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[Research Co-op] Toto-lly confusing Totodile! (Wynnie and Tori)[Complete]


Grizzled Veteran
Used for: Tori Shell, Amateur rank!

Trainer: Wynmond Collins and Tori Shell
Project: Task: #01 - Meet the Locals
Assignment: Assignment 2: Study a Nauwillian Totodile
Requirement Proof: Barker the nauwillian totodile - belongs to Wynmond

Options Chosen: Temperament and Notable behaviors

TemperamentClever + Etiquette2... that they seem to be rather playful, with even the calmest ones still enjoying a playful tussle. They don't seem to be aware of their own strength, though!
Notable BehaviorsClever + Alert3... this pokémon gets extremely lazy as the sun goes down, perhaps due to their reptilian nature. They eagerly cuddle up to warm surfaces!


... this pokémon is extremely territorial, and even a good natured one doesn't seem to back down from protecting something that they think belongs to them.

Who Is Rolling: Wynmond/Nym is going to be rolling for both!
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Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 2 5 6 6 1 4 24
Temperament roll = Success


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Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 2 2 6 5 5 3 23
Notable Behaviors roll = Success


Grizzled Veteran
Tori heaved a long sigh. None of her pokemon had made it through quarantine yet and she didn't own any of the new variants of pokemon they'd discovered here. Aside from making food for people and just being friendly, there wasn't much for her to do to contribute to everyone learning about the new island. She wanted to help! She wanted to find new pokemon and flora and make delicious food for everyone!

In the hopes that she'd find someone in need of maybe a little bit of help Tori made sure to wander through the town as much as she could. After all, everyone needed to see a friendly face and it would help her get to know everyone.

Like maybe the guy who was hanging out with a totodile on the outskirts of town. He looked like he could use a bit of cheering up! She wasn't sure what it was he was doing, but she was sure that everyone could use a friend.

"Hello there!" she cheerfully called out as soon as she was in range.


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Wynmond was tired, but when wasn't he? This time it wasn't just typical insomnia, though; no no no. Two nights ago he had been called to collect his newly hatched totodile. He had been utterly and completely enamored with his first pokemon ever, so much so that everything else felt exhausting. It wasn't like he had never been around pokemon, but having one under his direct care was a first for him. It was, honestly, one of the reasons he even decided to come to Nauwill in the first place; chase after an adventure all his own and try new things without the shackles of his previous life keeping him confined or reminding him that he had always struggled to amount to anything. No one knew him here -- he could be anyone.

And now he was a pokemon trainer.

So, he was exhausted -- overrun by so many emotions and consumed by his own excitement until it had begun to quite literally eat away at him. Not sleeping was far less tiring than this, but it wasn't as rewarding. He felt like a child again, except without the new eye injury and trauma blanket.

Sleep was still not accommodating, and with the newfound energy still pounding in his chest he had decided to do something to expend it. That meant taking Barker, his new and adorable totodile, to the city's outskirts, away from the bustling rooms full of other new trainers, and off somewhere secluded and full of fresh air for the totodile. Barker was absolutely loving it, flipping between curiously shoving anything and everything into their mouth and then taking small nibbles out of his trainer, who didn't fuss too much over it. Wynmond was still love-struck; Barker could probably take his other eye out with little complaint at this moment.

What he hadn't expected was the sound of someone else approaching, head snapping upright to catch the sight of another person who looked very chipper and delighted to see him. Barker crooned beside his leg, head tilting and body leaning to the side with both hands clutched onto Wynmond's legs, peeking at the newcomer. There was a delay in any response and activity as Wynmond considered what to do; he wasn't the most social person, but also he wasn't sure if Barker liked others, either. He didn't have much time to debate it, though, as the reptile suddenly found itself upright and began a full run at the newcomer.

"Barker, wait-" It was too late, the totodile had decided what they were going to do with or without Wynnie. He chased after his pokemon, closing the distance between him and the girl who had just arrived.
"Sorry, he's really friendly, I guess. I don't think he'll hurt you."


Grizzled Veteran
Tori tried to keep her attention on the other trainer, she really did, but with how cute the totodile was being--holding onto their legs and peering at her-- she let out a soft coo. Tori couldn't help it, water pokemon especially were a weakness of hers and she loved all the cute totodiles running around town. She just hoped that she could apply for one of the eggs they had available for beginning trainers while she waited for her pokemon to come through quarantine. She was avidly hoping that she could get out into the field and search for more new water variants, or well, any new variants really. She wasn't really well suited to doing research so she was left compiling things for others to look over with a better eye.

That didn't mean that she couldn't help take care of other's pokemon. To Tori's delight, the totodile detached from their trainer and full on sprinted towards her. Since it was more of a happy-to-see-you sprint than an angry get-away-from-us run, Tori squatted down and scooped up the pokemon when it was in range.

"Oh well aren't you one of the most beautiful totodiles I've seen on the island? Oh yes you are, yes you are!" she cooed to the friendly totodile. Turning to the trainer, her smile brightened by about 100 watts and she proceeded to set the totodile on her hip as if it was a toddler. "He's totally fine! Water types are one of my favorite and he just wanted to say hello, didn't you?" She couldn't help but play with him some before remembering that maybe the other trainer might not want some stranger manhandling their pokemon.

"Right, um! I'm Tori! What were you guys doing out here?" She asked, pausing before offering the totodile to the other trainer. "Did you need any help with it or-" Tori noticed the bite marks and small scratches that the other trainer had "-or some first aid maybe?"


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If Wynmond was honest he was glad it was this trainer specifically who had met Barker first. He had been worried the moment Barker detached himself from his leg and bolted at her. Not because of anything Barker might do, but more how someone would react. Totodiles weren't behemoth monsters, but they still had plenty of sharp and pointy bits that would make many a trainer balk if one was full sprinting at them, as Barker was currently doing. Or, had done. Wynmond felt his shoulders tense as Barker was lifted, cooed at, and then balanced carefully on the trainer's hip. He didn't like it, frankly, but Barker was absolutely delighted, evident in his loud croons and calls in return.

Ugh. Now he was forced to interact with the stranger. 'Damn it, Barker.'

Barker squealed when the trainer returned their attention to him briefly, grabbing at their arms playfully and slapping their hands against them. Wynmond noted the behavior, fingers itching to pull his notebook out to log the fact that Barker remained as jovial and playful, even with a stranger. Was that the typical totodile temperament, or just Barker himself?

"Just getting some fresh air," he answered, breaking the distance between them and reaching out to accept Barker. Except, Barker didn't want to be taken back, instead flailing in the trainer's grip and clamping down on her arm with his teeth, thrashing a bit too roughly. It was all in an attempt to play, but Wynmond instinctively knew it'd hurt. His hands flew out and pried at Barker's jaw, grunting as the totodile refused to open his maw.

"Barker, we don't play rough with others!" He scolded, which didn't seem to sway matters. Yeah; he was definitely reporting this to the researchers. Playful, but clearly unaware of their own strength. He had enough bite marks, scrapes, and destroyed clothing to have proven it earlier, but now it was crystal clear. Barker just chortled in absolute delight, still latched onto the stranger with a look of glee on his face.

"Barker." Wynmond tried again, tone firm yet tinged with weariness at the edges. The totodile regarded him curiously, slowly unlatching from the girl and huffing as he flopped into Wynmond's hands, who eagerly clutched the totodile to his chest. With the reptile now contained he could regard the stranger--Tori-- properly.

"I am so sorry. Is your arm okay? "
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Grizzled Veteran
Careful of the totodile's sharper bits, Tori was happy to give the little guy attention. With all her pokemon still in quarantine, she didn't have any buddies to play with. To say she was disappointed when the other trainer went to take back the precious totodile was an understatement. Only, the totodile didn't seem to want to be separated from her.

"It's--" She could have handled the flailing, but the sharp teeth around her arm were another story. Wincing, Tori tried to adjust how the totodile was in her arms so that he couldn't have quite as good a grip as he currently did, but between the additional flailing and the other trainer diving in to try and pry Barker's jaws from her she was stuck. One hand was supporting the totodile to keep from dropping it, and the other went to the other side of his jaw to try to get him to open up. The angle was all wrong so she couldn't quite reach with how he was positioned so she had to wait until he released her voluntarily or the other trainer got him to let go.

When at last her arm was released, Tori relinquished Barker into Wynmond's arms before turning her arm to check for damage. There was a definite imprint from where the totodile's teeth had been and the places where he'd dug in hardest were slowly filling with blood, but the wounds were definitely a minor thing and not nearly as bad as it could have been had the totodile been meaning to cause harm. After all, the claws had also caught her a couple times, but not hard enough to scratch or tear skin.

Sniffing and wiping her eyes where involuntary tears had gathered, Tori offered the other trainer a slightly pained smile. "It's nothing too bad. Bit deep, but I've some bandages and can get it patched right up." Tori patted her trusty bag. Some medical supplies and some snacks were stashed away on the off chance someone would need them. Pulling out a handful of bandages and medical wipes, she offered some to Wynmond. "You look like you need some too. Let me bandage you up and then we'll both feel better?" It was a request more than a demand, but the undercurrent of worry was true.


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Wynmond felt horrible. Absolutely wretched. The marks on her skin were because of him; his inability to control his pokemon and his failure to stop Barker from reaching her. His hands gripped Barker tightly, running a thumb over scales in an attempt to self-soothe. Barker squirmed to angle their head to peer between Wynmond and Tori, head tilting side to side with each flick of their eyes, their wide smile deflating at the edges and replaced with a confused wobble.

Ugh -- that made Wynmond feel even worse.

"No no, it's fine," Wynmond found himself answering before his brain did, followed by a head shake. "These aren't the first and won't be the last. Just, focus on bandaging yourself, please."

Barker reached up to gently pat Wynmond's face, patting with an audible slapping sound. He was trying, Wynmond noted, which was further evidence they hadn't meant any harm. It wasn't on Barker, anyway -- it was Wynmond's job to control the situation, and he hadn't.

"Do you need help?" The one thing Wynmond hated more than meeting strangers was touching or being touched by one, but that was overridden by the absolute gut-wrenching concern and guilt he felt. He set Barker down gently by his feet, glancing to check the totodile didn't take this as a chance to lunge again. Barker had found something more interesting, however, and waddled off to plop and roll directly into a beam of sunlight.


Grizzled Veteran
Tori frowned, her cheeks puffing out a bit at the rejection of getting himself bandaged but relented. Opening up the set of wipes, she carefully cleaned the entire area of the bite. The alcohol wipes stung, but she knew it was for the best. "I-I got this."

"You really should get them patched up though. Especially if you're going to go out exploring with um, with Barker. You'll be out in the wilds and you could get stuff in the open wounds and that would be bad!"
Tori tried to explain her worry as she finished cleaning her own wounds. Next up was carefully wrapping them up. It wasn't the first set of bandages on her, results of her being her clumsy self, and it certainly wouldn't be the last.

Once she was taken care of, Tori turned her attention back to the two of them. She chewed on her bottom lip, seeing how scraped up the other trainer was. "I get scraped up a lot, so I know these sorts of things. C'mon please, I have the stuff for it and everything!" Tori did her best to give Wynmond her very best puppy eyes, pleading with him to let her help. "Look, we can get it taken care of while he's sunbathing even!"


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"I have the stuff I need back home. It's not like I wouldn't clean them up, I just can't right here." Wynmond's voice dripped exasperation, vaguely annoyed at Tori's insistence. He knew how to take care of himself- well, at least wound care. He wasn't dumb or gross enough to just leave gashes to fester on their own. He hadn't come to a remote and unpopulated island without knowing he'd need to be on top of his first aid care, he just hadn't gotten a chance to tend to the latest scrapes and cuts. He also wasn't a fan of puppy eyes, evident when his eyes narrowed in response. It put him on the spot, reminding him he wasn't a nice person at the end of the day.

She reminded him of Jun.

He glanced back at Barker, who had nestled into the evening sun rays nicely, and let out an unregulated sigh. If she was going to pester him then he wasn't going to filter himself anymore. It was only fair. Besides, she was the one who had gotten actually hurt!

"Fine," he relented. It'd make her stop, at least, although he absolutely detested being touched. At least by strangers. "If you insist."

He settled down onto a nearby bench for easy access, hunching into himself and sprawling long legs, where most of his cuts and scrapes were. His arms were covered by his jacket, something he was incredibly grateful for at that exact moment. It'd still take some time to bandage the rest, as while Wynmond was correct they weren't that bad he was still absolutely covered in chew marks and scrapes as if he was a walking chew toy for the now sprawled Barker.

"Medical supplies are valuable out here -- you shouldn't offer them to everyone who has a bruise or cut here."


Grizzled Veteran
Tori continued with the puppy eyes until Wynmond relented. Him not being able to because he didn't have the supplies was exactly the reason that she made sure to have some with her. When her twin had been out on his own, he had always talked about how he wished he'd thought to bring more supplies out with him. Now that he was off doing whatever it was on the island without her, she tried to make sure that she had the things he had complained the most about needing with her. If it helped even one person out, then it was worth it.

If her grin had been bright before, it only intensified when Wynmond relented to allow her to help him out too. "If your totodile was hurt at all, I'd be asking to help them out too. My twin was always patching me up when we were younger, so I had to learn how to do it myself when he left to do his ranger training. He was always grouching at me about how I got so many scrapes and bruises all the time."

Tori waited until Wynmond was settled and then knelt by his legs. Taking a moment to observe all the various wounds he had, she was glad that most of them were superficial. There were quite a few, so it would take time to bandage, but nothing too serious.

"This will sting a bit!" she warned. Pulling out a couple more medical wipes, she began gently wiping at the wounds, starting at the ones nearest to his feet and working her way up. "I mean, you have a point, but nobody should have to go without basic medical care. Besides, my family has been sending me and my brother um, care kits? With like medical supplies and stuff in it, because I tend to get hurt a lot," Tori's smile was a bit more grimace than smile, but there was an attempt. "Besides, why wouldn't I want to share with a new friend? Especially one with such a friendly totodile!"

She paused after making sure everything was wiped clean and took a look at the totodille, so so excited for when her pokemon came through from quarantine and she could go out exploring and find out what new types of pokemon were out there. "I'm so excited to see why the totodiles here are brown instead of the normal blue. Barker is such an interesting little guy! Have you had him for very long?" Tori talked as she started bandaging up Wynmond's legs, making sure everything was taken care of and secure.


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Wynmond shot a glance towards Barker -- he was fine. In fact, the totodile was completely on their back and lulling in the setting sun with a look of pure content. Wynmond couldn't help but smile at the sight.

Tori knelt beside his legs and he fought the visceral urge to kick his legs in response. His hands gripped his jacket, burying his nails into cloth to counteract the burning discomfort he felt at someone touching him. Curse his decision to wear shorts -- who even wore shorts with a trench coat? When did he think he could pull that look off? He should have just let himself overheat.

"Tch," he twitched at the prewarned stinging, an eye narrowing until it dulled. He noted her grimace, filing it away for later; don't talk about her parents. If he ever saw her again, which... was growing more likely as Doveport accepted more and more trainers. Fair, though; he felt similar.

New friend. She didn't even know his name. Because he hadn't told her, which he should have done back when she introduced herself. Everything in him wanted to be the cynical asshole and reject her claim; they didn't even know each other, and friendships couldn't and weren't that easy. Not to him, at least, but what would he know? He wasn't the most social butterfly. You know who did deserve her compliments, though? Barker.

"Yeah, he's a good boy. Even if his teeth are sharp." He had turned his attention back to Barker for a moment, fondly chuckling.

"I got him earlier last week, back when the storm came in. His egg hatched that night. So, probably about 5 or 6 days?" This was easier to converse about, thankfully. "He's been full of energy, which is why I came here. Although..."

The sun was still midway from setting, but the difference was noticeable. Barker was winding down and had consistently done so every day at this time. "Huh. He always cools off when the sun starts setting." Interesting. Something to note later, perhaps?

He glanced back to Tori, eyes flicking to examine her outfit. No sign of a pokeball.
"Do you not have a pokemon?"


Grizzled Veteran
"He is super cute!" The compliment was for totodile, but could be applied to both of them really. Tori noticed the flinching, but considering the medical wipes could sting didn't think anything of it. After another few moments observing the totodile, she turned back to her task. She took her time bandaging Wynmond's legs to make sure they wouldn't come loose as he walked around or if Barker decided to try pulling on them.

"That's so exciting to get a new pokemon! I know when my Shelly first hatched I couldn't sleep I was so excited." Tori had been around enough newly hatched pokemon that she knew she'd always love those first few moments. Waiting for the pokemon to hatch and then getting to introduce them to the world and care and love them. It made her heart so full. She'd been so young when she first got her lapras, and they'd been together ever since.

"Oh he's just a baby!" Tori had to resist the urge to squeeze her cheeks and coo once more over the totodile. She had to focus, had to finish bandaging Wynmond first. He cooled down when the sun started setting? Hmmm..

"Maybe he's more cold-blooded? Does he get really cuddly when it's cooler?" Tori hadn't been around a normal totodile, but from what she remembered they liked cuddling up to heat sources when it got chilly out. She'd looked at them a bit when they first told her about these new variants on the island.

As she finished bandaging Wynmond up, she shook her head. "No, my trio haven't made it through quarantine yet. They tell me that Shelly and Pearl are more likely to come through sooner than my Fen though. They don't want a kantonese bulbasaur messing with the variant that live here. But I'm hoping they'll be through soon."

Getting up, Tori clasped her hands together and bowed a little bit. "While I'm waiting for them, would you mind if I helped you learn more about your totodile? I really want to learn about the different water pokemon that live on the island but they don't have any more totodiles free for me just yet and I can't go out into any of the cleared areas until I get a pokemon to go with me. But you having Barker here could work perfectly!"

"Not that I just want to be friends with you because of your totodile though!"
Tori had to quickly banish that thought if it even had occurred to the other trainer. She reached forward to grab Wynmond's hands and pull him up, squeezing them to help convey her sincerity as she smiled up at him. "That's just an added benefit to making a new friend!"


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She was right, Barker was absolutely cute. He could agree with that. Excitement was an understatement, perhaps. Sure, it was, but he also felt a mixture of other emotions he couldn't yet place his finger on, or even try to. Overwhelming was a great word he felt at the tip of his tongue, but he also knew he had asked for it by coming to Nauwill.

Had he made the right choice?

Regardless, it was on him now, and he was responsible for himself and Barker. He couldn't mess it up; there wasn't room for that. He had come here of his own volition based on a whim and he was going to have to face that fact, or else Barker could suffer, and that wasn't an option he ever was going to take.

'Oh, he's just a baby!'

Wynmond glanced at the mentioned youngling, exhaling sharply. Yeah, just a baby. His baby. A baby who was absolutely cold-bloo- wait. Wait. Why hadn't he thought of that prior? Of course, Barker was cold-blooded, duh. He was a totodile! It'd be weirder if he wasn't! He'd need to note that when he turned in his research notes, although he doubted they really needed the reminder. No wonder Barker liked to crawl into his skin practically at night.

"The room has been cold lately. I'll have to fix that, won't I?" His voice dipped into a babied coo as his attention shifted mid-sentence towards Barker, who answered by opening one eye for a fraction of a second.

Tori rose and Wynmond glanced down at his legs, running his fingers over the bandaging. She had used a lot of them, but that was on her, he guessed. He placed a hand onto the ground to help push himself upright, only to be stopped as she seized his hands and pulled him upright. Immediately, once he was situated, he jerked his hands back to himself and felt the hot wave of embarrassment rush through him. 'Stop being a fucking weirdo,' was the first thought in his head, aimed directly at himself.

"Uh, I-" 'Compose yourself. It's a simple question.' "I prefer learning on my own, I retain information better that way, but if we're around at the same time...."

Where was that sentence leading to? If she bumped into him he wouldn't run away screaming? Something of that effect. He scooped a sleepy Barker into his arms, gently shifting the reptile until they were gently resting their head on his head. Cute. Cute!

"He probably could use more interactions with people not me," he murmured lowly. "So, maybe, that could work out." As uncomfortable as he was he could see the merit in Barker meeting other trainers not himself, just to be prepared. As much as he was keen on finding an excuse to back out of any further commitment he also was incredibly dedicated to ensuring, at a bare minimum, that Barker lived a fulfilled and enriched life while under Wynmond's care. After all, Barker hadn't asked to be raised by the mess that was Wynmond; he deserved the best that could be offered.

Barker yawned loudly and shifted, grumbling as they struggled to get comfortable. Wynmond chuckled, lifting the edge of their jacked to blanket the sleeping pokemon.

"I am going to head back; he's tired. I'm sorry, again, that he bit you. We're going to work on that... right?" He directed the last word to the totodile, who whined in return.
"If you need repaying for the bandages please let me know. I have a kit back at the place."


Grizzled Veteran
Pleased that she'd been able to help figure something out, Tori grinned at how Wynmond was obviously enamored with Barker. She couldn't wait for her own pokemon to come through. She could introduce them to both Wynmond and Barker and she was sure that her pokemon would love the extra company. They'd taken after her in that regard.

Tori blinked for a moment as Wynmond yanked his hands away. As he blushed, Tori thought that maybe he just didn't like holding hands. She gave him a sheepish look, before softly frowning. It might be easier for him to learn, but she could help! Then, before she could argue for her cause, she took the last half of Wynmond's statement to mean that he wouldn't mind her company though. Gleeful, Tori barely restrained herself from scooping up Wynmond's hands again.

The sight of a sleepy Barker dozing against Wynmond's shoulder was too precious for words. Pulling out her phone, she gestured as if to take a picture. "Oh that is just too cute. Here, let me see your phone and I'll take a picture. I have a couple from when my trio were babies and it's the cutest thing to have." She could take a picture for him and then send it to herself so she could have a copy. Maybe she'd even get it printed out and framed. There were a couple picture frames with similar pictures in her room waiting to be hung up and she knew she loved having them.

"Yes we should totally meet up again! Maybe when I have one of my pokemon again so they can play with one another too? That way neither of us end up as chew toys. I can look into getting everything set up so they have a good place to play in." Tori did her best to keep her voice on the lower end, but between her excitement and the very cute sight in front of her, her voice did get a bit louder every now and again before she would reign herself in.

Today might have started out on the lower end of things, but running into Wynmond and Barker had more than made up for it. Now more than ever she couldn't wait for her trio to come through. Shelly and Pearl and Fen would have someone new to play with and she could take more time to learn about the totodiles. Already her mind was racing on the differences between the normal totodilles and the ones that had been discovered on the island. If that was one thing, then how different would other water types be?

Watching as Wynmond got Barker more settled in, Tori's smile softened. "That sounds like a plan. Make sure you take care of yourself too, ok?" Tori waved away the apology. It had hurt, but it wasn't too bad and she could take care of it well enough. "Thanks, but I'll be fine. I can take care of it, and if not I'll always have Adrien mother-henning me."


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Tori gestured and Wynmond raised an eyebrow, quickly putting it together and, carefully, prying his phone free from his pocket and handing it over. Look, he didn't have any photos yet of Barker and he absolutely wanted one for his lock screen. What he hadn't expected was for her to want to send the picture to herself, but at that precise moment he was willing to relent if it meant he could leave sooner. He desperately needed to decompress and also tuck Barker in for the night. Maybe even get some food, now that he realized he had yet to eat...

When she was done and had handed back his phone he managed to squirrel it away into his pocket and adjust Barket gently, shushing the reptile as they squirmed in their sleep.

"Thanks, yeah." And with that he departed, taking with him a snoozing Barker.


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Research Done!

Nym Wordcount:

Handing Over To:


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1x fairlight gw for Wynmond Collins
2500 tier: 12p

1x vca gw for Tori Shell
2500 tier: 12$