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[Research Co-op] Learning more on Lefmew (Eulalio & Adette)


Grizzled Veteran
Trainer: Eulalio Demetriou Florakis & Adette Canmore
Project: Task: #01 - Meet the Locals
Assignment: Assignment 6: Study a Lefmew
Requirement Proof: Sundrop the Lefmew

Options Chosen: Physical Quirks + Notable Behaviors!

Study FocusStat to RollDifficultyOn success, you find...
Physical QuirksIns + Lore3... these pokémon are mostly fluffy fur! Its body underneath the puff is quite small and light - enough that they can float on a good breeze with just a few flaps of their leaves!
Notable BehaviorsClever + Alert3... that lefmews like to bury their body in the soil to escape the heat. The dirt helps them cool off, and the position lets them camouflage as a plant in order to photosynthesize safely.

Who Is Rolling: Adette/DavyJnah is rolling for Physical Quirks, Eulalio/Rano713 is going to roll for Notable behaviors


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 2 2 1 4 9
Physical QuirksIns + Lore3... these pokémon are mostly fluffy fur! Its body underneath the puff is quite small and light - enough that they can float on a good breeze with just a few flaps of their leaves!


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 1 1 1 3
Notable BehaviorsClever + Alert3... that lefmews like to bury their body in the soil to escape the heat. The dirt helps them cool off, and the position lets them camouflage as a plant in order to photosynthesize safely.

Eulalio, you can do it, i believe in you :kirakira:


Grizzled Veteran
Adette had wanted to take a good look at Sundrop and suggested that maybe the pair of them could study the lovely Lefmew together, with Azula accompanying them because she did not want to be left behind. With a wave as they came to the clearing she gave a thumbs up to Eulalio. "So! You ready for some observations about this adorable baby?" She asked Azula pressed herself into their trainer's leg, wary of Sundrop. "Tor tor." Azula giving her approval for them to begin while she hung back a little.


Grizzled Veteran
Eulalio gently bounced Sundrop in the air as they waited for Adette. The lefmew was loving it so far but Eulalio worried that it might end up too hot today and the lefmew would disappear as they were apt to do on days like this. Well, at least if they disappeared, Eulalio would have help looking for them this time.

Catching Sundrop as they fell into Eulalio's waiting hands, they gave a small wave to Adette as she approached. "Heya! Absolutely ready for it!" Spotting the torchic, Eulalio set Sundrop atop their head and waved to the little one. "And a good hello to you too," they cooed at the cute blue fluff. Sundrop, spotting the friendly trainer, floated over to Adette to land in her arms.

"So we're trying to learn about lefmew's physical quirks and any notable behaviors they have!"


Grizzled Veteran
Sundrop was probably one of the cutest pokemon that Adette had met of Eulalio's pokemon. Oh how she wanted one of her own in the future! A big grin sneaking its way across her face as she hugged the other puff ball there, to Azula's disdain as the Torchic nudged her trainer harder. "Oh Azula, I'm not replacing you. I am allowed to give some love to others too." Leaning down carefully bringing Sundrop closer to her own pokemon. "Physical quirks and notable behaviors." Seemed simple enough as she fully set Sundrop down and patted them on the head as she also patted Azula as well.

As small as Azula was, she was very very pushy today and was a little bit distracting as the blue fluff attempted to squirm into her lap. "I appreciate the little bit of cooling Azula but we are trying to do something here...." This did not sit well with blue Torchic as she decided she was going to just turn around and head back the way Adette and her had come.


Grizzled Veteran
Eulalio had expected some sort of acknowledgement from the torchic, and was a bit surprised when the pokemon ignored him to pester Adette instead. Why would they-- ahhh, jealousy. They covered their mouth so that the pokemon couldn't see their soft chuckle. It was cute how much the little torchic wanted their trainers attention. Eulalio didn't really have any pokemon that were quite like that. Rue and Sundrop both loved people, and loved them, but they weren't that attention greedy.

"We can do some research on you some other time little Azula. We're trying to focus on Sundrop today." Eulalio couldn't help but try to reassure the cute fluff. It didn't work, as the torchic just started off back towards the dorms. Blinking in surprise at this, Eulalio left behind their pen and paper and went to trail after the errant pokemon. "Does she do this often?"

Sundrop, on the other hand, was just happy for company. They meeped happily at the cuddles, and a rumbly sort of purr started up.


Grizzled Veteran
By Ho-Oh and Lugia, She though to herself, exasperated with Azula. She really did love this little Torchic but she's a hot mess when it comes to attention. Though she recalled back when her other Pokemon were like this, especially the twins. So she chuckled. Azula didn't go that far from them, getting just far enough that one would have to get up and walk to her. Sitting down and then just turning back to see if either trainer had come to follow. Since neither of them came quickly, she gave the loudest chirp before turning away.

"She doesn't do it very often, but yeah that's about right. Usually she's more chill but she's got her feathers in a ruffle." Her lavender eyes looking over at Eulalio for a moment before looking back over at Azula. "She'll come back. Azula reminds me of my other Pokemon who were like this when they hatched. She's still a baby so I won't fault her for her clingy-ness." Getting up, she headed over to Azula, picked her up, and snuggled her. "A bit better now?" Adette asked the little blue fluffball.

"Chic." Azula cawed happily. Burying herself into her trainer's chest. It was quite an adorable sight to see. "Can we get back to checking out Sundrop?" Adette questioned the small baby. "Do any of yours get like this at all?"