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Reoakee's Randomness Moving to a new journal please don't touch yet


Grizzled Veteran
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misc fun

currently happening.....

Andromeda forgot a number of things growing up she was never closely attached to things but tended to horde shiny things until she forgot were she placed them or got bored and moved on from the location. For a short time she was sleeping in homes that hadn’t found an owner yet thanks to a blue Pegasus. But when Andromeda found things she liked and took them the Pegasus stopped finding her places to stay. Andromeda goes a place with many shiney pages and books. She doesn’t understand them at all but she likes the ones with pictures. She often acquires the shinies from there or form the ponies who wander around the town. Sometimes they yell if they find out so she just got better so they didn’t find out and yell. She moved into house Eleganza thanks to Kyanite. She does odd jobs at the shops in the herd as the ponies there have more or less figured out what Andro is like.
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Grizzled Veteran
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Shy at first but gentle and loving once he warms up to someone. Due to a scar on his flank 'marring' his beauty he has given up on the idea of finding a mate thinking he is flawed and no long beautiful. His voice is deep and sounds like rocks in a tumbler so it can be more then a little off putting when paired with his appearance.

misc fun

[*]Prephessy Oraclation’s seasonal alignment is Winter
[*]Prephessy Oraclation’s Font color is
[*]Prephessy Oraclation was colored by Nymphiea
[*]Prephessy Oraclation was obtained via RLC blind evenelope

currently happening.....

Prephessy grew up happily like any other aquatic in a large family with the community raise him more than anything else. When he was a young foal playing in an underwater cave with his friends there was a shake and shift in the cave before it started to collapse on them. Many of the others made it out but Prephessy was trapped inside with a few others. It was dark but thanks to the angler light he and a few others had they were ok. Prephessy had been badly wounded on his flank by falling rubble. Later everyone was rescued by adults though by then Prephessy had fainted and had to be taken for immediate medical treatment.

This left a large mark on Prephessy’s life. Since that day he has been interested in medicine that has saved his life. He still carriers a deep gash in his side from the incident. He covers it with bandages that are clean so should he ever come across an emergency he has bandages he can use to help right away. He is knowledgeable about creams and care for aquatics specifically but does study about care for all pony species. He even has gone so far as to leave the deep water to study and see if he can't open a clinic to help others.

Through all his hard work he did pass his boards and is working on opening a small clinic in Everville. The Sealight Clinic will really start working when he can find some help to do so as he knows he can't do it alone. To that end he asked fro help from a little bat that honestly scared him the first time he met her. Creepy Doll offered to help at his clinic and Prephessy understood her want to help though fear of scaring others with her appearance. Prephessy hired her and is glad he found a capable nurse to help him.
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Grizzled Veteran

[*] adult, Female

[*] Taken by xx, Bisexual
[*] Children: xxx

[*] Resides in xxx
[*] Works as xxxx

[*] Creative, Bold
[*] Childish, Arrogant

[*] theme song:
[*] artwork : Adult

misc fun

[*]Asrashs’s seasonal alignment is Winter
[*]Asrashs’s Font color is FFD700
[*]Asrashs was colored by Nymphiea
[*]Asrashs was obtained via RLC

currently happening.....

Her parents abandoned her when she was small and she was found by a wonderful couple who treated her like a princess. She grew up wanting for nothing and never knowing hunger again. She tend to be childish and foolish at times but has a deep seeded fear of others abandoning her once again. It was in this state she has been found by Sharsa and she joined the group. She has a rivalry with Luminesence. She learned to dance on the side and then in time left her home to travel with the alicorn.
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Grizzled Veteran
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[*] theme song: Stay Calm
[*] artwork : Adult

Bella is sassy when she wants to but generally tends to shy away from those she doesn’t know well. Her tail on the other end tends to snap and bite at those who get too close Both Bella and her tail can see from their multiple eyes and tend to be quite alert to the area around them because of it.
misc fun

[*]Bella Truh’s seasonal alignment is Winter
[*]Bella Truh’s Font color is
[*]Bella Truh was colored by Nymphiea
[*]Bella Truh was obtained via RLC blind evenelope

currently happening.....

Bella was different from a young age and it was clear why. Both she and her tail could always keep an eye on others. Bella spends hours on her tail keeping it cleaned and well groomed. Anyone who bothered her the tail would take action to attack and thus Bella carried around her own protector. She found an escape in books and loves to share them but often times many won’t come close to her due to her particularity. She grew up to be a gamer and a hacker in her free time. She works at a computer shop called Byte Bits and fixes and works on computers and other tech objects.

Those others who seem to live for drama or have too much of it in their lives she will sympathetic to a point but if someone is just whining to whine or just being a narcissistic fool she will call them out on it. There is only so much one can do if the one in trouble doesn’t want to help themselves and won’t look for help or even think about getting help. When riled even whirlwinds fall short of the temper of this pony. If her friends are hurt emotionally she will strive to make the one who harmed them suffer. She has been known to hack lighting features in homes to have lights go on and off and inconvenient hours, order mass amounts of pizzas, embarrassing song grams or their home or place of work to the point where everyone around that pony is uncomfortable and of course she will lecture them and give them a piece of her mind. Thankfully she has not had to do this often so most have only seen her happy and cheery side when she opens up to others

She uses the username RoseteTweet when online. Her hacking title is PinkandPetty403. She loves MMORPG and will play for hours if left alone. She will play simple games like words with friends while at work if it's slow and will touch and venture into other game genres but doesn't stay interested for long. She spends lots of time listening to videos online about game secrets and best of videos. She has posted a few walkthroughs online but prefers to help others in game personally.

She ended up following weaving videos online where she met Spider spins who makes things with spider silk. After ordering and finding the work to be amazing she started to chat more with Spider Spins and the two ended up starting a relationship. Not only that but they ended up with two very sweet children who Bella thinks the world of but she will still occasionally hack computers of those around them to make sure no one is picking one her babiers.


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Grizzled Veteran
moved to new journal​
[*] adult, Female
[*] Alicorn

[*] Taken by xxx, Bisexual
[*] Children: xxx

[*] Resides in Twilight Town
[*] Runs the Written Word which is a shop that does book restoration as well as coping

[*] Fun, Gentle, Understanding
[*] Energetic, Asinine

[*] theme song: Lone Digger
[*] artwork : Adult

Précis is precise when it comes to books and what she wants but tends to ignore everything else. She will spend hours upon hours poring over books and other texts. She loves the stories and worlds born from the written word. She feels is is every bit the literary princess.


Preservation: this would protect any written work so that it could survive different environments. So it could survive traveling underwater or go through those hot humid areas this lasts quite some time if done on one written work but is less effective when done on many works at once. Several books drop the rate to a day, were as with just one make the spell last a week

Clone copy: this would copy a written work on temporarily created copy so the literature could be moved and copied so that it won’t get lost –this is often done on damaged copies so it doesn’t get worse. The clone copy gets actually written down before it fades and thus saving the written work, it can also be use to temperily read the same story by two different ponies if they are fighting little ones….- clone copies only last up to 6 hours and having to recast the spell is a pain so copy the books quickly!

Come to life: this is just a temporary illusion during a reading of a written story so that it seems to come to life around those hearing. They can break from the power by stopping listening to the story. This only lasts as long as the story so it could be 5 minutes or half a day depending, if the speaker takes a break the spell is also broken

misc fun

[*]Précis Treatise’s seasonal alignment is Fall
[*]Précis Treatise’s Font color is
[*]Précis Treatise was colored by Nymphiea
[*]Précis Treatise was obtained via RLC blind evenelope
currently happening.....

Précis made a career with her love of books she runs the Written Word which is a shop that does book restoration as well as coping. She also makes sure to travel and visit a number of book shops. She also has a friend who is an author that she encourages to keep writing.

Précis Treatise’s pet – Lady Snickers

Serapent- Small flying snakes who are incredibly gentle in nature, Serapents are normally found near the tops of mountains or in the clouds. While they actually enjoy having a pony companion, Serapents choose their owners. Try and take a Serapent who hasn't selected you home and you'll quickly find them making every attempt to escape. Serapents are warm-blooded and will die if they get too cold. They also primarily eat bugs and small rodents. They shed their skin and molt their feathers twice a year.

They attach quickly to their owners (if they selected them). Unfortunately, once their owner dies they very rarely can be rehomed. More often than not, Serapents will either return to the wild or starve to death in their mourning.

Précis Treatise’s pet – Gem

Scarab Beetle- The crown jewels and prized possessions of quite a few owners, the abundant Scarab Beetles can be found in almost any warm climate and their metallic shimmering carapaces have won them many admirers. While they aren't a very hands on pet, many collectors enjoy watching how they interact with different terrarium environments and keep careful watch of their colors and sheen. There are even little pop up shows for the beetles to compete and see who has the most stunning and healthy specimen! Given their different appearances and the climates in which they come from, their meals should be of the utmost importance in regards to what species of plant life they can eat.
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Grizzled Veteran
moved to new journal​
[*] adult, Female
[*] Unicorn

[*] Taken by xxx, Bisexual
[*] Children: Amonteal

[*] Resides in Everville
[*] Works in Words and Wisdom

[*] Honest
[*] Honest

[*] theme song: The Resistance
[*] artwork : Adult

She is stubborn and honest. She is blunt as all can be. She speaks her mind and if others leave then so be it. She has a deep love and admiration of her sister Deli and the glass making skill her sister has. Teal doesn't mind standing for hours around in silence. She considers time more important then gifts. She loves sour things and cute things.
misc fun

[*]Teal Tale’s seasonal alignment is Spring
[*]Teal Tale’s Font color is
[*]Teal Tale was colored by Marzipanz
[*]Teal Tale was obtained via Meta Pony Spring Festival
currently happening.....

Teal Tale grew up with her older sister Deli. She has always looked up to Deli and has been spoiled rotten by her. Teal tries to be independent but if anything really hurts her heart she will go and cry on her big sister's wing. Teal is friends with Mango and Cherry who sell fruit. Teal is very fond of Mango who is quite and shy. Teal is always willing to be a barrier or hiding spot for her friend.

Teal enjoys seeing the business of the spring festival but what she loves most is seeing Shadowed Flower's hair accessory stall. The other pony always says Teal is wasting her time so Teal makes sure to buy things from the stall often and has them around her room. She loves Shadowed Flower's skill and cuteness. She will always let Shadowed Flower know her feeling even though the other seems to think Teal is a bother. Teal believes someday Shadowed Flowers will see the worth that Teal sees in her.

The events of the spring festival were enough to make her want to leave Drizzle Town for a time. She didn't care if the changelings were in the open to her they were the same as they were when they were glamored. Cherry was Cherry and that was it. but what had bothered her was that her sister Deli had been frozen and the town couldn't come together or even bother to try and help her. Had it not been for Cherry and Mango Teal would have given up on town and all of them entirely. Deli was alright and it was clear her love for Cherry would keep her safe and happy. With Deli fine Teal decided to leave the town for a while. She just needed a break. While she was leaving she met a pony to travel with.

Teal Tale met a pony who could not see but had a book shop of all things set up in Drizzle Town. The pony even had a young one with her. Teal felt compelled to help out and found the pony had an amazing memory and skill with books. She has worked there for quite some time and in truth is quite happy there. She was in a for a shock of a lifetime when she was asked on a date by another pony she agreed only to have another shock of a basket appearing before her. It was a bit more then she could bear so she decided to head home for a short time hoping to get help from her sister though it seemed her sister was busy with her own affairs of life. Teal isn’t sure she is ready to be a single mother but Azar is helping her out and is very positive at all times


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Grizzled Veteran
moved to new journal​
[*] adult, Female
[*] Hybrid Ghoulie/Earth; Raindeer Morph

[*] Taken by xxx, Bisexual
[*] Children: xxx

[*] Resides in Nox’s Manner
[*] Works as Maid in Nox’s Manner

[*] Quiet, Calm, Thoughtful
[*] Straightforward, Clean Freak

[*] theme song: 45
[*] artwork : Adult

Quieter and calmer then her close friend she tends to look after the needs of others before herself.
misc fun

[*]Elisheva’s seasonal alignment is Fall
[*]Elisheva’s Font color is
[*]Elisheva was colored by nymphiea
[*]Elisheva was obtained via RLC
currently happening.....

When Seva was small she found a half dead pony who was like herself a little different. with that in mind she didn't want to leave them and ended up bring her parents to see the wounded young one. Her parents decided to bring him home and when he woke up he would not tell them his name and said he didn't want to go back to those who threw them away. Seva thought it was sad he didn't have a name so she placed her hooves on the side of his bed and told him."Well since you are my new brother now I should give you a name. .... Ken!" Her parents were taken back by this as their daughter had always been quite and never mentioned wanting more family and they had not told her they were considering taking this foal in. She never told them she had been listening the night they were whispering by the fireside about what they thought the foal had been through and that they were going to take him in. She had put on the act to make the choice easier for them and it is a secrete she never shared even with her brother whose name ened up being Kenyon and not Ken. While she and her adoptive brother got into fights as siblings do they looked out for one another and have always been close though she does threaten to bite him if he or his tail messes up her hair.

Kenyon and Elisheva sought work and found themselves on the border between fall and winter in a land called the Dark Grove. There they became employed by a hybrid called Nox. Elisheva became a maid and Kenyon a paige of the court. She has a penpal she writes to in the town of Everville who she had a bit of a cush on until he started to tell her all about the amazing ghoulie he met and how he had kids with her. Elisheva dreams of being swept off her feet and courted.
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Grizzled Veteran
Moved to new journal​
[*] adult, Male
[*] Hybrid Ghoulie/Earth; Raindeer Morph

[*] Taken by xxx, Bisexual
[*] Children: xxx

[*] Resides in Nox’s Manner
[*] Works as Paige in Nox’s Manner

[*] Protective, Joyful, Energetic
[*] Prankster, Playful

[*] theme song: All Star
[*] artwork : Adult

He laughs often and enjoys jokes he is very protective of his adoptive family and would lay his life on the line for him. His tail talks as much as he does

misc fun

[*]Kenyon’s seasonal alignment is Fall
[*]Kenyon’s Font color is
[*]Kenyon was colored by nymphiea
[*]Kenyon was obtained via RLC
currently happening.....

His youngest memories are shouting pain and darkness. He knew he was thrown away when it happened. He couldn't remember the faces of the ones who did it but that it did happen. He remembered being found by a happy loving family and of course his new little sister giving him a new name. That was perhaps the thing that saved him. He had a new name so he could let the past one go. He remembers it in the depths of his nightmares but it doesn't torture him like it used to. Instead he remembers his little sister crawling into bed with him and singing to him. Or her whining that vegetables tasted bad. Day by day and little by little he became attached and protective of her. He smiled more so she wouldn't worry and he started to think of himself as her protector. Of course she would say she didn't need it and a part of him knew it was true but he likes the role anyway so he still tries to keep close to her. He teases her more and laughs often but when no one is around and it's quite it he often remembers the dark and the yelling that came before. As such he tends to like louder places and his tail does as well often making more noise then he does.

Kenyon and Elisheva saught work and found themselves on the boarder between fall and winter in a land called the Dark Grove. There they became employed by a hybrid called Nox. Elisheva became a maid and Kenyon a page of the court.

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Grizzled Veteran
Moved to new journal​
[*] adult, Female
[*] Hybrid Ghoulie/Earth; Raindeer Morph

[*] Taken by xxx, Bisexual
[*] Children: xxx

[*] Resides in Everville
[*] Works as xxxx

[*] Loving, Open
[*] Gulable, Niave

[*] theme song: Born Ready
[*] artwork : Adult

She loves her family very much and is very niave believing most every story told to her.

misc fun

[*]Cherry's seasonal alignment is Winter
[*]Cherry's Font color is 7E0B20
[*]Kenyon was colored by nymphiea
[*]Kenyon was obtained via RLC Breeding
currently happening.....

Growing up in an ice cream shop Cherry knows a lot about dairy milk, ice cream, and of course toppings. She loves stories and is active often.
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Grizzled Veteran
Moved to new journal​
[*] adult, Female
[*] Hybrid Ghoulie/Earth; Raindeer Morph

[*] Taken by xxx, Bisexual
[*] Children: xxx

[*] Resides in Everville
[*] Works as xxxx

[*] Sassy, Strong Willed
[*] Stubborn

[*] theme song: Wannabe
[*] artwork : Adult

She loves her family very much and is sassy and stubborn about protecting it.
misc fun

[*]Chocolate's seasonal alignment is Winter
[*]Chocolate's Font color is 380403
[*]Chocolate was colored by nymphiea
[*]Chocolate was obtained via RLC Breeding
currently happening.....

Growing up in her home she loves her family and will protect them to no end.
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Grizzled Veteran
Moved to new journal​
[*] adult, Male
[*] Unicorn

[*] Taken by xxx, Straight
[*] Children: xxx, xxx

[*] Resides in Bone Town
[*] Works as Scholar Studies Defensive magic and Guard

[*] Quiet, Calm, Honorable
[*] Stubborn, Jaded, prejudiced

[*] theme song: My Demons
[*] artwork : Adult

Calm and gentle unless it comes to the Avantgarde. Cobalt is gentler then his cousin and likes to avoid conflict with others. Still that doesn’t mean he can’t be a condescending jerk at times. He tends not to like earth ponies as they remind him of his cousin. He will try hard to get along with anyone who his cousin Crimson dislikes.
misc fun

[*]Cobalt’s seasonal alignment is Fall
[*]Cobalt’s Font color is 0A29D5
[*]Cobalt was colored by xxteacup
[*]Cobalt was obtained via RLC
currently happening.....

Once there were two branches of a large family. Sadly dispute over a marriage arrangement started a small war and it has extended down the line. The cousins of Avantgarde and Vanguard have continued this feud.

Cobalt Vanguard has trained long and hard to fine hone their skills magically. They are capable of working magic better than many. They feel the rough bruteness of the Avantgarde is much like a barbarian since they only have savage strength on their side and couldn’t figure out a trap without a member of Vanguard on their side were they ever to go to battle. While the families hate one another they try to put a good show in public often paring an Vanguard with a Avantgarde. This is how the cousins Cobalt and Crimson met and grew up. They carry the loathing of the other as they have raised and grown up with it all their lives still in public settings they will stand next to one another and smile as thought they are close. Still as soon as the doors close the two snip at one another and find an excuse to leave as soon as possible. Separately of course.

Over time he has come to accept ghoulies as his cousin married one. On his way to a betrothal meeting he found himself kidnapped and taken away.
[align=center] Cobalt Vanguard's Dragon Koi - Valrune

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Grizzled Veteran
Moved to new journal​
[*] adult, Male
[*] Earth

[*] Taken by Aki Kadea, Straight
[*] Children: xxx

[*] Resides in Bone Town
[*] Works as Scholar Studies Studies Offensive Tactics and Guard / Warrior

[*] Truthful, Sassy, Honorable
[*] Stubborn, Jaded, Sharp Tongued

[*] theme song: Sheppard of Fire
[*] artwork : Adult

passionate and stubborn especially against the Vanguard. Crimson is bold and passionate about things he enjoys. He is very straightforward after speaking with others about how he feels about them. This may lead to him being disliked but he would rather be honest. He dislikes weak wills but tends to shelter anyone who his cousin doesn’t like.
misc fun

[*]Crimson’s seasonal alignment is Fall
[*]Crimson’s Font color is CA0407
[*]Crimson was colored by xxteacup
[*]Crimson was obtained via RLC
currently happening.....

Once there were two branches of a large family. Sadly dispute over a marriage arrangement started a small war and it has extended down the line. The cousins of Avantgarde and Vanguard have continued this feud.

Crimson Avantgarde has trained long and hard to be a defender and is very skilled physically. They are capable of dance and fighting equally well. They feel the flashy magic of the Vanguard is to showy and lacks substance since they are weak and tend to need a member of the Avantgarde family at their side where they actually to battle. While the families hate one another they try to put a good show in public often paring an Avantgarde with a Vanguard. This is how the cousins Crimson and Cobalt met and grew up. They carry the loathing of the other as they have raised and grown up with it all their lives still in public settings they will stand next to one another and smile as thought they are close. Still as soon as the doors close the two snip at one another and find an excuse to leave as soon as possible. Separately of course.

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Grizzled Veteran
Moved to new journal​
[*] adult, Male
[*] Earth

[*] Taken by xxx, No preference
[*] Children: xxx

[*] Resides in nowhere for long, a traveler
[*] Works as Traveler, Dancer, Thief

[*] Witty, Sassy, Sly
[*] Stubborn, Manipulative, Vain

[*] theme song: Sweet but Psycho
[*] artwork : Adult

Shining. She likes to be popular in the spotlight and she likes to win. She can be a bit witchy at times and hates to lose. She does develop a soft spot for others at times but it may take a while. If she finds someone interesting she will be sweet off the back.
misc fun

[*]Luminescence ’s seasonal alignment is Summer
[*]Luminescence ’s Font color is
[*] Luminescence was colored by marzipanz
[*]Luminescence was obtained via Custom pick
currently happening.....

Lumi likes to gather shining and bright things. They can adorn her and make her shine brighter. While she herself has no magic she has quite a collection of magical items that she uses as needed for situations.

Luminescence found her way to an alicorn names Sharsa her own doubting and soft heart lead to her being corrupted by the alicorn and now she travels looking for ponies to help kidnap and things to steal and gather items that might be useful for that group. She met a dregon called Shattered Woods and is interested in the dragon but to fall in love might be hard with her current ongoing activities.
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Grizzled Veteran
moved to new journal​
[*] adult, Male
[*] Earth

[*] Taken by Tag, No preference
[*] Children: xxx

[*] Resides in Everville
[*] Works as Artist around the town

[*] Hard Working, Creative
[*] Absorbed, Insomniac

[*] theme song: Human
[*] artwork : Adult

Creative but gets lost in his art. Lock loves to paint and can often be found creating street art that looks like it has dimension when looked at from a specific angle. He tends to be harsh critiquing his own work but seems to enjoy other artists work and can often find specific things to praise in it.
misc fun

Locks place is a single story more of a barn then a home in everville. He has to kick the door open pretty hard to get it to open smoothly otherwise it jerks and goes slow and makes a loud moan. The floors are cement it’s three rooms. A large area where his bed is a mattress with a few blankets on the floor there are sketches and supplies around it. The walls have various plans and ideas for art scatted around them held up by cheap tape and cutouts to help him template things for commissions. He has areas sectioned off with cut up trash bags so he can go from one project to another and not contaminate an area. The bathroom is small and the sink is covered with pain splotches. The kitchen has a small fridge, a microwave and a cheap table with three chairs. Small bags of food and half empty water bottles can be found as he forgets to eat when a creative mood strikes him. Since Tag has moved in the place is a lot cleaner and food is actually being stocked
outside of it is a painted 3d illusion snail

[*]Paint Lock ’s seasonal alignment is Spring
[*]Paint Lock’s Font color is #B22222
[*]Paint Lock was colored by valdmirtalamore
[*]Paint Lock was obtained via game win
currently happening.....

Paint Lock grew up in a normalish home while his father was alive but things changed shortly after his father got sick and passed away. His mother remarried as Paint Lock and his siblings were quite young and she felt they needed a father figure. His new father was nice enough to start but it didn’t take long for the drinking to take over. Then came the abuse. Paint Lock and his siblings all fled and never looked back. Growing up on their own was hard. Soon enough they broke apart one deciding to go into foster care and another thinking they could better on their own. Paint Lock did alright on his own and grew up learning small bits of different trades. In time he became a self taught artist and scrounged up some money and took some classes at a local college. He lived in and out of homes with friends and in small make to do shelters. He in time managed to save up and found a studio apartment he has been working out of. He rents it as he can’t afford to buy. The place isn’t great but it is enough to keep him dry and gives him space for making art.

Paint Lock lived in the studio for quite some time before he really became stable fanatically. He has been doing better and selling more art around Everville. He also has been doing street art as well. This was how he lived for a long time before he met a fellow street artist who he called Neon Feather. The next time he met the pony he brought them home with him and gave Tag a place to live. The owl pony has cleaned up his place and helped to brighten up Pain Lock's life.
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Grizzled Veteran
Moved to new journal​
[*] adult, Female
[*] Dragon

[*] Taken by xxx, No preference
[*] Children: xxx

[*] Resides in Pit Vipers home
[*] Works in Pit Vipers with twisted metal

[*] Witty, Sassy, Friendly
[*] Stubborn, Vengeful, Lazy

[*] theme song: Shatter me
[*] artwork : Adult

Stubborn at times but overall pretty chill. Like any other dragon Melonia likes gems and wondrous things, but she also likes burning things and making large twisted nests she can sun herself on.
misc fun

[*]Melonia’s seasonal alignment is Summer
[*]Melonia’s Font color is #9400D3
[*]Melonia was colored by xxteacup
[*]Melonia was obtained via plushie conversion RLC
currently happening.....

Melonia grew up with a green dragon named Swamp Pansy but due to his markings and weakness in the summer’s heat he was teased often. She couldn’t stand someone who she thought was so pretty be bullied so. He was a gem to her at first but then became a poison. She defended him only to have him snap at her and insult her as if she was the one who had attacked him. She dealt with this for a number of years until he up and disappeared one day. She spent time looking for him as after defending him so long there were few others who would speak to her and in truth she had become somewhat alienated from other dragons. Unable to find him she gave up and has been something of a loner since then. She met Havoc and the Pit Vipers and has taken a liking to sculpting metal that has even been used as homes in the herd's lands.
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