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Pokémon Expeditions

[Research] N. Torchic (Complete)


Grizzled Veteran
Trainer: Adette Canmore
Project: Task: #01 - Meet the Locals
Assignment: Assignment 3: Study a Nauwillian Torchic
Requirement Proof: Azula the N. Torchic

Options Chosen: Temperament and Physical Quirks


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 4 2 1 7
TemperamentClever + Etiquette2... these pokémon are extremely high energy, and they require a good amount of stimulation to keep them happy. They get bored quickly.



Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 6 2 6 2 16
Physical QuirksIns + Lore3... despite having an organ to generate fire, this pokémon's skin actually generates a tiny amount of ice under its down constantly, causing the cooling effect of its fluff!



Grizzled Veteran
Adette had decided she wanted to study Azula again. There was still so much about her partner that she didn't even know yet. Even after taking Azula with her into the wilds, exploring around, and battling wild pokemon, she really didn't know much about the little blue puffball other than Azula really loved her berries. Having to constantly find or ask for more berries as treats was exhausting. The bedroom was so much cooler than going outside even though she had wanted to she just couldn't bring herself to do so today. So today she would get Azula and plop her right on the bed. Except she could not see the tiny Torchic from where she was sitting at the desk. It was quiet in the room and Adette moved from the chair to her bed. The door to the room was wide open and she had a single berry sitting on the desk, yet no Azula. Strange.

Instead here came Walhberct with one of her boots. He sure did enjoy taking her boots and just placing them wherever he wanted. They weren't ever messed with just moved to different locations. As if the Jolteon-Mimikyu wanted to change up the look of the place. At least it was her boots and not pulling down her posters, the plants, any of her figurines, journals, or going through her clothes. Even better than Walhberct never went through and messed with anything in the bathroom. It was definitely cute. "Mimi?" Questioned the little yellow pokemon who scrambled onto the bed. The Jolteon head tipping a little as came closer. She mindlessly grabbed the berry and handed it over to him, to which he took the berry and immediately went under the bed. "Well, you're welcome I guess." Azula chuckled as she rolled to go look at her little gremlin under the bed. It was tough to see because the bed skirt kept it nice and dark under there for him.

She completely forgot she was supposed to be looking for Azula so she could study the Torchic as she went back to the desk and pulled out one of her books. Doing a few doodles of foods she would like to cook. The clock on the wall with its second hand ticking was causing her to feel tired but there was still so much to do today. Azula and her would have to do some training and maybe Walhberct would come with them and watch this time. Probably not though, that was just how he was.

"Azula?" The green haired adult got up from the chair remembering now that she was supposed to be studying the Torchic in question who apparently did not want to go through with this particular study today. Which really was fine because Adette really didn't feel up to doing it either it seemed. "Azula?" She called again, this time moving from the bedroom area to her sitting area. Her little rascal then poked her noggin out from behind the couch, "Tor!" It exclaimed causing her to chuckle, "Yup there you are." No studying today, just doodle and sleep. Picking up the Torchic she headed back to the bed, flopped down, and curled up with Azula.