied with your hopes and desires, and the little perma was foolish enough to believe such a thing.
While other ponies would gather round with nothing more than tidy manes and tails, the perma appeared with a stack of 'Pros for Spring' that they'd been trying to write up for a few days in preparation, leaving many an adult shaking their heads in either confusion or considering it in jest.
It wasn't until a few sentences in, when the small perma talked about the 'sleeping beast waking up to a good morning coffee' that one of the adults stopped them and asked about the list. When the perma gave their reasoning, the circle all chuckled and revealed the truth: there wasn't a beast at the end of the festival.
The foal took it silently, before quickly tossing their entire stack of papers into the small bonfire the adults had set up.
"Well, then.... I just hope everyone has a really good Midwinter Festival. Better than me."
They pouted.

I want to break free

Jackariah Beckett

Grizzled Veteran
Maryn wandered around her home in a daze. The small winter fair of her town would be starting in little over than a week and she still didn't have enough new flavors for her snowcone stand. She had pineapple fizz that tingled your lips. And peppermint cherries for those who reveled in a chill durring winter. All she needed now was one more flavor to bring ponies to her stand.

She turned the corner into her kitchen and let her eyes cross over everything once more, hoping something would pop out at her. Then she saw it. Of course! The lemongrass sitting in a vase on her counter had been staring her in the face this whole time. A zing of excitement ran up her backbone as she finally started to feel prepared. The end of this Winter would be amazing.


Grizzled Veteran
The excitement was buzzing with everypony getting ready for the Midwinter Festival. One little Noolah was no different. They had cooped themselves up in their kitchen, flitting about. Between trying to make decorations and making some tasty treats, they had their paws full.

Unfortunately, only one task was going well.

With a quiet little “humph!”, the little foal shoved the decorations to the other end of the table and pulled over the dough bowl. They were doing their best to make sure everything was ready to go for the festival - at least where their own setup was concerned. Decorations were frustrating. But baking was much more fun! They at least hoped to have some more little treats ready for the festival if the decorations were a bust!

….They would deal with the mess later.
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