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Reoakee's Randomness Moving to a new journal please don't touch yet


Grizzled Veteran
Moved to new journal​
[*] adult, Female
[*] Ghoulie

[*] Taken by Narra
[*] Children: xxx

[*] Resides Aviary’s home in Divine Wings
[*] Jobless and trying to find her talent

[*] Sweet, caring, Friendly
[*] Directionally challenged, Distractible

[*] theme song: I’m a Believer
[*] artwork : Adult

Sweet and loving she can’t cook but loves food. Veri is sweet and honest. She loves to cuddle and nap and will follow others for food. She doesn’t use magic much and has a horrible sense of direction getting lost easily. Her tail chirps and thrills and loves to snag food even if Veri is trying to eat it!
misc fun

[*]Veri Berri’s seasonal alignment is Fall
[*]Veri Berri ’s Font color is #D2B48C
[*]Veri Berri was colored by xxteacup
[*]Veri Berri was obtained via plushie conversion RLC
currently happening.....

Veri had a habit of getting lost from an early age as such it wasn't long before long absences weren't even noticed by her family. As such even when she was a foal she enjoyed wandering about and finding places to eat and nap. She kept up that free flowing traveling lifestyle for much of her life. She has traveled to hotel to hotel and done many odd jobs. Recently she has been visiting Divine wings and getting food and taking naps there.
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Grizzled Veteran
moved to new journal​
[*] adult, Male
[*] Fresh water Aquatic

[*] Taken by xxx, No preference
[*] Children: xxx

[*] Resides in Luminous City.
[*] Works as waiter in Luminous City.

[*] Sweet, Gentle
[*] Wishy Washy, Distant

[*] theme song: Wannabe
[*] artwork : Adult

Gentle and sweet, Grace will often get pulled into things by those around him. He acts sassier then he rally is half the time
misc fun

[*]Grace Lace’s seasonal alignment is Spring
[*]Grace Lace’s Font color is #DB7093
[*]Grace Lace was colored by xxteacup
[*]Grace Lace was obtained via plushie conversion RLC
currently happening.....

Grace Lace has always been one to swim with the herd he likes to help others but can be a clutz at times. He works as a waiter in Luminous City. He does well at work and has an easy time memorizing long lists and knows what others like within a few visits. He doesn’t like to cook but is very happy to help clean up the restaurant when it’s ready to close for the night.

In his personal life he is fairly well liked but there is no one who Grace Lace is particularly close to. He drifts from group to group being pleasant and nice and as other come and go he doesn’t mind and it doesn’t affect him to much.
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Grizzled Veteran
[*] adult, Male
[*] Dragon; Alpaca Morph

[*] Taken by xxx, No preference
[*] Children: Quiet Wish, Feisty Pearlescence, Radiant Dreamer

[*] Resides in Varied locations
[*] Works odd jobs as he travels

[*] strong willed
[*] Cocky, Arrogant, Cruel

[*] theme song: Animals
[*] artwork : Adult

Cocky and smarmy at times Swamp doesn’t care if someone is hurt by his words. He is arrogant and cruel. He looses his temper and lashes out quickly.
misc fun

[*]Swamp Stomp’s seasonal alignment is Spring
[*]Swamp Stomp’s Font color is
[*]Swamp Stomp was colored by variablenonsense
[*]Swamp Stomp was obtained via game RLC
currently happening.....

Born Swamp Pansy he hated his name and the teasing that came from a young age. As soon as he could he left his home and set out on his own and calling himself Swamp Stomp. Occasional he does think back and remember how things were but he can’t stand being pitied or teased to this day. He had one dragon who defended him but he knew it was out of pity then out of friendship.

Once away from the influence of others Swamp began to stew in his own anger and vileness. He became cold and uncaring. He would learn to use other and drop them. His violent temper would often get the best of him making any sort of relationship strained until it would break. He became verbally and emotionally abusive blaming others for leaving him rather than looking at his own behavior. He throws things and yells but then will apologize and ply them with gifts. In short he has become toxic to himself and those around him.

He had a relationship with a pony named Dainty Pearlescence who he treated horribly. He was shocked when she left with the kids. He feels she robbed him of his kids despite the fact he never really showed an interest in them as he thought they were all worthless
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Grizzled Veteran
[*] adult, Female
[*] Pegesas; Owl Morph

[*] Taken by xxx, No preference
[*] Children: xxx

[*] Resides in Everville
[*] Works as a Estate Agent

[*] Kind, Loving, Motherly
[*] Strong Willed

[*] theme song: So You think you can walk on water
[*] artwork : Adult

She enjoys flying and the feel of wind. She likes being around others and dancing. She is always willing to listen and shelter others. She is a motherly helping hand of just sweet and loving.
misc fun

“Once upon a time there was a wicked mother. She was not evil but she was hurt in a place deep in her heart no other could reach so she became wicked and untrusting. She had a son who she did not care for nor did she seem capable of loving but in her own twisted way which was to control him and make him her puppet. This son began down a path of darkness just as his mother had done he would kidnap other ponies or beat them until they could barely breathe. Still he was weak no matter how strong he though because he was lonely in his heart. His mother was trying to find a mate she could manipulate and pair him with her son so she never had to lose control of him should he actually end up falling in love and that weak point end up being used against her. Not a nice thing to do at all little one. Matters of the heart are very serious, though I suppose so is everything else like kidnapping and harming others…. Still on with the story.

She found a pony who was kind so the wicked mother thought that made the pony weak for the pony could not fight at all. She took the kind pony to her son and told the pair the kind pony could never leave and would be the son’s mate. The kind pony could not flee then and so agrees to be the lonely son’s mate for a time. She spoke to him and told him of the outside world away from the wicked mother’s influence and what could be. She also told him she did not love him but was willing to be his friend. When the wicked mother came by and told the kind pony what to push onto the lonely son the kind pony would tell the son ‘and your mother says’ and tell the lonely son what the wicked mother said. After the wicked mother was satisfied and left the kind pony would quietly share her thoughts on things and help bring a balance to the lonely son’s life.

It did not happen right away but in time the kind pony and lonely son found they would be expecting a child. The lonely son having listened to the kind pony’s stories so long wanted a better life for his own child and helped the kind pony escape with their daughter’s basket. In time perhaps he would leave and join them, perhaps he never would but the kind pony would keep that place open for him should he choose to step into her life once more.

What happened to the wicked mother? Well she still lives and still tries to use her lonely son as a puppet I believe a part of him stays near her to stop her from hurting others. Now the lonely son has the strength of heart to stand for himself against her and keep her from doing harm to herself or others. I hope someday you get a chance to meet him as you see my dear this is how I met my child’s father long ago. So rest well sweet child and remember no matter how long the day or deep the darkness is you face there is a change to grow and change no matter what you have been through. A chance to escape a dark place and rebuild in the light. Don’t give up and rest well. For no matter what trouble keeps you from sleeping from the past or the days yet to come you can tackle it and come away even if you but a weak kind pony. Goodnight Sweet Moon Beam.”

[*]Erumara’s seasonal alignment is Spring
[*]Erumara’s Font color is #00BFFF
[*]Erumara was colored by bitsie spider
[*]Erumara was obtained via Custom pick
currently happening.....

Erumara loves to dance and to fly she is friendly and caring. She is not one for violence or confrontation. In her the past she was kidnapped by a wicked alicorn who wanted a mate for her son. Erumara spent a long time being held and slowly helped the son find some of his own heart. In time she was able to flee and it wasn’t until later she realized that the son of the alicorn had helped her more then he let on. She holds some hope for him to become a decent pony but of course she does not love him but she does not hate him either.

She now runs a real estate business where she rents homes to those in Everville. it's called Nesting Homes and she is quite proud of it.
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Grizzled Veteran
[*] adult, Female
[*] Earth; Vampire morph

[*] Taken by xxx, No preference
[*] Children: Elenelea Ithil Mallen, Dome Elea Hoth en' Ithil Coiavano

[*] Resides in Everville
[*] Works as Herbalist and Astrology teacher

[*] Kind, Loving, Motherly
[*] Vain, Sly

[*] theme song: Two Souls
[*] artwork : Adult

She can be sassy at time but is often calm and composed. She has been a vampire for a long time and is good with herbs and the stars.
misc fun

[*]Luin ’s seasonal alignment is Summer
[*]Luin ’s Font color is #00CED1
[*]Luin was colored by Abeno Seimei
[*]Luin was obtained via Custom pick
currently happening.....

Luin grew up living a nomadic life for a long time she spent of of her life moving at night rather than with the day given her herd. She became good with plants and stars most of all as she loved them. When she grew up she met a pony named Shadow who told her his herd was of the stars. The two got along wonderfully and in time they had children. Luin loves her children dearly and would not give them up for the world. Shadow’s herd moved on leaving Luin behind but not alone. Perhaps someday she may see him again but she doubts it will be in this life.
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Grizzled Veteran
[*] adult, Male
[*] Earth

[*] Taken by Maize, No preference
[*] Children: Kurydza, xxx

[*] Resides in Drizzletown
[*] Runs a small Bed and Breakfast

[*] honorable, calm
[*] Obtuse

[*] theme song: Wolves
[*] artwork : Adult

He values strength and peace. He is calm and collected much of the time.
misc fun


[*]Vesemir’s seasonal alignment is Winter
[*]Vesemir ’s Font color is #9400D3
[*]Vesemir was colored by Nymphiea
[*]Vesemir was obtained via newbie twin prize
currently happening.....

Growing up with Geralt the twins worked hard and ended up in the protection of the house Avantgarde. Geralt being stronger then Vesemir became a warrior and a guard of sorts. Vesemir learned to tend to the wounds of warriors after training and he does others tasks such as cleaning and butlering around the Avantgarde home as he hates fighting. He knows how to fight but doesn't like to.

He ended up;with baskets after one trip to Drizzle town for some minor delivery. Feeling he did not want to pull the artist Maize from her home he choose to move from Bone Town to Drizzle town so the children could grow up in their mother's home town. He has opened a small bed and breakfast as he as found keeping homes up has been easy for him given his past.
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Grizzled Veteran
moved to new journal​
[*] adult, Female
[*] Alicorn of Betrayal

[*] Taken by xxx, Unable to truly love another
[*] Children: xxx

[*] Resides in no one place, travels
[*] Harms ponies anywhere she goes

[*] Determined, Strong Willed
[*] Manipulative, Cruel, Unloving

[*] theme song: I’m the bad guy
[*] artwork : Adult

Manipulator. Sharsa isn't some sweet little mare like she'd like others to believe. She will lie, cheat and steal as long as it benefits her. If she thinks one is useful she'll play all innocent and flirty. If not she tends to show them just how sharp her tongue and sometimes her hooves really are.
misc fun

Powers: (the goal of these powers is to build doubt and agitation that lead to hurt hearts that feel betrayed.)

Ripples of doubt: This power allows Sharsa to send out waves of doubt that makes ponies think negative things about those their heart is close to. Example Wait he said he loves me but does he? The area that is affected is within speaking distance of Sharsa and it lasts for 6-8 hours.

How dare you!: This makes those around Sharsa agitated and snappish. The area that is affected is within speaking distance of Sharsa and it lasts for 6-8 hours. Ponies under this are more likely to be snappish and angry at those around them that will lead them to say things they don’t mean that make others feel betrayed. Once the effect wears off they do not remember feeling this way so any reprisal will likely result in a hurt heart for the victim who was affected as well.

Betrayal of the heart: this power makes a temporary infatuation with another pony. It lasts a day and may only target one pony at a time and as much as they loved the one who has their heart they find that level of fascination with another pony. (This can not affect true love nor can it override another alicorn’s powers if they are in effect. Example if Alicorn of love says pony A loves pony B then Sharsa can not affect this.)

[*]Sharsa’s seasonal alignment is Winter
[*]Sharsa’s Font color is #FFD700
[*]Sharsa was colored by xxteacup
[*]Sharsa was obtained via RLC
currently happening.....

She thought herself in love. She set her sights and moved in only to find the one she sought had eyes for another at first sight and left her alone. She had devoted it all to that one only to feel the sting of betrayal. It set itself deep in her marrow and when she became alicorn it was that of the alicorn of betrayal. She bore a foal to a stallion that she loves in a twisted way. She controls his life and knows his heart is weak she has never fed it love. She manipulates him and did not want another to heal the wounds of his heart to that end she found a mare and manipulated her to coming with her on a travel. Once in Shar’s clutches away from all she knew she had the pair be the mate of her son. It seemed to work well until the little wench escaped. Annoyed Shar blames being lax and become even more controlling of her son.

Learning from her mistake she has begun to gather a number of other ponies to her side. She has taken the habit of kidnapping other ponies and using her powers over them for a prolonged period of time personally talking to them and seeming very nice all the while using her powers to slowly corrode their heart and break them. She then shows them her ‘herd’ and with the acceptance to the heard she has been growing her group pony by pony and building those who will be loyal to her and not try to escape because where could they go when they feel the rest of the world hates them?
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Grizzled Veteran
Sports Shot​
[*] adult, Male
[*] Earth

[*] Taken by xxx, Straight
[*] Children: xxx

[*] Resides in xx
[*] Runs a gym

[*] Inspiring, Encouraging
[*] Short attention span, Hyper

[*] theme song: All Star
[*] artwork : Adult

An active energetic pony who loves to do things physically and has trouble sitting still
misc fun


[*] Sport’s seasonal alignment is Summer
[*]Sport’s Font color is xxx
[*]Sport was colored by xxx
[*]Sport was obtained via RLC
currently happening.....

Sport Shot is an energetic pony who runs a gym. He is a firm believer in physical fitness and can get in trouble at times in his exuberance.
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Grizzled Veteran
[*] adult, Nonbionary
[*] Changeling Mutant; Sheep Morph

[*] Taken by Honey Bee, No Preference
[*] Children: xxx

[*] Resides in Everville
[*] Traveling scout for his hive

[*] Dedicated, Curious
[*] Nervous, Paranoid

[*] theme song: Sunflower
[*] artwork : Adult

AC is suspicious of non changelings. He ventures out from the hive to make sure their hivemates are treated well. They tend to hiss often and buzz more then talk. They love flowers… to eat.. [
misc fun

[*]Auroran Cotton ’s seasonal alignment is Spring
[*]Auroran Cotton ’s Font color is #DDA0DD
[*] Auroran Cotton was colored by Nymphia
[*] Auroran Cotton was obtained via RLC
currently happening.....

Auroran Cotton grew up in the hive and was always a happy drone. They found they loved the taste of flower petals near the hive. In truth they did leave the hive once when they were very young with guidance from another hive mate so they could find a pony to mimic if they ever needed it. As soon as they could glamour the look they fled back to the hive. Another time they went out and found another pony to mimic their voice. So while their glamour look is of one pony their voice is actually from another. Again as soon they found a voice they fled back to the hive not trusting the outside world was it was cruel to their kind. Auroran lived in the hive and was quite happy but then a changeling was found and now the hive was in the open and changelings were exposed. Much of their life in the hive they never had to use their glamour and yet now with strangers about and their kind being smiled at in the light Auroran found they had to practice now. While some were kind to changelings Auroran knew there would be some who would not be. Auroran didn’t trust the non changelings. They have been venturing out and meeting others and seeing how they speak of changelings and treat them. Auroran just can’t trust the strange large newness they had always feared.
[align=center] [align=center]AC's pet Inu- Borkealis


"Bold, confident, and loyal to a fault, Inus are some of the best pets that a pony could ever ask to have on their side. While they are very loving, they are trackers at heart and those sensitive noses can cause a bit of a problem for their owners if they catch a wiff of something interesting and take them on a dizzying race towards it's origins. Their endurance knows no bounds and it makes them fantastic at agility competitions and any sort of play, they'll go for hours and leave everyone and everything in their dust as they do so. Some will even show them on occasion, but these pets like to go go GO!

With their intelligence and ability to learn on the fly they need to be constantly challenged and kept in as good a routine as possible, leave an Inu with nothing to do but sulk on it's boredom and it'll be the last time that ever happens!"
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Grizzled Veteran
[*] adult, Male
[*] Unicorn; Lion Morph

[*] Taken by Soliel and Izzy, No preference
[*] Children: xxx

[*] Resides in Twilight Town
[*] Works as a gym teacher in Twilight Town

[*] Calm, Thoughtful
[*] Push Over, Driven

[*] theme song: Better Now
[*] artwork : Adult

Lecorein is a gentle but firm soul. He actually doesn’t like pastel colors and prefers darker colors.
misc fun

[*]Lecorein’s seasonal alignment is Winter
[*] Lecorein’s Font color is ##B0E0E6
[*] Lecorein was colored by xxteacup
[*] Lecorein was obtained via RLC
currently happening.....

He acts as a gym teacher for foals. He can often be found training himself and coming up with games for the foals to play. He tries to make learning fun and teaches a yoga class in his free time

[align=center] xxx
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Grizzled Veteran
[*] adult, Male
[*] Earth; Vampire Morph

[*] Taken by xxx, No preference
[*] Children: xxx

[*] Resides in Twilight Town
[*] Works as a assistant teacher in Twilight Town and at a day care

[*] Calm, Supportive, Loving
[*] Focused

[*] theme song: Sound of Silence
[*] artwork : Adult

Elenelea loves his job and hopes to help children realize their dreams and reach for the stars
misc fun

[*]Elenelea’s seasonal alignment is Winter
[*] Elenelea’s Font color is #48D1CC
[*] Elenelea was colored by Abeno Seimei
[*] Elenelea was obtained via custom rouge breeding
currently happening.....

Elenelea doesn't always understand his mother's carefree attitude to love. He know she can love deeply but doesn't seem to stay attached to long. He once asked her about it and she told him she lost her star a long time ago. While he doesn't understand he is still supportive of his mother and her varied romances.
Elenelea was influenced greatly by his mother being a teacher. He has since then become a student teacher and runs a foal day care. He wants to be able to help others with having lots of children after his own mother raised he and his sister by herself.
  • [align=center] [align=center]Elenelea's Aquaila Fasinthe Tirith
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Grizzled Veteran
[*] adult, Genderfluid
[*] Unicorn

[*] Taken by xxx, No preference
[*] Children: xxx

[*] Resides outside of Everville
[*] Runs the Shining Garden gardening store

[*] Down to Earth, Happy, Loving
[*] Air Head

[*] theme song: Thunder
[*] artwork : Adult

Fairly down to earth Chuchan likes taking a break after a long day and enjoys being able to relax and watch the sunset
misc fun

[*]Chuchan’s seasonal alignment is Summer
[*] Chuchan’s Font color is #FF8C00
[*] Chuchan was colored by Abeno Seimei
[*] Chuchan was obtained via raffle prize
currently happening.....

Chuchan SugarShine runs the Shining Garden gardening store. it's a bit of a misnomer as there is mostly things for farming in bulk rather then just things for gardening. They love what they do and get up early in the morning to open and close a bit before dark. Their trusted Inu is often found at the front desk laying down having become something of a mascot for the store.
xxx [/list]
Chuchan Sugarshine Pet Inu - Primula Crescendo

Pixie Nixie- Sunset Flutter

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Grizzled Veteran
[*] adult, Male
[*] Pegasus animal morph; Peacock, Owl Morph

[*] Taken by xxx, No preference
[*] Children: xxx

[*] Resides in Everville
[*] Telemarketer

[*] Sly
[*] Childish, Greedy, Whiney

[*] theme song: Dance Dance
[*] artwork : Adult

He seems more sure of himself then he really is. he is stubborn and hates to loose and can be quire childish at times. He likes to be the center of attention and likes being able to brag to others
misc fun

[*] Frost Feather’s seasonal alignment is Winter
[*] Frost Feather’s Font color is #1E90FF
[*] Frost Feather was colored by xxteacup
[*] Frost Feather was obtained via RLC Sheet
currently happening.....

Growing up with liars and schemers it's not a big surprise that Frost Feather is much the same way. He will lie and cheat and steal to look good and blame others if he is caught nothing is his fault and he can't seem to trust others. Perhaps that is why he is so good at his job as a telemarketer.
xxx [/list]
  • xxx
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Grizzled Veteran
[*] adult, Nonbionary
[*] Changeling

[*] Taken by xxx, No preference
[*] Children: xxx

[*] Resides in Travels
[*] Traveler

[*] Loving, Loyal
[*] Anxious, Fearful, Paranoid

[*] theme song: City of the dead
[*] artwork : Adult

Anxious, there is a near constant ball of anxiety in their belly. They are a loyal follower of Bechtwill as that pony helped them

misc fun

[*] Leif Blight’s seasonal alignment is Fall
[*] Leif Blight’s Font color is #FFB6C1
[*] Leif Blight was colored by nymphiea
[*] Leif Blight was obtained via RLC Sheet
currently happening.....

Leif is a changeling who can not glamour. it was never an issue while living in the hive. With changelings now being more social and open Leif wants to join in but is too scared to do so. they are willing to go out with other changelings but will rarely venture out on their own.

During a venture out they met a pony who was strong enough in magic to glamor and hide them. They seemed so kind Leif decided to follow them and now devotes themselves to 'the bell witch' with everything they have.
xxx [/list]
  • xxx
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Grizzled Veteran
[*] adult, Male
[*] Earth Mutated; Multiple eyes (bleeding) + long tusk mutation

[*] Taken by Sinful Skull, No preference
[*] Children Sinful Teal, Rzzleberry Sin, Sinful Syrup

[*] Resides in Everville
[*] Runs Whistling Kettle tea shop

[*] Diligent, Thoughtful, Wise
[*] Vindictive, holds a grudge, plays dirty

[*] theme song: Drink
[*] artwork : Adult

He seems nice but in truth doesn't care to much about anything else but he likes to get paid. He knows others may find his eyes creepy with the bleeding at all so he doesn't get close to others and keeps to himself. He has become more of a soft hearted pony over time but he can still be firm if he must

misc fun

[*] Razzleberry’s seasonal alignment is Summer
[*] Razzleberry’s Font color is #CD5C5C
[*] Razzleberry was colored by xxteacup
[*] Razzleberry was obtained via RLC Sheet
currently happening.....

Razzleberry Tea isn’t as sweet as he looks he has grown up in a Tea shop the Whistling Kettle. It has been in the family for quite some time. To that end he has used it to gain information. That information he hears here and there he takes and sells to those who might be considered less then reputable. He has gotten very good at reading lips and the fact he can see from so many different places helps. The only problem is the longer his eyes are open the greater risk that blood vessels become damaged and he begins to bleed from those extra eyes. It annoys him and tends to make others nervous around him so he often keeps his eyes shut or opens them for small periods of time and changes which eyes are open often

He took an employee into his shop at the behest of one of his more regular customers a blind hybrid who seems addicted to tea. The employee was a ghoulie who had a level head and was quite enough not to speak about his more unusual guests. She had a twin who she was in a bit of a fight with. It didn't interrupt business so it was fine. and the brother seemed level headed as well after meeting him. After a time he found that the pair were 'blessed' by the unicorn of fertility. trying to figure out which place would be the best to raise the kids at he found the ghoulie was homeless. Picking up her box he took it to his home. The kids would be raised in his home and Skully would have a welcome permanent place with him. In truth he was more fond of her then he would let on but has a feeling trying to hold Skully down would chase her away.
xxx [/list]
  • xxx
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Grizzled Veteran
[*] adult, Male
[*] Mutated Ghoulie | Mutations: Extra feet fur, one eye in chest, no eyes on face, longer spikes

[*] Taken by xxx, Bisexual
[*] Children xxx

[*] Resides in Everville
[*] Works as a bank teller

[*] Friendly, Kind,
[*] Clingy, Spiteful

[*] theme song: It gets better
[*] artwork : Adult

He seems nice but in truth doesn't care to much about anything else but he likes to get paid. He knows others may find his eyes creepy with the bleeding at all so he doesn't get close to others and keeps to himself. He has become more of a soft hearted pony over time but he can still be firm if he must
misc fun

[*] Sinful’s seasonal alignment is fall
[*] Sinful’s Font color is #AFEEEE
[*] Sinful was colored by tigeria
[*] Sinful was obtained via corrupted breeding
currently happening.....
Growing up in a loving home he was quite spoiled by his siblings and parents. Sinful has no depth perception with only one eye so he tends to favor actives he can sit and do. His father runs a tea shop that he loves to sit and visit for hours after work.
xxx [/list]


  • xxx
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Grizzled Veteran
[*] adult, Genderfluid
[*] Mutated Hybrid Pixie/Dragon (Lingering mist, three eyes, mouth on neck + chest, oversized unique antenna)

[*] Taken by Hanako, Bisexual
[*] Children: Furoraru Flight, Sakura, Myst Mahana

[*] Resides in Hose Eleganza
[*] Runs The Page Turner

[*] Calm, Relaxing
[*] Smokey, eccentric

[*] theme song: Freaks
[*] artwork : Adult

He calm and very relaxed for the most part. Sometimes he identifies as female or nonbionary but mostly male.
misc fun

[*]Myst ’s seasonal alignment is Summer
[*]Myst’s Font color is
[*]Myst was colored by xxteacup
[*]Myst was obtained via RLC
currently happening.....

Myst Flight runs a book shop called the Page Turner. He also has a deep love of incense and mellow music. They seem quite scary but it is rarely the case. They can speak out of all of their mouths and use it to read to foals with multiple voices. Their mist tends to cling around them regardless of will or desire it does become thicker and more obscuring when they are stressed or want to hide. To that end they often have incense for sale in their shop and they have noticed when they do burn incense the scent will mix and linger with their mist for much of the day.

They met their mate Hanako who decided to share their life and the pair ended up with three baskets together! Myst is very proud and but a bit scared. They don’t know if the incense is harmful to foals so they don’t light it around the baskets. They love to read to the foals at night.

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Grizzled Veteran
[*] adult, Female
[*] Unicorn

[*] Taken by xxx, Bisexual
[*] Children xxx

[*] Resides in Bone Town
[*] Scholar of attack magic and some healing

[*] Strong willed, Open, Knowledgeable
[*] Feisty, eccentric

[*] theme song: Bad Apple!
[*] artwork : Adult

Strong willed, fun loving, likes getting into trouble
misc fun

[*] Azure’s seasonal alignment is Fall
[*] Azure’s Font color is #4169E1
[*] Azure was colored by xxteacup
[*] Azure was obtained via RLC
currently happening.....

Azure and Ruby are as close as their respective brothers are apart. They would often sneak out late at night together to go on adventures. Crimson would encourage them while Cobalt would scold them and make sure they weren’t injured on the way back. The girls are as thick as thieves and love to go shopping with one another and find new decorations.

Azure is strong willed and friendly she loves to travel and have adventures. She studies healing and attack magic
  • xxx
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Grizzled Veteran
[*] adult, Female
[*] Pegasus

[*] Taken by Geralt, Bisexual
[*] Children xxx

[*] Resides in Bone Town
[*] Tactician and Supply route gaurd

[*] Sweet, Open, Knowledgeable
[*] Stubborn, eccentric

[*] theme song: What is my life?
[*] artwork : Adult

Friendly, sweet often going along with azure
misc fun

[*] Ruby’s seasonal alignment is Fall
[*] Ruby’s Font color is #B22222
[*] Ruby was colored by xxteacup
[*] Ruby was obtained via RLC
currently happening.....

Azure and Ruby are as close as their respective brothers are apart. They would often sneak out late at night together to go on adventures. Crimson would encourage them while Cobalt would scold them and make sure they weren’t injured on the way back. The girls are as thick as thieves and love to go shopping with one another and find new decorations.

Ruby is friendly and sweet and is a scout as well as supply line planner.
  • xxx
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