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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[ Setting ]


Stew Aficionado

(map art by NatiStorm)

1. Clan Entrance - TreeClan's camp rests within a closely knit ring of oak trees. While there is a pathway from the surrounding forest that leads up to their camp, the entrance to TreeClan is not easily accessible by the untrained paw. With tangled roots and rocky, uneven ground between the cats of TreeClan find it significantly easier to climb up a trunk and tree-walk across the branches into their camp, than taking the ground route. A safety deterrent from predators and enemy Clans alike, it's easy to feel safe in TreeClan.

2. Medicine Cat Den - The den to the left of the entrance to the Clan is that belonging to TreeClan's medicine cat. There are two entrances to the medicine cat den, the ground entrance where you can slip in through the roots, or an hollowed hole, likely a former owl's home. The medicine cat operates on the bottom, storing their herbs among the roots and they have enough space in their den for themselves and two sick cats. The hollow above is room for one other cat and is primarily used for warriors who got injured in the branches, but were not able to climb to the ground on account of their injuries.

3. The Leader's Den - To the right of the clan entrance you'll find the leader's den. The largest tree of the circle, the leader's den plays a big role in day-to-day Clan life. Announcements and ceremonies are made from its top branches, patrols are organized from the middle branches. You can often find TreeClan's current leader, Sunflight, among the lower branches to socialize with younger members of TreeClan. More often than not, you'll hear this tree being referred to as The Old Oak, for it's the largest and (assumedly) oldest tree of the ring. The leader's nest itself is located in a hollow cavity in the center of the tree, where two cats can fit comfortably together.

4. Elders' Den - As cats get holder, climbing up and down trees can get harder. The Elders Den was made to accommodate this need. The ground below the tree has been hollowed out and provides a cozy home to the elders. With careful construction of roots and mud, the elders have no fear of any cave-ins. There is an easy slope in and out of the elders den so that visitors have easy access to the wisdom of the elders.

5. Apprentices' Den - Among the smaller of the trees in the ring, it doesn't seem like the oak that covers the Apprentices' Den is going to grow much anymore. This may because of the mushroom shelves, nearly as sturdy as wood itself, creeping up along the tree. The Apprentices' Den is found in a similar hollow under the oak tree, but these mushroom shelves come in handy! These shelves provide a helpful boost for apprentices looking to scamper up a tree more quickly, whether in times of trouble, or being called to the branches by their mentor.

6. Warriors' Den - Second in size only to The Old Oak, it stands to reason that such a large tree holds the den of TreeClan's warriors. Similar to the Elders' Den, TreeClan only needed to hollow out half of this tree's underbelly to make enough room for its warriors to comfortably nest on the ground below. To warriors who are more comfortable sleeping in a tree than below them, however, there are crooks in the large branches close to the trunk that have been modified into part-time nests. A warrior may get subjected to the elements in a nest in the tree rather than below it, but the freedom of having bark under one's claws and the wind through one's pelt may be worth it.

7. Nursery - The home of TreeClan's nursing queens and kittens, the nursery is the only den found on the ground level of the camp. Made of a hollowed log, it's guessed that the tree where the queens make their home was once apart of the ring, before falling over and decaying enough to make a space large enough for many cats to call it a den. There are two gaps in the tree with one at the entrance where the roots were exposed many seasons ago. The other is at the roof of the den, which many a sneaky kit will try to escape from - though few will succeed. Both openings are covered in a thick mossy curtain, keeping the warmth in the nursery and the lighting dim for sensitive eyes.

The main camp goes by another name for TreeClan members. Referred to as "The Nest" by its residents, there are two other places of note within the territory that lie beyond the main camp and its cluster of dens. The Stream is a popular location for hunting patrols and while The Twisting Trail is meant to confuse enemy cats on the ground. Meanwhile, any TreeClan warrior worth their name can navigate the branches above with ease. With so many nook and crannies on the trail, it can be fun for some and tedious for others to trek down on the ground to hunt for herbs.
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Stew Aficionado
TreeClan Patrols
  1. Battle Encounter (Rat Pack)
  2. Battle Encounter (Hawk)
  3. Hunting Encounter (roll 1d20 - on a 10 or higher you successfully catch your prey!)
  4. Hunting Encounter (roll 1d20 - on a 10 or higher you successfully catch your prey!)
  5. Battle Encounter (Rogue - NPC )
  6. Battle Encounter (Raccoon)
Apprentice Training
  1. Battle Training (mock battle between mentor and apprentice)
  2. Hunting Practice (roll 1d20 - on a 17 or higher, you're able to sneak up on your mentor!)
  3. Hunting Practice ( roll 1d20 - on a 10 or higher, you successfully catch the leaf you've been trying to sneak up on!)
  4. Territory Investigation (roll 1d20 - on a 1 or 20, your cats find an herb they can bring back to the medicine cat! A 20 is a rare find, a 1 is a poisonous herb! But that's still useful... right?)
  5. Battle Training (mock battle between mentor and apprentice)
  6. Accident! (Something went wrong during your training, did an injury occur or did you get rained out? Describe what happened and how you and your mentor/apprentice got through it together.)
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