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Pokémon Expeditions

[Research] Let's learn more about you (Complete)


Grizzled Veteran
Trainer: Adette Canmore
Project: Task: #01 - Meet the Locals
Assignment: Assignment 3: Study a Nauwillian Torchic
Requirement Proof: Azula the N. Torchic

Options Chosen: Temperament and Physical Quirks


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 5 4 2 11
TemperamentClever + Etiquette2... these pokémon are extremely high energy, and they require a good amount of stimulation to keep them happy. They get bored quickly.



Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 2 4 4 6 16
Physical QuirksIns + Lore3... despite having an organ to generate fire, this pokémon's skin actually generates a tiny amount of ice under its down constantly, causing the cooling effect of its fluff!



Grizzled Veteran
With the storm outside Adette had decided that she was going to write up some observations of Azula in her room, how humid it was outside she was not going to be out there willingly. Her three Pokemon were playing happily together in her living room like area that she had, it seemed to help calm them down to be together and doing something together. How wonderful that they all got along really well. Now if she could get her other Pokemon out of quarantine she could see how well all of them reacted to each other. Now was not the time to think on that though, she needed to get some observations down on this little blue fluff.

She noticed that whenever Azula wasn't doing something she could really be a handful and somewhat of a brat. What she really needed were some toys to make to keep her occupied because then when there was down time like this Azula could stimulate herself. Training seemed to help and she needed to get back to that, especially with the two Pokemon who would actually be able to come with her on explorations, that being Azula and Owaissa. As soon as the three of them stopped playing and settled down Azula was heading over to her trainer. The look on her face was mischievous but playful. Owaissa and Walhberct decided that it was time for a nap but here was Azula ready for more action and not tired at all. "Before you decide to get wild, we are going to get some things done Azula. I need to check you out a little."

Picking up the lovely little Torchic she grinned. The cool feeling that she felt made her look at Azula little bit closer. Azula squirmed a little as Adette took a closer look at her and noticed an interesting detail about her little friend. What a fascinating thing! Quickly she wrote a few things down in the notebook. She wondered if this coolness that she felt would continue on in Azula's evolution. At least this time she hadn't gotten distracted like the last few times.

"So you've got some ice and you need this constant stimulation." Tapping the pen on the bottom of her chin. "You sure are interesting. I'm excited to see our journey together Azula." The little blue Torchic tilted her head and made a little cooing noise. "Berry?" The green haired female asked even though she knew the answer, Azula was absolutely obsessed with the berries. "Chic." Azula replied, hopping a couple of times on her feet. "I think some training is in order then. Keep you occupied for a bit." She headed over to the little fridge she had and pulled out a few berries and let Azula gobble them up. Finishing up her observations she grinned, there were plenty of notes that she had written down over the last few times of study, plus also a few things she had crossed out. At least there would be more information on the Torchic's of Nauwill.